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The June-Intake started with a Bomb at the Chief's Original Bootcamp, Malaysia again... More than half of returning recruits achieved their Personal Best in their Benchmark Assessments. Read more about the Benchmark Assessment at HERE. The latest benchmark assessment saw more recruits completing their benchmark assessment below 7 minutes which was an extraordinary achievements considering there were only three recruits in the "6-Minutes ++" category the same time last year.

What was even more inspiring, was the testimony from our recruits on Facebook (keep it coming folks). At COBC, it is always a positive inspiring energy that flows through our every recruit. That is the spirit of bootcamp. Rarely will do we see our recruit demoralizing other comrades or other recruit from other bootcamp or even instructors from other bootcamp. Mutual respect and common courtesy is COBC build-in traits & belief that is the first rule of being a bootcamper, preached by the platoon commander during every month's opening speech. For June what will be the target?

Whether your target was to trim down your waist line from size 36 to size 30 like Poh Ow Ee...

or to run faster like Chee Yee Law whom never seriously ran before but started collecting Prizes after a few months with COBC...

or your target is for a constant endless achievement like Marie How...

or your target is simply to eat and not grow fat like err... me..

or your target is to be part of a positive inspiring community that share similar passion to be fit, healthy and sexy..

  that motivate each other as well as those around them...

or to party together at our quarterly multi-theme party...

Whatever your target is... Lets rawk and blast June Intake better than ever before!!



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