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We hear ya on the online feedback. You asked for Supplements, we give you supplements! Now we have supplements in store just for you! But of course, we only choose the best!! but before we even start chatting on those supplements, I have also received various inquiries on detox and natural supplements too. I am not a nutritionist to elaborate in details on our body's nutritional requirement.. that is Mr Wong from iLife's department. My department..? Yes.. eating department and that includes testing various detox re-mix ala guinea pig. I can only speak on my own personal experience as well as the experience of my group of guinea pigs friends.

I am a sucker for detox and dieting. In November 2008, I went strict on Dr JD Adamo's blood type diet for over a year which I blogged about it at HERE. After the blood type diet, I went on an organic detox diet. Yes, no polygamy on dieting. One dietary regime then another. I was on fresh Bitter-gourd and lemon juice every morning and birds nest in the evening for a year. In September 2010, I participated in the inaugural COBC 8 Week Challenge and overshot my weight lost target and became all skins and bones. Looking abit haggard and old instead of meaty and healthy I went on a weight gain diet and overshot to become abit fluffy. 6 months ago, I went on Vegetable Juice mocktail! Every morning after COBC, I'll go bottom's up on 25 ounce of vegetable what does the morning juice includes? It comprised of 6 inch fat cucumber, 4 inch Ginger, 1 small Bitter Gourd, 6 long sticks of Celery, three Green Apples, half size big Beet Root, three Carrots and one grape fruit all blended into 25 ounce of juice mocktail and took it on an empty stomach every morning!!

After doing a bit of research, this re-mix of mocktail would give me a good natural supplements for liver, stomach, blood, kidney, brain, skin, hair and eye.. and sufficient enough antioxidants to look younger than Rose Emini Pahamin five years from today!

How does it taste? With ginger, bitter gourd mixed with all other vegetables, it is not that tasty but then.. but then its all about health. What does the mixture of the not-so-tasty mocktail do? You can google for the benefit of those ingrediets, there are millions of write-up on it or just click -> Benefits of Ginger, Benefits of celery, Benefits of Grape Fruit, Benefit of Beet Root, Benefit of Cucumber, Benefit of Green Apple, Benefit of Carrots. It is the best blend for youthful antioxidant, healthy skin, beautiful hair and healthy internals.

Do you have any detox recipes or program to share?

P/s stay tuned for our reviews of Health supplements.


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  1. Hi Armin.. I know how it feels to drink the "detox mocktail" as what you have described above.. And I agree with you that it does not taste good at all.. But then again for healthy purpose, we have to try our best to consume it daily..

    However, I have came across a healthy/fitness drink supplement called FitLine which has all the vital nutrients and vitamins that we need daily.. All ingredients in these supplements were extracted from various fruits and vegetables.. It tastes good and easy to consume as it is powder based.. And since COBC is all about getting healthy and fit, I have a fitness drink from FitLine that will benefit the recruits..

    Let me know if you are interested to know more about the product. I can give you a sample for you to try. And oh yeah, I hope you dont mind me sharing this great supplement drink in your blog..

    Take care and have a nice day..


Stay Tuned~


both, mystorymag
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