Today's date 090909 or 9th September 2009 marked another historic moment for BIG Productions Sdn Bhd and Haliza Misbun, its Managing Director. I was invited by Haliza Misbun for a sneak preview and pre-launched of a malay romantic comedy "Andartu Terlampau... 21 Hari Mencari Suami"... or directly translated.. "Spinster too much.. 21 days hunting for a Husband".
The pre-launched began at 6pm with a sneak preview of the movie and was hosted at the Bora Asmara restaurant, Sungai Penchala... 2 minutes drive away from my house.
Haliza was her usual hyper self, running through every corner of the restaurant attending to all guests and was overly concern with making sure the VVIPS were comfortable. Amongst the VVIPs were my Parent, Dato Jalaluddin Hassan, Erra Fazira but the main VVIP is the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (Finas) Director General Mohd Mahyuidin Mustakim whom arrived 1 hour late.
The event although was delayed, began with a sneak preview.. which I pirated aka 'cetak rompak' as follows:
I like that part when Azhar was beaten up and bled in the toilet by a girl..? and he can still smile... of course its all an act but that part was hilarious.
The video was recorded with my BB Bold 9000 and was interrupted when the handphone keypad was automatically locked half way through recording.. as a result, it was split into 2 part and Part 2 is as follows:
Not bad for a movie clip recorded with a handphone.. maybe I should consider 'Piracy' or 'Cetak Rompak' as a business hah!
After the sneak preview, Haliza Misbun gave her speech welcoming the guest of honor, the media and other guests. She actually prepared a 3-page speech but the prepared text was lost in her hyper-ness rushing akin of 'lipas kudung?' that she spoke spontaneously without any written text... which was well said but what caught my attention was the part when she mention its been 18 years since her last acting performance with my brother in law Azhar Sulaiman in the movie 'Abang 92' which won many award. Haliza said, that was the first and the last movie she acted with Azhar until the birth of this movie "Andartu Terlampau..." which Azhar is one of the actor.
Haliza, after 18 years, surely anybody will be an Andartu..... heee joke lar. but if Andartu after 18 years... how to find a husband in 21 days? :-p find out soon when the movie is shown at the cinema!
I was surprise and shocked that the production of the movie only took 18 days!!! yes... only 18 days!!! that should leave other producers to shame... 18 days is very efficient by average standard. maybe it should be recorded in the Malaysia book of record.. or is there any other movie that was produced in less than 18 days?
The movie was acted by many prominent and popular actors & actresses namely... of course Haliza Misbun herself, Dato Rahim Razali, Erra Fazira, Ari Wibowo, AWIE, Azhar Sulaiman, Fahrin Ahmad, Fizo Omar, Azizi Chink Adnan, Cedric Lemaitre, Dato Jalaludin Hassan, Maimon Talib, Abby Abadi, Abon, Nilly Wahida Omar, Nik Sayyidah Mek and Fara Fauzana.
Haliza Misbun is a successful entrepreneur, an actress, a film producer and a good marketeer. Congratulation and well done to Haliza Misbun. I am always proud to see successful friends but Bora Asmara... food taste and service are relatively poor and there are rooms for lots of improvement.
The movie is Coming Soon to the cinema.. Stay Tune.
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