We took the opportunity of their visit to recognized and introduced the team@ Proton Edar Putrajaya.
The top achievers were also given a hamper as our gratitude for their performance... (of course the money & commission was well rewarded too).
The first top sales achiever was Mohamad Sharif Abdul.
Then it was HAZIZUL HARUN.
Albert Tiun Tze Khiong is also one of our best Sales Advisor
Then our pretty and hot Emcee invited Yg Berusaha En Sidik Abdul Hamid, Proton Edar General Manager (Marketing) to introduced the already most popular guy at Proton Edar to customers & sales team at Putrajaya.
When Sidik Abdul Hamid first came to Proton Edar, the Proton logo colour was changed to black.. now with the inspira launching, the uniform is also black... coincident?
Yg Berusaha En Sidik Abdul Hamid, presenting the certificate to Mohd Shariff Abdul.. again.
Mohd Shariff Abdul went knocking on Ministry's door to door to introduce himself from PROTON EDAR @ PUTRAJAYA to be known by the local residence.
Sidik Abdul Hamid then, awarded the certificate for best marketing effort to Albert Tiun Tze Khiong.
Albert Tiun Tze Khiong without fail, went, display and sell our cars at PASAR TANI!!!
The best marketing effort too was awarded to Khairil Azaham Aris whom would drive our car and 'Road-Show' style park the car in crowded places to distributed flyers and introduced himself to the local resident.
Khairil Azaham Aris is getting married very soon
Another one of PROTON EDAR @ PUTRAJAYA aggressive marketeer Mohd Fizan Saad too was introduced to Sidik Abdul Hamid and acknowledged.
Mahadi Abdul Aziz was our best marketeer whom never failed to consistently distributed flyers during Firday prayer at the mosque and surrounding neighbourhood area.
We then called upon FRANCIS ONG WEE MUN to award the certificate for longest serving employee and Sales Advisor.
Francis One Wee Mun awarding the certificate for longest serving staff to Saraswathy A/P Ponnian. Saraswathy has worked for me for already 9 year since 2001 when we were still in Kinrara, Puchong.
Although Saraswathy had to travelled and paid toll to commute to office, but she remained loyal to us.
We were also grateful to Francis Ong Wee Mun to honour our longest serving Sales Advisor WAN MAZELINA has worked for me for 7 years since 2003.
She was with me when we were in Kinrara Puchong and although the distance was further for her to commute, but her loyalty too stands with us.
Last but not least, MY HEARTFELT THANK YOU to all the PROTON INSPIRA CONVOY and especially Kamsani Ahmad, Zahari Husin, Sidik Abdul Hamid & Francis Ong Wee Mun
Clay Model Proton Persona R!