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Well what can I say? The time has come to be separated from Dato Sri Syed Zainal. The following final words from him was translated from "Pesanan & Amanat Terakhir Dato Seri Syed Zainal", a humble man with a strong passion. During his tenure, Dato Sri whom always referred me as bro and preferred me to refer him also as Bro too never failed to aspire every individuals whenever he speak! He would hypnotized every members of the audience with his passion. His farewell speech was in Malay and I could not help but to translate it to English (dont laugh) to share his final words of wisdom with my readers. Of course, the translation would have been far better if Dato Sri were to translate it himself but nonetheless.....

Good day, Salam 1 Malaysia and Peace be upon all citizens of Proton that I cherished. I hope this writing meets all of you in good health, joy and aspiration in carrying out our daily tasks. As all have known, I have given up my position as the Group Managing Director of PROTON effective on the 4th July, 2012. Taking into account the balance of my leave that I need to utilize, today which is Thursday 31 May 2012 will be my last day with PROTON. 

My dear brothers and sisters, 

It was very heavy for me to write this letter as a closure to more than six (6) years of my service in PROTON. I spent days staring at a blank computer screen as it appear, there are no words that can translate what I am truely deeply feeling in my heart. How could I leave something that has such a deep and meaningful impact in my life? How may I shake the hands and say goodbye to people whom I have regarded to be a member of my own family? There is no vocabulary that can express and extend my gratitude to everyone that has worked so hard in helping me performing my duty for so long. I have nothing to offer and I cannot afford to repay all the sacrifices, hard work and time that was devoted by all parties in your effort to realize the dream of PROTON without any remorse. 

My dear brothers and sisters, 

When I look back at those moments of my journey in PROTON, I feel that actually I am the lucky and the fortunate party. I am fortunate to be able to lead a group of employees that I consider to be a very valuable jewel. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to meet a group of highly spirited and passionate Malaysian. Irregardless of the public that look upon us with all negative perceptions, you my brothers and sisters, still get up at dawn to go to the factory with pride. When we were ridiculed and laughed at for past mistakes, all of you accepted the criticism with an open attitude. Even at our worst downfall, you raised up and took up the challenge for transformation. Your burning spirit and aspiration ladies and gentlement, became my passion to continue and fight to restore the PROTON back to its Glory. Your maturity ladies and gentlement had taught me to be brave and dare to adopt new approaches to boost up PROTON's name. I am confident to stand before you on this stage because I stood on the confidence that you all provide. It is clear, that I am the one that is in the losing end. Not you ladies and gentlemen. 

My dear brothers and sisters, 

I am convinced that you guys would continue the struggle and will bring the name of Proton to a higher level. I believe you will continue to provide your strongest support in any circumstances. Everything is possible if we implant in us the confidence in everything we do. Where there's a will there is a way. I have seen the greatness  and the best in all of you, so I urge that this determination is pursued. Believe in yourself and success will be in your favor with His blessing. I am confident with the injection and a new management paradigm under the leadership of Dato Sri Hj Mohd Khamil Jamil, PROTON will continue to chart his name in the automotive industry, inshallah. 

My dear brothers and sisters, 

As a human being that is weak and imperfect in many aspects, I extend my deepest apology to all citizens of PROTON for any unwanted languages, behavior or your rights that I have not fulfilled during my services in PROTON. I am sure there are many erroneous and shortfall in the administration and during my management, all the goods are from the Almighty, the imperfection is from my own weaknesses. I beg for you and as well as your family's forgiveness. Although I may not have the opportunity to meet with your family but my prayers will always accompany them. 

The law of nature dictates that every beginning would have an end. Each meeting, there will be a separation. Although physically I am far, but PROTON will remain to be in my heart. I will keep this memory and this valuable experience deep down in my heart. May fate bring us together again in other occasion, other place and another time, inshallah. 

In closing, I quote this lyrics from the song Faith Hill from the movie Pearl Harbor and the words are dedicated to all the staff in PROTON.

“There You’ll Be”
When I think back
On these times
And the dreams
We left behind
I’ll be glad ’cause
I was blessed to get
To have you in my life
When I look back
On these days
I’ll look and see your face
You were right there for me
In my dreams
I’ll always see you soar
Above the sky
In my heart
There will always be a place
For you for all my life
I’ll keep a part
Of you with me
And everywhere I am
There you’ll be
And everywhere I am
There you’ll be
Well you showed me
How it feels
To feel the sky
Within my reach
And I always
Will remember all
The strength you
Gave to me
Your love made me
Make it through
Oh, I owe so much to you
You were right there for me
‘Cause I always saw in you
My light, my strength
And I want to thank you
Now for all the ways
You were right there for me
You were right there for me
For always

Salam hormat dari saya,
Syed Zainal


The Malay version which has a deeper impact and meaning reads as follow: 

Assalamualaikum, Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1 Malaysia pada seluruh warga PROTON yang saya kasihi.

Semoga warkah saya ini bertemu saudara saudari dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera, ceria dan bersemangat tinggi dalam menjalankan tugas-tugas harian.
Seperti yang semua sedia maklum, saya telah pun melepaskan jawatan saya sebagai Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan PROTON berkuatkuasa 4hb Julai, 2012. Dengan mengambil kira cuti yang saya perlu habiskan, hari ini yakni Khamis 31hb Mei, 2012 adalah merupakan hari terakhir saya berada di PROTON secara fizikal.

Saudara saudari yang saya kasihi,
Terlalu berat untuk saya menulis surat ini sebagai penutup tirai kepada lebih enam (6) tahun perkhidmatan saya di PROTON.  Berhari-hari saya mengadap skrin komputer yang kosong kerana ternyata tidak ada perkataan yang dapat menterjemahkan apa yang ada di lubuk hati saya.  Bagaimana mungkin dapat saya melepas perginya sesuatu yang telah memberi impak yang dalam dan bermakna kepada kehidupan saya?  Bagaimana mungkin dapat saya berjabat tangan dan mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada rakan-rakan yang sudah saya anggap sebagai ahli keluarga sendiri? Tiada ucapan yang dapat saya ungkapkan untuk mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih saya kepada setiap individu yang telah berusaha bersungguh-sungguh dalam membantu saya menjalankan tugas saya sekian lama. Tiada mampu dalam diri saya yang kerdil ini untuk membalas pengorbanan, kegigihan dan masa yang telah di curahkan oleh semua pihak dalam usaha  merealisasikan impian PROTON tanpa mengenal lelah dan jemu.

Saudara saudari yang saya kasihi,
Apabila saya imbas kembali detik-detik perjalanan saya di PROTON, saya menganggap sayalah yang sebenarnya beruntung.  Saya beruntung kerana dapat menerajui sekumpulan tenaga pekerja yang saya anggap permata-permata yang amat bernilai. Saya bersyukur kerana dipertemukan dengan sekumpulan warga Malaysia yang kental semangatnya. Tatkala masyarakat umum memberi persepsi negatif pada PROTON, saudara saudari masih bangun dinihari untuk ke kilang dengan penuh rasa bangga. Tatkala kita ditertawakan atas kesilapan lalu, saudara saudari menerima kritikan dengan sikap terbuka. Tatkala kita berada di bawah, saudara saudari bangkit dan menyahut cabaran perubahan.  Semangat saudara saudari lah yang membakar semangat saya untuk terus berjuang memulihkan PROTON.  Kematangan saudara saudari jualah yang telah mematangkan diri saya untuk berani mengambil pendekatan baru demi melonjakkan nama PROTON.  Saya yakin berdiri di atas pentas kerana saya berdiri di atas keyakinan saudara saudari.  Ternyata hari ini, saya lah yang kehilangan sesuatu yang besar nilainya.  Bukan saudara saudari.

Saudara saudari yang saya kasihi,

Saya yakin saudara saudari akan meneruskan perjuangan ini dan mampu membawa nama PROTON ke tahap yang lebih tinggi.  Saya percaya saudara saudari akan terus memberikan sokongan yang mampan walau dalam apa jua keadaan sekali pun.  Segalanya tidak mustahil jika kita tanam keyakinan yang tinggi pada setiap sesuatu.  Di mana ada kemahuan, disitu pasti ada jalan,  Saya telah melihat kehebatan saudara saudari, jadi saya menyeru agar di teruskan kegigihan ini. Percayalah pada diri sendiri, kejayaan pasti memihak kepada saudara saudari dengan izinNya. Saya yakin dengan suntikan dan anjakan paradigma pengurusan baru, di bawah pimpinan YBhg Dato Sri Hj Mohd Khamil Jamil, PROTON akan terus meraih namanya di persada automotif, insyaallah.

Saudara saudari yang saya kasihi,
Sebagai manusia yang dhaif dan lemah dalam pelbagai aspek, saya menyusun sepuluh jari memohon kemaafan dari setiap warga PROTON atas segala keterlanjuran bahasa, tingkahlaku, makan minum, hak-hak saudara saudari yang tidak dapat saya sempurnakan sepanjang perkhidmatan saya di PROTON.  Saya pasti terdapat banyak kekhilafan dan serba kekurangan dalam pentadbiran dan pengurusan saya,  Yang baik itu datang dariNya, yang buruk itu adalah kelemahan saya sendiri.  Saya mohon juga disampaikan kemaafan dan salam saya pada keluarga saudara saudari sekelian. Walaupun saya mungkin tidak berkesempatan bertemu dengan mereka, doa saya akan sentiasa mengiringi mereka.

Hukum alam menetapkan, setiap yang bermula pasti akan berakhir.  Setiap pertemuan, pasti ada perpisahan. Walapun jauh dimata, PROTON akan tetap di hati saya.  Saya akan sematkan ingatan dan pengalaman berharga ini jauh di lubuk hati saya.  Semuga takdir mempertemukan kita semula dilain tempat, dilain masa, insyaallah.

Akhir kata, saya memetik lirik dari nyanyian Faith Hill dari lakun layar Pearl Harbour  dan kata-kata ini saya tujukan khas kepada semua warga kerja PROTON.

“There You’ll Be”
When I think back
On these times
And the dreams
We left behind
I’ll be glad ’cause
I was blessed to get
To have you in my life
When I look back
On these days
I’ll look and see your face
You were right there for me
In my dreams
I’ll always see you soar
Above the sky
In my heart
There will always be a place
For you for all my life
I’ll keep a part
Of you with me
And everywhere I am
There you’ll be
And everywhere I am
There you’ll be
Well you showed me
How it feels
To feel the sky
Within my reach
And I always
Will remember all
The strength you
Gave to me
Your love made me
Make it through
Oh, I owe so much to you
You were right there for me
‘Cause I always saw in you
My light, my strength
And I want to thank you
Now for all the ways
You were right there for me
You were right there for me
For always

Salam hormat dari saya,
Syed Zainal

Please read on Dato Sri's resignation at HERE.

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  1. What a waste...SZ is the one who gave Proton a 2nd life..please don't go SZ..


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