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Its the last night in Sydney and here I am at the hotel blogging instead of out galavanting, site-seeing or clubbing... especially at the recommended Ivy or Establishment @ George street or Cargo bar at Darling Habour.. or the whole list of night spots to end the conference with.

This morning session was extra special... It was the Spec Ops (Special Operation) workout at 5:20am in the coldest weather. The Spec Ops workout is a circuit prepared in three classes. The first class are those circuits prepared by military special forces and professional fire fighter, second class are those prepared by ORIGINAL BOOTCAMP Master Trainers or and the third, are circuits prepared by those that had 'graduated' from the Spec Ops.

We had the First-Class Special Ops circuit led by an Australian Elite special force!! The 90 minutes Spec Ops was indescribable. Two days ago, I fell sick (still am) training barefooted (without any shoe) in an ice-cold-sand-by-the-beach.... At the Spec Ops this morning, I had my shoe on but the Spec Ops training began with a bear-crawl, both our hands ended frozen-numb!!!

Its funny how this two malaysian idiots (me & Dann) train without any shoe when the Mat salleh wore theirs and went bear-crawling on naked palm when even the Mat Salleh again... had their glove on. sheesh melayu!!

The Spec Ops workout was the closest preview into Hell Week... the toughest program under the ORIGINAL BOOTCAMP and so far no one from Malaysia had attempt it. Sarge Dann from ORIGINAL BOOTCAMP MALAYSIA @ Bandar Utama will be the first.

We had spot-sprinting, pushups, grunts as warm-up, the Bear-Crawl-100meter-Clock as the first circuit... then it was a partner-base-piggy-back-2xlaps-100 meter-circle on an ankle-deep-ice-cold-sand-on-a-sloping-upward-ground that was a killer circuit.

I had piggy-bag-sickness (similar to car sick) almost instantly.

Jason of OBC Warrnambool.. you need to go on diet (stick tongue out)...

After the piggy bag session... we had the Drag-the-partner session... How..? see picture below:

The piggy bad session was a killer but the dragging session was suicidal. I vomited everything I ate the last whole year (i think) and after almost an eternal vomiting... I re-joined the platoon that was divided into 3 sections. I went to the section that had to carry a boat!!

The circuits thereafter includes running in the freezing-cold water with rifles and leapord crawl all the way out from the water to the shore and performed grunts etc etc....

After completing the Spec Ops training, we continued with the Cage & TRX training.... Chief demonstrate the installation of the cage...

The cage was ready within less than 10 minutes.. It could have been installed faster with a few instructors. The Chief fixed the TRX...

There were various types of exercises that can be done with the Cage and TRX....

 Sarge Dann listening carefully to all the instructions... Somehow, I am sure we at the ORIGINAL BOOTCAMP @ BANDAR UTAMA will be doing the same with our recruits.... Err.. not that I am hinting but......

 Everybody had to take turn and perform the TRX workout.. whilst SPECIAL-INSTRUCTORS supervise and corrected our forms...

Sarge Dann.... 

 Even senior instructor Senior Sargre Rob Coad too was re-train for the TRX

 That me... behind the hercules...

The TRX can be used for upper back, shoulder and also for biceps.... 

 Sarger Dann....

 Katrina Murray...

 Jeremy Fleming...

 Sarge Dann...


After the Cage & TRX, the final chapter was the Grinders. Everybody gather as Chief share with us the various Grinders available.

The session ended with a group photos... but of course after a big huge thank you to CHIEF BRABON & GUNNY EMILY for not just an educational weekend but for the great effort to gather everybody together.

Though I dislike the cold weather and felt sick and exhausted... but I to felt sad that the conference had come to an end. Chief & Gunny.... thank you for being the best mentor.

 and we all pack to end the session (i mean everybody else except for Sarge Dann whom was busy posing)........

Before leaving back to Malaysia... I had a brief tour of sydney....

KEBAB... KEBAB..... AND KEBAB.... err.. daytime? puasa...? mahybe not.........

ODY..... Ody...... ODY!!! WHERE AREA YOU???? (Dann SMS'ing.... homesick? love sick???)

Thats the end..... of ORIGINAL BOOTCAMP ASIA PACIFIC CONFERENCE...  tomorrow is the first day of ORIGINAL BOOTCAMP HELL WEEK!!!

and I have a few homework to submit!!! Chief & Gynny... will email you soon..

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