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Salam Aidil Fitri.... Day 1

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Eidul Fitri Eid Mubarak

(Standing from left, Azhar Sulaiman, Rose Emini. Melor Edina, Raiqa, Rhiza Ghazi, Armin Baniaz, Nawal Aini,Amnan Bazli, Chempaka Emalin, Kasih Leia Exora. Sitting Pahamin Rajab & Zainab Mohamad. On the floor: Raisa, Leona, Aaraf, Raiqa, Rafel (Not in picture: Dr Teratai Edithy, Shazrul Azwa & Shazrai)

It is customary for family members to gather during Hari Raya and all my family members gathered after the morning prayer at my dad's house.. everybody except for Dr Ta, Wawa & shazrai were present. Ta, Wawa & shazrai were all in London celebrating only with kebab whilst we all had the best Nasi Dagang, chicken rendang, beef daging, kerang rendang, prawn curry, lamb rendang... etc etc etc.......

Gathering although customary but the spot light for the day was the food.

Of course, Hari Raya is also the time to seek forgiveness for past, present but not for future sins (if only that too is possible)... especially to dad & mum.. maaf zahir & batin.. used to lie alot during younger younger days.

The one & only darling Mom & Dad....

A big hug to the best Dad.. during high school, I regularly forged your signature to sign the report card when the result was not encouring.. Maaf Zahir & batin.

My Darling mother... when I was 15 years old, I broke your favorite vase at the old house and blame it on the maid , my thousand apology.. Maaf Zahir & batin.

....but of course, Hari Raya is also about posing..... Vanity is not just with girls......

but girls.. yaaa.. surely vain especially on the hari lebaran.. some really become lebar.

We had also visited our great grandmother... she should be... 105 years old now?

There are now 5 living generations... (see picture below) My Great Grandmother, her eldest daughter (my grandmother! she passed away but her brother, my grand uncle is still alive), her eldest grand daughter (my Mom), her eldest great grand daughter (my sister- Chempaka) and her eldest 'great great' grand daughter, kasih (Chempaka's daughter)...

I pray she will be around for the next hari raya... but thats what Raya is all about.. gatherings, gatherings and gatherings... visitations after visitations... food and food... and posing and pose and pose................ speaking of which, I had to post 1 last picture.. the photographer that was responsible for all this pictures, my sister EMI... otherwise, my picture may be extinct in all future functions.

There.. the credit goes to EMI for all the pictures posted (the young one in the middle).. She is my only sister that is not married.... anybody interested, can email to me the CV... but she doesnt cook!

Last but not least... there is only a few thousand pictures taken on the 1st day Raya, will post other pictures soon... now, need to bring Aaraf to collect more ang paws.

Stay Tune.......



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