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Vibram Five Fingers from the CHIEF'S ORIGINAL BOOTCAMP has been up to various mountains from Gunung Datuk to Gunung Nuang and has been to various running races from 10km to 21km and soon 42km!! Latest, the Vibram Five Finger has encroached into  Bustanu and soon, all the Pahamins clan will be Vibramatised. For a start, Dad.. Pahamin A Rajab had his first taste of the italian design and Hollywood's best trainers for 2011 yesterday at his Birthday!!

My super stylo Dad had no qualms with the Red Vibram Five Finger and he wore it as a casual wear with his Red Belt and Red Tag Heuer... but missing his red cowboy hat.

3 days later (today!!), sista Melor Edina Pahamin too was Vibram'atised on her birthday!!

Beside conquering Bustanu, up the mountains and in various races, Vibram Five Finger has also gone into the waiter!!

 into the t'shirt?

and used as ... err telephone?

Hello.. hellow.. aiya, cannot listen ar...

Whether its up in the mountain or in-water, on-road, in-tshirt or as a telehone or at Bustanu..



To buy a Vibram, click HERE or contact any of COBC instructors or our call centre at 012-314 5665 or 017-3795988.

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