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The Chief's Original Bootcamp, Malaysia intake for May to August is now open for registration with some improvements, namely the time-of-the-day instead of a codename for training time & day. This is to make it easier for recruits to relate and understand as well as avoid confusions.

Current codename for training time and days:

5:45am-6:45am : Alpha (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) MC12
5:45am-6:45am : Sierra (Monday, Wednesday) MC8
5:30am-6:30am : Charlie (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) MC12
5:45am-6:45am : Tango (Monday, Wednesday) MC8
7:00am-8:00am : Bravo (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) MC12
7:00am-8:00am : Oscar (Monday, Wednesday) MC8
7:00am-8:00am : Echo (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) MC12
7:00am-8:00am : Foxtrot (Monday, Wednesday)

6:45pm-7:45pm : Zulu (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) MC12
6:45pm-7:45pm : Victor (Monday, Wednesday) MC8
8:30pm-9:30pm : Dusks (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) MC12
8:30pm-9:30pm : Quebec (Monday, Wednesday) MC8

All the above NATO alphabets above which were used as the codename for training time and day are replaced with the 'time-of-the-day' as follows:

5:45am-6:45am : Pre-Dawn (MC12/MC8)
7:00am-8:00am : Dawn (MC12/MC8)

6:45pm-7:45pm : Twilight (MC12/MC8)
8:30pm-9:30pm : Evening (MC12/MC8)

For example: 
Bandar Utama Alpha session will now be called Pre-Dawn MC12 (MWF).
Bandar Utama Tango session will be called Bandar Utama Pre-Dawn MC8 (MW).
USJ1 Charlie will be called, USJ1 Pre-Dawn 5:30-6:30am (TTS).

MWF = Monday, Wednesday, Friday
TTS = Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.

The changes above is only to the name of the platoon and does not effect the fees, program or time except for Evening sessions (formerly codenamed as Dusk) at Subang Jaya USJ1 and Bandar Utama which was revised from the current 8:30pm-9:30pm to 8:45pm-9:45pm. All other training time remains the same.

For official training schedule, view COBC Website at!classes/c1yws


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