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1. There are now another layer of quality inspection and testing over and above the Quality Control (QC) check done at the Plant before distribution.

2. Every PROTON Exora and Saga have to undergo a strict inspection and testing before the vehicles are allowed to be delivered to customers. 

3. From the Shah Alam Plant, Konsortium Logistic Berhad was contracted to collect all vehicles from the plant and delivered to Sijankang. The Konsortium must observe a 3-points manual physical inspection before mobilising the vehicles up the trailer for delivery to the Central-Hub, Sijankang, Selangor.

4. The 3-Point inspections are: (1) DENTED (2) SCRATCHES (3) LOOSE ITEMS. All vehicles must passed the 3-point manual physical inspection before being transported to SIJANGKANG Central Hub.

5. PEDA was represented by the following committee members for an official tour at the Central Hub:

ii) LEE LICK SAI (Vice President)
iii) ABU LAIS WALLI MOHAMED (Vice-President/Northern Region Rep)
iv) ADAM KHAN OMAR KHAN (Hon Treasurer/Central Region)
v) JEFF LIM SI HEONG (Secretary-General/ Northern Region)
vi) FATHUL RAHMAN (Asst Sec-General/Central Region)
vii) SIAW SIEW BEE (Southern Region)
viii) FADZIL A. BAKAR (Southern Region)
ix) MOHD ZAINURI ABDUL HALIM (East Coast region)

The travelling took approximately 45 minutes from within Klang Valley to the Central Hub. On our arrival, we were greeted by Encik Zainal who was in charge of the Hub-Operation whom then introduced us to Che Azizuddin Che Ismail.

When the vehicle arrived at Sijangkang, all vehicles are recorded to denote arrival at SIJANGKANG and are parked ready for PRE-DELIVERY INSPECTION (PDI).

(picture on left- All vehicles that arrived are received by the hut in the picture and recorded unto the system). Then they were queued for the PDI at the Inspection Bay.

The Standard Operation Procedure:


There are 6 checkpoints at the Inspection bay that are marked as Checkpoint Bay-A to Checkpoint Bay-F (every checkpoint are labelled as per the picture on the left).

Cars are then queue to enter the first Inspection Bay-A (see below)...

At Checkpoint Bay-A, the car bar code sticker was checked for the correct chassis, model,  colour and variance (see picture on right). At this juncture, any error in the bar code details such as different colour and variance in-record should have been detected if it differs from the physical-car.

An UNDER-HOOD check was then done which includes...

CHECKING THE RADIATOR PRESSURE as well as any leaking on radiator host/clip area...

The inspector at the Check point A, also check the followings:


Once ALL THE CHECKPOINT-A INSPECTION are completed, the vehicle is driven to CHECKPOINT-B.

CHECKPOINT-B:  There are four (4) inspector at Checkpoint-B. The check point B will inspect vehicles for:

ALL INTERNALS including the door trimming, seats and dashboard, seal belt, weather shield and rubber-gamete.

UNDERCARRIAGE CHECK: on Suspension, Lower Arm, Oil Transmission, Torque wrench.

CHECKPOINT-C:  Test and Check on ALL LIGHTS...

At Checkpoint C, there are two inspector to check the lights, wiper, audio, aircond switches.


Inspector at Checkpoint D checked for the Tyre pressure, size and the tyre valve.

The inspector will also check the Side Protection Moulding (SPM) and the Door Visor.


At Checkpoint E, the inspector will drive the car to a light-wall that will reflect any dents or scratches.

The inspector will inspect the overall paint including the grill, bumper, roof..

At CHECKPOINT E, the vehicle light-aim is also tested using the equipment below.


The final test at the inspection bay is the computer diagnostic test with PADT.

The PADT will check for the following:
1) Engine Control Unit check (ECU).

2) Transmission Control Unit (TCU)
3) Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) 
4) Safety Regulatory System (Airbag- SRS) 
5) Body Control Module (BCM)

The inspector will record any defect or pass the cars base on the computer diagnostic.

All faulty or defected items will be recorded for repair... See repair bay later. After the inspection bay, the vehicles was then sent for a ROAD-TEST.

Che Azizuddin Che Ismail explaining that all PROTON vehicles have to undergo a ROAD TEST to ensure the handling and the drivability of the vehicles are without fault. The car will be driven through rough surface and bumps as per the pictures attached. 


After the ROAD TEST, the vehicle is driven to the 

Zainal from the HUB explaining the importance of the After-Road Test inspection. Once the vehicles are driven through the rough surface driving, the team will then check the car for any leaking, suspension defect, lower arm problem and other factors that may impaired the car performance.


When defect are detected, the superisor will separate the cars with defect and parked them at a special bay for PROTON to rectify the defect. The Hub's main responsibility is to REJECT any defected cars to ensure the customers received vehicles with the least, if not without defect cars.

Rejected cars are repaired at the repair bay by PROTON and not the Hub-Operator.

Any scratches, dents and/or paint defect are rectified at the repair bay. All work conducted at the repair bay are done by PROTON HOLDINGS to ensure high quality repair work.

All vehicles that passed the PDI INSPECTION and testing are then parked at a special gated car park awaiting for dealers to initiate deliveries.

When the dealer's 'Initiate-Delivery' via the online system, the HUB will locate the cars, prepare them for trailer pick-up, wash, fueled with 5 litre petrol and parked in a special bay waiting for the TRAILER to collect and deliver the cars (to dealers).

The dealers and Proton buyer should received a nicely washed and without any physical defect cars.

After the educational tour, PEDA proceed with a round table meeting with Che Azizuddin Che Ismail & his team and officials from Proton Edar. The details of the meeting is made available for PEDA member's viewing at

The concept of the Central Hub will ensure all vehicles delivered to customer are standardize in quality. Evidently now, we hear lesser complain on Proton car quality and the average booking period for any Proton models are within 2-4 weeks.

In view of the Hari Raya festive season, the Hub-operation is working 24 hours to ensure smooth deliveries of cars to customer.

For latest promotion, visit your nearest PROTON EDAR SHOWROOM now or......... visit our facebook by clicking here.

Book now and celebrate your Hari Raya with a new car...... 
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  1. this hub is somehow make the car delivery slower. my car register on 12 aug. need to scream at them and personally went there to pick up the car.

  2. Mat Joe,

    Understood Joe... but it is also timely for proton to introduce a strict quality control.

    In time, the delivery process should improve. The dealers too are in agony with slower turnaround time in car deliveries.

    Thank you for your patience.


  3. mmg sial ler hub proton kat sijangkang tuh..nih pasal proton nak kasi job kat kroni ler..xder pasal lain!

  4. salam,bgs cara Proton nk tgktkn kualiti ni.mntk share bro,tq

  5. Tengokkan sistem ni secara kasar memang mantap tapi keberksenannya tak taulah... Aku punya exora dealer dah register JPJ semalam dan dia kata delevery dlm masa dua hari.. sebab keta kat HUB ni la. Aku nak tengok sebab esok aku akan periksa semula dan nak tengok jawapan dealer pada customernya... Aku harap akan dpt keta ni esok...kalu tak aku nak ambik sendiri kat hub ni..sebab roadtax dah bayar.. KL ke Sijangkang bukan jauh pun!!

  6. Anon,

    I think as long as the Hub @ Sijangkang can deliver what is suppose to be delivered, tak ada masalah atau persoalan berkenaan kroni.. :-)

    Anon 2,
    memang kualiti untuk semua kereta baru proton semenjak 3-4 tahun lepas telah banyak diperbaiki. Sistem hub ini pun merupakan salah satu sistem baru untuk lebih memperbaiki kualiti kereta proton.

    There are a few hick-up and set-back with the hub but it is being resolve for the benefit of all proton customer. PEDA is forever on their neck to ensure all vehicles are promptly delivered. :-)

  7. I collected my car and it had many problems not checked by Proton.

    After a few months, more problems surfaced.

    Your quality control must BEGIN at each production process and NOT AT THE END.

    Your quality control is only basic from the factory point of view.

    Your quality control system cannot ensure that the car delivered to the customer does not suffer from poor fuel economy, abnormal engine noise, wind noise at 80km/h due to faulty windstrip, central locking failure, spongy brake feel, steering pulls to one side, faulty fuel level float, etc as a result of poor workmanship at the factory.

  8. it's sound this is the final check after proton QA..hope this will benefit for customer..
    but just hate about saleperson..just pandai ckp, janji kete still lmbat sampai..byk tipu customer..

  9. This is a joke. All exora have common problem. How do they do the QC?. Even my exora come with a few defects.


Stay Tuned~


both, mystorymag
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