Session began with the conventional warming up and stretching which I was peeping to find Ankur Pandey whom was always at the 'other' end but he was missing!! along with the UNCLE JOHN CHUAH!!! I told ya.... whenever the 2 J's.. James Fong and Joe Liew is around.. Uncle John Chuah will happily overshot in wonderland. Then I peeped for a Mohamad Fazli's 'BICYCLE'.. also was missing with John Chuah and Ankur Pandey. With the 2 J's, I quietly went to Seal but was caught by Sarge (COBC) Dann!! ARMIN GO BACK TO DELTA WITH JAMES!! Alamak!!
The platoon was divided into 3 sections, team Alpha, Bravo and Charlie and Team Alpha began with the TRX for 100 repetitions led by Sarge (COBC) Dann!!! Team Bravo with Corporal (COBC) Tom and Team Charlie had Corporal (COBC) Chun!!!
EVERYTHING TODAY was for nothing less than 100 repetitions.. why??? err... why not? but why else.. it was purely to get some multiple gratification... aka multiple orgasm! How? by igniting all the major muscles in the body!! The TRX first focused on the upper back muscle with 100 repetitions, then we went to Corporal (COBC) Tom to workout the Deltoid aka Shoulder for 100 repetitions too with Mock Rifle!!! Then we went to Corporal (COBC) Chun for the killer leg..... ONE HUNDRED REPETITIONS too before a short burst of 150 meter
Everything went on for a few sets of each circuit with a different muscle group being worked out. Shortly later, Sarge (COBC) Dann cried out, Kenix Lim & Leesa Tan, you may go now..???!! haaa.. the two babes was given 15 minutes discount? not fair!
The funniest feedback received today was from Colin Chong Wern Loong...
Today's Centurian was really unexpected but that is what COBC is all about.. the unexpected!! With all the 100 repetitions I cannot help but to I feel abit like.. err.. Brad Pitt?
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