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On 26 February 2011, I blogged at HERE on Class of 1986, Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Kampung Tunku Facebook group page initiated by Brian Melling to gather all old school mate in conjunction with 25 years post-primary school! They should all be very old by now......

Since then, the organizing committee below has been very busy with the invitation and preparation for a Grand Re-Union on 28 May 2011. Regrettably, I was not able to attend!!! Usually, I would never missed these sort of re-union. Those were the day when nobody gave two hoots to who you are and who you are connected to yada yadaa...

 Left: Ellay Hasnul Nadzrin Shah, Muhd Ikmal Mohamed, Shake Faisal, Dom Abdullah, Brian Melling, Zairul Hisham Zubir, Ramanesh Keith Nair, Reena Raghavan, Ilyas Yahya

After 25 years, I have to admit it was not easy to remember, recognise and identify these friends. Some have grown alot taller.. and some quite wide. So let me see if I can remember some faces from pictures cetak-rompak from SRK Kampung Tunku close & secret group.. Oops... is it a secret?

To commemorate the event, souvenirs were prepared.

Venue were booked at BORA ASMARA, Sungai Penchala and decorated with our alumni's banner!

Door Gifts too were prepared for the guests

Animated Backdrop was also prepared!!

Even a CAKE was prepared!!!

NAMETAG too were prepared!! 
Surely its hard to recognise anyone after 25 years!!

(good forward planning!!)

and it is time for the old boys and gals to arrive!!!

Mei Wan Stephanie Chan & Reena Baghavan
Jason Lew Wei Hsiung & Ramanesh Kair
Shen Wei, Muhd Ikmal Mohamed, Mohamad Hanifah
Mrs Kumaran, Shake Faisal
right- Mei Wan Stephanie Chan
Mrs Amy Koh, Mrs Chin, Ellay, Ramanesh Nair
Datin Sri Hajjah Jessima, Brian Melling, Shake Faisal (back facing us), Shazrin Abdullah
Shake Faisal, Jason Lew Wei Hsiong, Wan Rizaluddin Abdullah
Ismaria Ismail & Azlina Izlyn

Nik Izafizal Nik ismail
Shen Wei & YC Chan
Brian Melling, Chris Koh
Nazri Karim

At first glance looking through these pictures, some people just do not grow old....  People like Nazri Karim, Shazrin Abdullah was exactly how I remembered them 25 years ago except at that time, I think Shazrin was gosh.. so so tall!! Abdullah somehow look totally different. Ilyas Ahmad on the other hand does look quite familiar except for the hair. In this 25 years, Ismaria Ismail has somewhat err.. really grow. Ellay still look the same except for the wrinkles......... Well... picture are deceiving, I am sure everyone actually look better.

When the majority of the guests had arrived, 
everybody proceeded to be seated

Mr Chong & Mrs Anne Wijasuriya

Mr Chong & Mrs Anne were two teachers that I had never forgotten. I think SRK Kampung Tunku will never be SRK Kampung Tunku without both this two person. I remember Mr Chong more as a 'developer' than a teacher through his commitment in beautifying the school which I am proud to be part of it... as a Mm.. 'bangla worker'. Mr Chong and some of us build everything form the Kolam Ikan and various 'structures' at SRK Kampung Tunku.

Somehow, I always had the impression of Mrs Anne as a gangster!! kikiiiii.... No offence but she was damn scary!!! but she was also very kind. Once I had a bad stomach ache and she was the only teacher that showed concern. Little did she know that the stomach ache was actually in fear of her class.. aiiks..

Throughout the day, there was also some sharing of moments (I think!! - I was not there!!) It started with Mr Chong?

Maybe an opening speech by the organising committee chairman BRYAN MELLING!!

I cant figure if Ellay actually was giving a speech or singing..???

But from the pictures, the audience were amused!!

Mr Chong received an award??? Err.. that looks like a rotan!!! Guyss.. sure its a good idea? He may reminisce back at those moment when he used it on us?

But of course.. a re-union wont be complete without sepatah kata from Datin Sri Hajjah Jessimah

The the old-boys & gals (notice not man or women but boys and gals) were given the microphone maybe to speak out some 25 years old hidden secret.. old infatuation? old crush???

Shen Wei & Nazri Karim

Reena Raghavan

Mei Wan Stephanie Chan

Left: Alia Shali, Rozana Abdul Wahab, Mei Wan Stephanie Chan, Chris Koh, Willian Yeoh
William Yeoh & Chris Koh

Azlina Izlyn & Shazrin Abdullah

Hasnul Nadzrin Shah & Victor Yeoh

Dom Abdullah & Ramanesh Nair

After everyone speak out whatever that was kept in their chest for 25 years.. the committee on behalf of Class 1986 presented some momento to the teachers...

Class 1986 teachers.... Still fit and healthy..

The rest of the day was all about food and 25 years of catching up to do.......

For what its worth... I am glad to be able to reconnect back with 25 years old friends

Rumours has it there will be another re-union on 30 July 2011...

For anyone that had missed this Grand Re-Union, be there on 30th July 2011!!! 

Until then...... STAY TUNE!!!!

For other blog on SRK Kampung Tunku click HERE.

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