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Born on 23 February 1946, Pisces Pahamin A Rajab turned 66 years young on Thursday last week and what did he want for his birthday from his wife, children, friends and relatives? Just endless doa and prayer, and for that we invited close relatives and friends over for Doa Selamat, tahlil and marhaban but what did he buy for himself on his 66th birthday? He bought for himself an RR!! or a Rolls Royce Ghost brand new from the United Kingdom and its RED!! Allah swt has been kind to us in health and prosperity. Alhamdulillah.

Alot of food were prepared to serve our guests whom were expected to arrive before Maghrib for the prayer at Sundown.

Of course, I was the GRO.. alongside all siblings

Guests arrived from 7pm..

After Maghrib in conjuntion with Maulidur Rasul, we had a session of marhaban

After the prayer, its Makan time!!!

Err.. and of course its Camwhoring session too!!

The men within the Pahamin's clan...

The whole of Pahamin's clan!! I mean the first and second generation!

While we camwhore, COBC Celebrity runner Ilyanna Aylin Ayob attacked the food carbo loaded.

After performing the prayer and completed our responsibility to the Almighty, the next day, we went Yahoo'ing at the Karoeke!!! A good outing to foster a closer family relationship.

Makan, Camwhore, Singing... sounds familiar?

Cake Cutting!!! I was so tempted to get Dad blowing the cake the COBC Style.. 
but that would be too wicked!

We sang!!!


Unwrapping the present time!!!
Also the day we vibram-atised Dad

Its a birthday months and in three days time, its Melor Edina Pahamin's!!!

My dear Father, 
There were times during childhood when I could not understand why you were so fierce, 
Why with your eye frown, veins almost popped out of your forehead, in your deep growling voice you waited at the house entrance gripping a newspaper with a fist, everytime any of my sisters arrived home at the sound of Azan Maghrib (we still wanted to play!)..
It was hard to comprehend why you were so adamant for everyone to be at the dining table sharp, everytime before dinner or risk a thunderous scream... (coz dinner coincide with Mc Gyver!!)
Why every prayer must be led by you as the Imam and by force majeure, me as the bilal..
and every Friday family Briyani lunch was compulsory 
(we wanted to hangout at Jaya Supermarket with friends).
Why every year, we must always save our own pocket money to buy every family members with a present that we can afford on their birthday... 
(and have very little money left for ourselves)
As it turns out.. 
It was part of family values that made us what we are today. A priceless treasure.

There is nothing more important than the happiest of family. 

Thank you
Happy Birthday Pok
We love you, you are god's gift to us.

*From Bustanu*
May Allah swt bless you with the best of health and longevity. Allah Huakbar

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