The function that was held at the Equatorial Hotel, Bangi was co-hosted by the Department of Community College and University Malaysia Pahang and attended by approximately 1,000 guests. The Department of Community College was also recently tasked to provide highly skilled manpower to 5 corridors namely, IRDA Economic Development, NCER, ECER, SDC and SCORE to spur related industrial development in line with the Government Transformation Plan.
After the welcoming speech by Professor Dato' Dr Daing Nasir bin Ibrahim, Vice Chancellor University Malaysia Pahang, I was asked to address the audience as a representative from the industry. Below was the text prepared just in the nick of time..
Bismillah hirahmanir rahim
Y. Bhg. Datuk Ab. Rahim Bin Md.
Ketua Setiausaha,
Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi
Y. Berusaha En. Amir
Bin Md. Noor
Y.Bhg. Prof Dato' Dr Daing Nasir bin Ibrahim
Vice Canselor, Universiti
Malaysia Pahang
YBhg. Dato' Sri Ir. Dr. Judin bin Abdul Karim
Ketua pegawai Eksekutif CIDB
Pegawai-Pegawai Kanan
Pengarah Bahagian dan
Pengarah-Pengarah Kolej Komuniti, CEO & Rakan-rakan saya dari industri
Salam Sejahtera dan Salam Satu Malaysia.
1. Terlebih dahulu, saya ingin mengucapkan
berbanyak banyak terima kasih dan setinggi
perhargaan kepada Jabatan Pengajian Kolej komuniti (JPKK), Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi di atas kesudian memberi saya peluang mewakili industri untuk menyampaikan
sepatah dua kata di majlis yang penuh bermakna ini.
Sesungguhnya peluang ini memaparkan keakraban
hubungan di antara pihak kementerian
bersama industri.
Y.Bhg. Datuk,
2. Malaysian automotive industry has gone through a cycle of phenomenal growth for the past decade with a Total Industry Volume averaging 500,000
per year on the backdrop of less than 30million population. That is the second
biggest TIV in South East Asia after Thailand- whom only recorded less than 200,000 units of domestic car sales per year (compared to Malaysia) but with triple Malaysia's number of population .
Unfortunately, the combined number of competent technician that
graduated in Malaysia every year is not in tandem with that growth of the
Malaysian automotive industry.
Evidently, when we advertised
for technicians, only a handful that actually came for interview. From the few that came for interview, many had failed due to their lack
in knowledge when tested as well as poor soft skill and physical outlook. The few that were actually employed, majority was not able to
adapt to the working environment and meet the quality of work that we demanded.
*Not that we are very demanding but nonetheless.. Employers do have
some minimum expectation from their potential employees…
sebab itulah Dato…….. “kita mengalu-alukan” dasar dasar dan polisi
polisi kerajaan yang telah membentuk pelbagai kolaborasi diantara industri dan institusi latihan seperti
kolej komuniti.
3. Such a collaboration will ensure the needs
and fancies of the industry are met by the prospective employee.
It is very important for Colleges to continuously engage those from the
industry to enable them to produce competent manpower that is equipt with the necessary knowledge and the exposure to
the latest technology that could value add
4. The technology within the automotive
industry evolved very rapidly. We saw how carburetor engine was quickly
replaced by fuel injection. Now, the technology has evolved into the hybrid and
green technology.
Technician skills too must must evolved together with the advancement of
technology wether in manufacturing, assembly, or even serviving.
Yg Bahagia Datuk Rahim,
Please excuse my mixture of malay and English.. Masa saya study dulu, tak ada
kolaborasi pintar .. jadi bahasa
saya kurang pintar.. agak rojak sedikit.
5. Melalui kerjasama pintar yang dijalankan, dapatlah para pelajar dari kolej
komuniti mendapat pendedahan melalui job placement dan seterusnya mendapat
pengalaman hands-on di industri dari semasa ke semasa.
6. Selain kompetensi dan kemahiran, salah
satu elemen penting yang diwajibkan oleh majikan dan industry ialah dari segi “attitude”. Graduan harus mempunya
attitude yang sesuai dan betul untuk memasuki alam pekerjaan.
Attitude dari segi Timing, Disipline, responsibility and accountability
and teamwork. Attitude yang betul adalah
penting untuk produktiviti.
Nasib baik setakat ini PEDA mendapat para graduan dari kolej komuniti yang
tergolong dalam kategori yang tidak banyak menimbulkan masalah.
Kalau tak, baru nak komplen dekat Dato Rahim … Encik Amir
There are a few isolated cases but minor problem that can be resolved.
Kita berharap pada masa hadapan pengurusan kolej komuniti dapat
menitik-beratkan pembinaan sahsiah ataupun attitude dan disiplin pelajar selain
ilmu buku.
Yang Bahagia Dato,
Saya mencadangkan kolaborasi
pintar yang sedang dilaksanakan dengan baik antara kolej komuniti,
universiti dan industri dapat diteruskan
dan dapat diwujudkan SATU joint-working-group
agar pihak kolej komuniti, universiti dan industri dapat duduk berbincang dan memantau pelaksanaan program dengan lebih kerap.
Program ini juga boleh diperluaskan dengan penempatan pensyarah di industri bagi meningkatkan kemahiran
sekaligus dapat menyesuaikan perubahan teknologi seiring dengan perkembangan
Pihak kami bersedia bekerjasama dengan kolej komuniti dalam pelbagai
bidang seperti perkongsian teknologi terkini, menawarkan tempat latihan bagi On
Job Training dan peluang pekerjaan kepada pelajar kolej komuniti.
Di samping itu, kami juga akan bersama-sama belajar di kolej komuniti
dalam konteks re-skilling dan up-skilling
sekiranya terdapat keperluan dan insentif yang menarik.
Akhir kata, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi
penghargaan kepada pihak pengurusan kolej komuniti dan terima kasih kepada
rakan kerjasama kami iaitu Universiti
Malaysia Pahang, dan semua RAKAN-RAKAN dari industri automotive yang terlibat.
Terima kasih juga kerana memberi kami peluang bersama-sama melatih bakal
tenaga kerja yang akan bekerja dengan kami. Moga jaringan kerjasama ini dapat
memantapkan industri automotif pada masa hadapan.
The function ended with a Majlis berbuka puasa and should have had a belated birthday celebration for Datuk Ab Rahim bin Md Noor. His birthday was a day before the event.
Syabas and Well done the Ministry of Higher Education. This effort should be echoed by other Ministries. The best policy are those that engaged the industry.
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