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Bootcamp KLAS3 - kl Alpha Session 3 November


I peep through the window at 10:20pm... checked!! No rain!!! ...and went to bed. Woke up at 4:30am and quickly peek through the window again..... checked!!! No rain!!! Goodness... how are we going to have our training today without the mud...? I thought quietly to myself. We should ask for a discount!!!!

A mud spa treatment would at least cost RM350 per session and we got it complimentary with every session but today....? Without the mud, OBC should give us a refund.. RM350-RM299 and pay us RM51 to attend December session?

After a good bowel session, we left for Padang Merbuk and arrived at 5:30am but with a full bladder (oh god).... and had to do it behind the trees (as per the doctor's advice... Dr Malek!)...

Okay too much information....

At 5:40am, Sergeant Simran Latif announced the participants grouping based on the assessment done on the first session. The group was divided into Delta, Seal and Ranger...

 (Maybe thats how sergeant sim would look like without the hairy face!!)

Don't need to wonder the differences of each group. It is really quite simple.

Those selected for Delta are those participants that the trainers dislike the most...!!! They will be torture to the maximum limit and/or probably until they vomit.  The Seal are those that the trainers cannot decide to hate or to like, so they need more time to decide hence why they are parked in the Seal group. Finally, are those participants classified as the Ranger. They should be proud of themselves being the most favoured by the trainers. They will be pampered and guided throughout the sessions....  and I.. .being me, of course being favoured, was selected as a RANGER... Wink Wink!

BUT participants may be upgraded or downgraded depending on the instructor's mood, hinted the Sergeant.

Today, beside Sergeant Sim, Corporal Faizal Ariff Abdullah and Lans Corporal Daniel Chong, we had 2 additional FEMALE instructors (PJ Alpha & Bravo.. dont be jealous)...

They are known as Corporal TY and Corporal Tee... aka Miss TAYAR and Miss TALI (rope).

Unlike the Sargeant and the two corporals whom are always restless and is either screaming or running left and right, the two lady instructors were so damn lazy... they both just lie down in the middle of the street. 

..........and the session began on the tarmac road!! We were introduced to TY & Tee and I quickly recognise TY... she was the one that raped us on my first day at the Bootcamp, the second half of last month (see: Ms TY). So saddist, we had bruises & scratches all over the shoulders and arm.

Today, we did not spare TY of any mercy... we tied her tight to the long, petite, slim and flat Tee, and DRAGGED & PULLED HER MERCILESSLY!!!! .....and repeatedly!!!!

(we dragged her like this but on the tarmac. Tee & TY picture were censored)

GO....!!! GO.....!!!! GO.....!!!!! I screamed so loud as I led the rangers to drag Tee on the tarmac. My heart rate peaked at 173 beats per minute!! We took turn with the Seals and Deltas... The Seals and Delta too want a piece of her!! Of course.... we did not mind sharing. We jumped up and down waving (akin of doing star jump) and cheering the other team dragging TY & Tee....

We took turn dragging her for half an hour...until Sergeant Sim felt jealous and stopped us!!!

We were then led to the field that we thought was dry.... only to realized that it wasn't!! I did not recall any rain last night... it must have been man-made, by the hairy sergeant and his corporals!!!! case we demanded a refund without the orginal mud-spa treatment. Somebody must have leaked our intention to get paid RM51 to attend the next Bootcamp session!!

We went to the field, and saw TY already lying helplessly in the mud.... Everybody was allowed to flipped her only thrice at any one time, explained Corporal Faisal... BUT no orgy!!! one at a time..

..........and so we took turn flipping her 3 times like this without any help.........

Whilst the person is at it, the rest must run.... and continue to run and gave chase for their turn... Some were too impatient and fell....

After a few rounds of 3 flips, Corporal Faisal stopped us.. maybe he also want a few rounds with her. We were gathered together for the complimentary mud spa....

The session ended after the mud spa... I burn a total 814 calories today (reading from Polar). I guess we won't get any refund today. Sergeant Sim approached and asked me how was the session... I said it was short of a multiple orgasm (still wild in imagination). Sergeant Sim came closer.. and whispered, next session Armin, I want you in Delta!!!

Maybe it was my orgasmic scream.. or maybe it was my new bold hair style that he dislike, but now it is official that I am on Sergeant Sim's side of dislike.. he wants me tortured!!! Its too early for April fool....

Before we left home.....  we posed with Ms TY and  Ms Tee....

 Ms TY and Ms Tee after being tortured by us..

Ooh look at me still holding on tight to Ms TY... (notice how Shob cant stop doing squats)

The team posing with Ms TY........


Other Bootcamp artices, see: Bootcamp 5, Bootcamp 4, Bootcamp3, Bootcamp2, Bootcamp 1.

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both, mystorymag
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