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Verify your Proton Showroom & sales personnel to avoid being cheated


During my 12 years tenure as a Proton dealer and the Acting President of the Proton Edar Dealers Association Malaysia (PEDA), I have had endless complains from the public, dealers, Banks as well as Ministry officials.

Complains can be summed up in 3 categories, namely (1) Public being cheated of their booking fees, downpayment and traded-in cars (which is not Proton Dealer's activity) (2) Proton Edar's customers higher credit risk scoring due to 'Fraud cases' and alarming Non-Performing Loans (NPL) and (3) Dealer's being blacklisted by Banks due to their customer's fraud cases & NPL.

Item (2) and (3) above contributed to the higher credit risk scoring assigned to Proton customers, an inherited legacy that is hard to reverse and is damaging to the overall Proton sales.

To mitigate the three (3) items above, PEDA had proposed to the Association of Banks in Malaysia for Banks to only accept hire-purchase loan application (for all new unregistered Proton vehicles) ONLY from AUTHORISED PROTON NETWORK which comprised of 282 authorised Proton showroom nationwide with a total authorised sales personnel of 2,946 sales representatives.

Currently, non-authorised showroom or non-authorised personnel such as used car dealers or brokers (freelance salesmen that is not employed by Proton Edar or its authorised dealers) are able to submit loan application for new Proton vehicle that may further contribute to fraud & high NPL. Authorised Proton showrooms and those in the authorised network had to comply to stringent regulated corporate image and high investment requirement and will not engage in any unscrupulous attempt to destroy their investment in contrast to non-authorised network that may just want to make quick & immediate sales (and may compromise on customers legitimacy via falsification of documents etc, eg. fraud).

Segregating this non-authorised showrooms and personnel may not completely eradicate fraud and NPL or reduce the credit risk scoring but it will mitigate the problem and eventually self-regulate the network by reviewing the employment and sharing across the industry making-known all the sales representative with repeated fraud or NPL cases.

To identify Proton Edar authorised showrooms & sales personnel, please click: Proton Network or for further information. The website is still a work in progress and will constantly be updated.

The display and updates of all authorised sales personnel online is also a recognition for them who are committed and believed in Proton.

I urge the public to always check the authorised dealer or the sales representative that they are liaising with on the PROTON NETWORK WEBSITE above to avoid being cheated. All sales representative employed by Proton Network is listed on the website under their respective showroom/dealer.

Proton sales representative that will be placed under 'review' for repeated fraud cases or high NPL and may be entirely blacklisted by the automotive industry.

I would also like to urge other car distributor to verify their sales representative to avoid any sales representative from being 'multi-employed'. There are many Proton Sales representative that is simultaneously being employed by Kia, Perodua etc.

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  1. Dear Author !
    It is a shame!

  2. Dear Anon,
    What is a shame? Please clarify and reiterate...

    thanks you

  3. I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
    And you et an account on Twitter?

  4. I got cheated by a verified proton dealer. So how?


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