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1,000,000 page viewer.

I am a millionaire!!! Err.. I mean, my blog, "Stay Tuned" hit the 1 million viewers mark!!

It has been 8 years since I started blogging in 2008 and have written 1,456 blogs. It was a long ride to get a million hit and today I crossed over the 1 million viewers mark. It is a meaningful and an inspiring journey for me who was never a writer or author, never studied journalism and not in any way related to the media. I just love to share my passion in particular Bootcamp, Proton, politics and of course family and lifestyle. I even inspire my 11 years old son Aaraf to start blogging and he did but not as consistent. Expressing in writing our inner thought, emotion and belief is never an easy task but I find solace in writing. 

I attribute the blog's success to the many supporters which I thought was only amongst my circle of friends but I learn that I have readers globally. Thank you for reading and thank you for all the endless support.

Stay Tuned!!

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Stay Tuned~


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