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On your first Mother's Day celebration, Anny this message is for you...

For someone who had never given birth nor have or raise any child... You are a fantastic Mother. 

I can only imagine how hard it is for you to adjust yourself into being an instant mother and a wife at the same time. I see and feel all the effort made.

You are from a completely different upbringing, a different lifestyle and from a different culture but you adapt well into our way of life, our home and our values, away from your own family.

Both Aaraf and I appreciate your patience and time to learn and understand us especially with our differences in culture, preference for food and bedtime. 

You have been an inspiration and a motivation in our daily life. You always cheer us up and bring smiles into our daily routine.

I love how you would even skipped 1000 skips a day to motivate Aaraf in his quest to lose weight and even went jogging just for Aaraf; although you hate running. We love how you would share many stories, games and magic trick just to entertained and keep Aaraf occupied. Thank you for all the food, care and love you have given us. Thank you for accepting Aaraf as your own son.

You are a fantastic mom and a great women who tirelessly do nothing else but to make us happy as a family. It melt my heart to hear Aaraf calling you Mommy because that is what you are to him.

Especially on this mother's day darling.. I want to say thank you for being such a wonderful mother and a great companion, sincerely from both Aaraf and me.

Happy Mother's Day.

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