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I was introduced to a Chinese traditional doctor by Dr M. Lamarie and Ng Ghim Hwa to detox my liver and kidney that was heavy on various drugs for CML treatment since I was in my teens to more than 10 years of various medication for diabetic, cholesterol and Gout. All these drugs will eventually damage the kidney and liver in the long run if there were no 'servicing' done. The Chinese medicine practitioner was located near the Fatty Crab Restaurant in Taman Megah and imported direct from China. The doctor who is also a graduate from western medicine at a University in Shanghai, Dr Lu Zhi Gang first came to Malaysia more than 15 years ago and is attached to Mythmedix Sdn Bhd. He does not speak Malaysia Language but understand a little bit of English. Dr Lu Zhi Gang was also one of the speaker at the World Chinese Medicine Conference recently held.

According to the Dr Lu Zhi Gang, Chinese Medicine in contrast to western medicine does not believe in 'chemicals' as a measure to overcome sickness. Infact, Chinese medicine does not believe in measure to trouble shoot any pain or sickness but it believe in restoring the body's functionality to address any sickness through balancing the body Yin and Yang. It control and cure any form of sickness from diabetic, gout to cholesterol through controlling the body metabolism.

I arrived at the clinic early at 10am for a consultancy and after being convinced of its benefit.. I agree to a 10 course that comprised of acupuncture and chinese herbs intravenous drip. So I was lay in bed and had needles poke through my lean abs and a bag of herbs were transfused through my tiny vein.

Camwhoring with Dr Lu Zhi Gang (picture on left) and the nurse from the clinic (pic on right).

The whole procedures plus the the consultancy took about 2 hours but the drip and acupuncture would only take approximately 45 minutes. While doing the treatment, I spoke to francis Ng, the Chief Executive Officer for Malaysian Ventures Management Incorporated Sdn bhd whom was there with his son to lose weight via accupuncture!! Apparently, acupuncture is also used for weight lose and can it can lose 10kg within a few weeks without any conscience change in lifestyle.

For more information, visit the Chinese doctor or call him at.....

Being on a 10 course of acupuncture and drip treatment, I will blog any change in feeling, physique or appearances and if it work.. you should try it too! Until then Stay Tuned!!



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