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KLAS5-Nov Bootcamp


Today, Wednesday 11 November 2009 is the Fifth session of this month's Bootcamp. Sleeping by 9pm and waking up at 4:30am is now a routine... a forced discipline of the OBC but last night, I had a long winded meeting and was only able to sleep at 11pm. Without sufficient sleep and rest, the session today will be a sheer torture.

It was pouring the whole of last night and needless to say, the field is expected to be an ocean full of mud.

oh... the heavenly mud......

In anticipation of the mud swim, my morning dilemma began with choosing a shoe to sacrifice!!! so I gathered all the shoe.........

After much deliberation, I decided to sacrifice one of the New Balance shoe for today's mud....

We arrived at Padang Merbuk at 5:35am... and after a 'quickie' behind the bushes, I gathered together with other recruits... Somehow, I always arrived with a full bladder but fortunately, never with a full bowel!

We began our warming up session with a slow jog, jogging with knee high, jog with heels high, side running without crossing the feet, forward lunges, backward lunges, both hands swing, both hand up and side by side (ala seal jump except without the jumping), alternating one hand up and one hand down etc etc....

After the warm-up, recruits were gathered at the field and were given 10 Grunts for late comers. Sergeant Sim must be in a 'bad' mood this morning having given us only 10 Grunts from the normal complimentary 20-30 grunts. Sergeant Sim has always been kinder to PJ recruits and once gave them a complimentary 50 grunts.. unfair..!!...???

The group was then divided into two.. the Delta & Seals combined and taken by Sergeant Sim, and the Rangers in another group led by Corporal Faisal... yes, Corporal Faisal is back after the Monday AWOL but today, Lans Corporal Daniel Chong is now AWOL...

Somehow we need to discipline these officers!! Thusfar, only the Taliban bearded Sergeant Sim that has never gone AWOL! Maybe Corporal Faisal and Lans Corporal Daniel Chong needs to grow a beard and follow the leader Sergeant Sim ala Taliban...

(From Right: Corporal 'Mc Bootie' Faisal & LC 'Mc Sweetie' Daniel Chong ala Sergeant Sim?)

The Delta & Seal session began with a 20 Star Jump repetitions, 20 repetition of truster (or thruster?), 20 repetition of Seal Jump, 20 repetition of Cross Country Jump and 20 repetition of Grunts... and the cycle was repeated non-stop for 12 minutes before we gave the Sergeant a 90 seconds break and repeated the cycle again non-stop for another 10 whopping minutes... and of course after that 10 minutes, we had to waste another 90 seconds on a luxurious break for Sergeant Sim.

We were promised a complimentary 1 additional minute for every unauthorised break but we were not that greedy.

The first session was already a killer. My heart beat was screaming louder than Shobha's loud counting and movements...... my heart rate was going berserk like this.....

But I have no complain since the heart is still beating although berserk.

The second part of the session was more gruelling.  It began with butt and leg exercises... We had to squat so low until the ass almost touches the muddy grass for 20 times and on the 20th rep, we had to squat down and hold it for 20 seconds.

After the ass and leg exercise, we performed a 20 repetition of jack knife... my favourite!! To burn the abs further, we were ask to raise the leg 90 degree and tilting the ass upward with the toe pointing up... also for a repetition of 20!!

With all the 20 repetitions and 20 seconds etc........ Today;s Bootcamp theme must have been: Be young @ TWENTY/ 20... like Dr Malek! those that cant do 20.. should also realize that they are not so young anymore..err except for me!

Soon its all about the breast and the chest !!! For those gorilla chest dreamer or those wanting to reduce to size A?.... "The Push-up" aka pumping... also for a few sets of 20 repetitions.. and to burn the chest further, we were introduced to a new set of exercise called the ballistic push-up!! Performed similar to doing a push up but instead of the toe, its done on the knee. The body was slowly lowered by gravity and bounced back up at the bottom.... but for some funny reason, my ballistic push up did not bounced up.. it stayed down!!! this was also performed for a few sets of non-stop of 20 repetitions.

The session finally ended with a warming down.. I burn a dissappointing 705 calories today and the maximum heart rate was only 160 or 86%. Lesson to learn... SLEEP WELL the night before any Bootcamp session... otherwise you wont just suffer during the training but throughout the day you will........................

hence, the late posting of the blog............


Other Bootcamp articles, see: Bootcamp 7, Bootcamp 6, Bootcamp 5, Bootcamp 4, Bootcamp3, Bootcamp2, Bootcamp 1.
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  1. wah lau why do you have so many pairs of shoes???

  2. Suanie..
    at the bootcamp.. you are encourage to have extra shoes... :-p especially at KL Alpha...


Stay Tuned~


both, mystorymag
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