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We received PROTON Holdings Berhad invitation card early for the celebration of Proton 25 years silver jubilee on 9 July 2010.

The celebration was held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on 9 July 2010 and 2500 guests were invited including former pioneer staff of Proton. Malaysia Prime Minister YAB Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak was the guest of Honor. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Ali as well as most dignitaries attended the historic event.

When the first Proton car was born in 1985, I was staying in Alor Star kedah and was stydying at the SRK Iskandar.

One of the teacher bought the first Proton and drove it to school. We were in our class when the car entered the school compound. We, including the teacher ran to peeped through the classroom window. Every student went hysterical and were so excited to see that first car. We were screaming and jumping. Although we were young but we felt the pride of being a Malaysias and the sentiment of having a Malaysian car. I wanted one but was only 11 years old then....

To be seated in the Hall with all past and present stakeholders from Proton was an overwhelming feeling. Proton was more than just a car. It was a feeling of patriotism.

Proton has had 7 Chairman since inception. The first was the late Tan Sri Jamil Mohd Jan (1983 to 1995). Second was the late Tan Sri Yahaya Ahmad (Nov 1995 to March 1997) then it was Tan Sri Mohd Salleh Sulong (March 1997 to Dec 2000). The fourth Chairman was Tan Sri Mohd Hassan Marican (Dec 2000 to March 2002). The fifth Chairman Datuk Abu Hassan Kendut (March 2002 to Feb 2005). The Sixth Chairman Dato Mohamed Azlan Hashim (Feb 2005 to 1 January 2009) and Sixth Chairman Dato Mohd Nadzmi Mohd Salleh (1 January 2009 to present)

There has been 6 Managing Director of Proton Holdings Berhad that steered Proton for the past 25 years.

The first Managing Director, also known as the Era of Laying Foundation (Developing the learning curve) was Dato Wan Nik Wan Ismail (1983 to 1988)

The second Managing Director is known as the Era of Development (capacity Building), Kenji Iwabuchi (1988 to 1991). The third driver was Mitsuo Hattori whom was known as the Era of technology Upgrading.

The Fourth Managing Director of Proton Holding Berhad was Dato Mohd Nadzmi Mohd Salleh whom was known as the Era of Marketing Improvement (July 1993 to 1996)

The fifth Managing Director was Tenku Tan Sri Mahaleel Tengku Ariff whose tenure was known as the Era of Self Developing Capabiities (Acquiring new technology) (April 1997 to September 2005)

Dato Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir tenure from 1 January 2006 till present is known as the the Era of Innovation, Quality Enhancement and Globalisation.

Proton Edar (Formerly known as USPD) is now16 years old and has had SEVEN Chief Executive Officer. The first Chief Executive Officer was Datuk Rashid Rahim. The second Chief Executive Officer was Haji Abbas Mehad. The third driver of Proton Edar was Acting CEO Stanley Tan. The fourth CEO was Datuk Maruan Said. The fifth Chief Executive Officer was Tifli Dato Mohd Talha. Then Datuk Maruan Said  was called back as the sixth CEO and the seventh CEO is Mohd Shukor Ibrahim.

Proton has given birth to 14 car model (with hundreds of variance) since the first model Proton Saga. The second model was the Saga Aeroback, third, Wira Sedan. The fourth model was the Wira Aeroback. Fifth model launched was the Iswara Sedan and later the sixth model Iswara Aeroback was launched. The seventh model the Satria (or "Warrior" in Bahasa Malaysia) was launched in November 1994. After the Satria, Proton Perdana was launched in 1995.

Proton Tiara was launched in 1996 and was the eighth model launched by Proton.

Ushering into the new millenium, Proton Waja the Ninth and the first truly Malaysian car was launched in May 2000. The launching of Proton Waja also marked the birth of Proton new Corporate logo- a stylish gold tiger head inspired by the two tigers that carry Malaysia's coat of arms.

The Tenth model, Proton Gen 2 was launched in February 2004. The Gen 2 was the first Proton model to use the new Proton/Lotus developed CamPro engine.  Proton Savvy, the 11th Proton model that was launched in June 2005.

Proton launched its 12th model in December 2005, Proton Chancellor V6 2.0 that made a very positive impression on delegates of the 11th ASEAN Summit.

Proton Persona, the 13th model came on board on August 2007. Proton Persona is a manifestation of the changes and transformation that will steer PROTON moving forward. Since its launch, a total of 110,448 units of the Persona have already been registered up to February 2010. Currently, the model holds 35% local market share for cars in its class.

Proton gave birth to its 14th model and the first multi purpose vehicle (MPV) in the Proton stable - the Exora - was unveiled to the public in April 2009. The 7 seater Exora marks PROTON's entry into the MPV Market, which is growing domestically and regionally. The exora is a result of an investment of RM450million and 18 months of intense in-house research and development.

Proton Edar Dealers Association Malaysia (PEDA), now 11 years old was first founded by Lt Col (R) Abdullah Dolmat, a dealers in Shah Alam. Tuan Haji Wan Sepwan became the second President was a dealer in Old Klang Road and I was elected as the third President of PEDA.

Sharing light moment Armin Baniaz Pahamin (3rd President PEDA) Fathul Rahman (PEDA EXCO) and Lee Lick Sai (PEDA Vice-President)

A commemorative coffee table book too was launched by the YAB Prime Minister, Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak.

The book records PROTON 25 years of journey.


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