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Reading CHIEF'S ORIGINAL BOOTCAMP (COBC), USJ-Bravo recruit's Gladys-Tan blog at HERE, reminded me alot of me... Sharing experience of our passion is a generosity not many people have but the blogger's fraternity at the CHIEF'S ORIGINAL BOOTCAMP are growing!! We have more than a dozen bloggers now but I will have to research them back in old blog roll to find the list. But do follow blogs from "Gladys-Tan: Life is beautiful- Smile while you still have teeth :D".. I ensure you will be entertained.

Subang Jaya USJ is quickly becoming as havoc as Bandar Utama & Damansara Height platoon with its own blogger, Otais and individual unique character that make them so fun and motivating to workout with. USJ Alpha & Bravo... you gals/guys became the talk among trainers.. you so hip! We Rolled-On-The-Floor-Laughing-Out-Loud (ROTFLOL) listening how the USJ-bravo Delta's ran and pick up cones when they were supposed to run-and-turn back at the cone instead.  There were other incidents that was hilarious but I better not start now.

We are approaching the end of June session and it is always hard to bid farewell to recruits whom opted to stop after this session. COBC is a platform to meet new friends, acquaintances and in sharing our passion for health & fitness as well as a platform for networking.

Having been overly busy this month with little time for blogging, let me summarize the whole month session in one blog. This month in particular has been extremely busy with that time for blogging being used for writing an autobiography of the CHIEF'S ORIGINAL BOOTCAMP, MALAYSIA... how it start, what it is about, why the program is such a success, why did we take up the franchise, the training journal etc etc... now 50% is completed and although I have still have a long writing to do but I am determine to launch it in July 2011 in conjunction with the CHIEF'S ORIGINAL BOOTCAMP 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY.

This month has been a trying month to re-built the stamina from lost of training momentum due to endless trips overseas. The first two weeks of this month was a heart throbbing session and personally I almost drown in pouring sweat. The less stressful session was during the Bring-A-Friend day on Friday for Bandar Utama & Damansara Heights platoons and Saturday for USJ platoons.

What did we do for BAF Day? Yes.. Let those pictures speak for itself. Although I was blogging on Bandar Utama Alpha where I trained, the pictures were taken from Damansara Heights Zulu.

We had 13 toys and Bruder Tayar! What better way to welcome those friends than to introduced them to bruder tayar, batang rifle and Sandbabes. After all, life is all about bruderhood, batang and babes.

Recruits arrived early eagerly waiting for the session to start. This is the hidden energy that we all discovered at the bootcamp. They always do except for some whom really desperate to have a sexy legs.. (we know what late-comers equate to don't we!?)

(Click on picture to enlarge)

But before they were allowed to play, everybody has got to be hot with the warming up session.

After the warming up session, the platoon was lined up in a rank and was asked to count alpha, bravo, charlie, alpha again and yada yada......

 The platoon were divided into three sections with all Alpha as team 1, Bravo as team 2 and Charlie being team number 3. A team captain was selected and I was selected as the captain for Charlie!!

 I was in Charlie and all the Charlie's Angel became my angels!! With me were Farhanah Bamadhaj, Joanitta Zaleha Yusoff, Lizza Abdul Rahim and 13 other babes (sorry cannot remember names but there were all ladies except for another man).

Every team was allocated with one Bruder Tayar and a few batangs and babes.

The ladies happily took the bruder on them..

While part of the team stayed with Bruder Tayar, the balance team members had to sprint 150meter forward carrying batangs and babes

Batang Rifle and Sand babes waiting to be picked-up...

Sarge Dann instructing.... and showing how to treat Bruder tayar!!! 

Just as they thought the session had ended... on the count of 10... 9... 8.... 
They were prescribe with a little dose of Grinders..... the ABS Grinder!! My favourite!!! 

And when the session ended.... someone is sooo happy!!!



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