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What happen when graduates and yuppies from various fields that ranges from Engineers, Auditors, Economics to Fine Arts and Hotel Management became an instructor having shared the same passion & vision? Whom then passionately delivers the 24 years old military-inspired program to train and transformed thousands of civilians in unleashing their best health, physique and fitness potential?

Yes.. first, they learn from the founder of the world oldest running military-inspired program Chief Brabon, to obtained the Military Fitness specialist level 1 Certificate, attended various short courses and being hungry or more like starving for more knowledge, they all registered and gathered every weekend for a scheduled training at the Fitness Innovations (M) Sdn Bhd (Commercially known as FIT), a member of Fitness Innovations (Thailand, India, Indonesia and Singapore) read more about FIT at HERE. After almost a year of talking and discussing, COBC finally collaborated with FIT to feed our every instructor's hunger for more knowledge.

There is one common trait that is shared by all trainers at the Chief's Original Bootcamp (COBC), they are all University graduates from various fields (including but not limited to Sports Science and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (cscs)). They were all once a recruit (at COBC) and an avid athlete but not necessarily born an athlete (for more information of COBC instructor, read HERE which is still being updated). This combination of mix background is important to understand the needs and fancies of COBC's recruits. No one can understand the pain of 'commoners' (which we refers to those couch potatoes whom had never, rarely or seldom exercise) better than those instructors whom can relate to the pain or the transformation process of getting fit and healthy (first hand experience from ground zero to their best potential).

Most professional athletes are born an athlete, polished and train to be the best but they do not undergo the same processes or pain of those commoners  to be able to experience and relate themselves of the 'transformation agony' having being born with the stamina and physically fit gene, except of course.. in theory.

The first class that we had yesterday was fun, havoc and very hyper-active mimicking the scenario while training especially when the Reds are now akin of a recruit.. a student starving for knowledge, progress and improvement. They are all salivating impatiently to learn and absorb the knowledge in class and improve themselves. We met the tall, huge (with his arm bigger than my thigh) friendly and funny, the first lecturer, Jerrican Tan whom is also the man responsible for the birth of Malaysia's first international standard educational fitness centre, the FIT.

What is more exciting and what we look forward to was to learn from another lecturer, whom most of us once trained under when COBC was previously under a different licensee, Simran Latiff or more fondly known a Sarge Sim. FIT spoke to me a few weeks back to asked if we are ok with Simran being the lecturer for some part of the modules which I quickly replied, of course its ok!! We have nothing but a respect of our supposedly competitor in Bootcamp program. Although a competitor in name but Simran was never actually a competitor, we respect each others trade parameter and does not actually compete at the same location or canvass for the same customer base. His passion and energy is exemplary. Simran, a man of high integrity is one of the very few graduates in Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (cscs) in Malaysia which is the highest post-graduate certification in Sports Science. He alongside another cscs graduate Faizal Ariff Abdullah (also once our trainer) are the Master-Chef in their bootcamp program recipe. Beside COBC, Simran's bootcamp is the only other bootcamp whose program was designed by professionals (meaning those who actually possess professional credentials such as CSCS).

At COBC, we do not design the program. The program was designed by Chief Brabon and a group of his Global Master trainers whose combined credentials and experience if we want to record, would be a yellow pages book thick. This is what and why our recruits are gaining extra-ordinary results. The professional architect of each program whether at COBC, with Simran or at any other bootcamp, is what you pay for when you get yourself enrolled.

Jerrican Tan, also once an auditor whom through the same passion as us, started through the school of hard knock (I learn through the Googling School of Sports Science, yes... massive reading and personal first hand experience of what works and what lead to injury ... Ooouch). From an audit and accounting background, Jerrican traveled weekly to Thailand to study the CSCS.. (what better reason to commute weekly to Thailand than to study cscs aih?!).

Unlike those lucky fellas whom was born with athletic gene, Jerrican Tan had to go the extra miles in his training and nutrition (without the use of drugs) to be a body builder which he then successfully qualified and selected to be a state bodybuilder. The same hard work Jerrican had to invest in traveling extra thousand of miles in his journey and quest to learn and be certified as a CSCS graduate in Bangkok, Thailand (That was the nearest place to learn CSCS then). Such was the determination and commitment displayed by the FIT Managing Director and in his opening remark in class, Jerrican Tan said, "If there is anyone that will understand your agony to get your CSCS from a non sports science background, then it will be me. With an accounting background, I had to not only travel thousands of miles every week but I had to put in triple hard work compared to others". To be able to relate to the client's need is a strong chemistry that synchronized well with our belief at COBC. We now know for a fact, that we are in the best of hand...

Jerrican knew exactly how to reach out and to teach us non-sports science graduate in a language and methodology that is easiest to understand the same way we at COBC would train and reach out to our recruit from our first hand experience in achieving our goal. Such a strong chemistry made in heaven. My goal after each and every session with FIT, is to translate what we learn (in cscs) in a layman's language so that our every recruit would be able to relate and learn for them to further understand the science behind their training and progress. Until then.... Stay Tuned!!

P/s 1- This weekend training too, is a good bonding, team building for the Reds. Our Sarge Boon (cscs) in Penang will also mentor us to pass the cscs on video conferencing every Sunday evening. I just love the team spirit and passion at the COBC be it amongst instructors and within the COBC fraternity. HOOYAH!

p/s 2- If any recruit from the COBC fraternity would like to learn or get yourself enrolled at FIT for any short courses or any certification, please contact us... Maybe we can get a special price for you from Jerrican... HOOYAH!! HOOYAH!!

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