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PROTON was recently back in the limelight and again for the wrong reason or maybe for the right reason depending on which side you are viewing it from. From the dealer's view, its ugly. The public feels the dealers are pampered and needed to bulk up and from the Proton's new management point of view, the dealers are the caused for Proton's low and drop in sales. 

I would have written this blog a lot earlier but I was busy handing over the association that I was at the helm for almost 20 years, to the new President. I was the third elected President for the Proton Edar Dealers Association Malaysia or better known as PEDA and I did not offer myself for re-election at the recent annual general meeting. 

By constitution, PEDA holds an election for the post of President, Deputy President and 13 committee members every 2 years. PEDA had just completed our Annual General Meeting on 23rd February 2018 and we (and I am personally) were grateful to my dear friend Dato Madani Sahari, the Chief Executive Officer Malaysia Automotive Institute for hosting our 19th AGM.

Dato Madani has always been a good friend to PEDA and to me and is always interested in the update that we have.  

I have a lot to say on the recent spat and public outcry on Proton, not as PEDA President but as a dealer who have been with Proton for more than 20 years but that will be a topic in another blog. 

This blog is a special dedication and my appreciation to all my committee members named below for the undivided support and loyalty extended to me during my tenure as PEDA President. Similar gratitude is extended to all the 380 sales, service, body & paint, 3S and 4S dealers for the support, cooperation and trust given to me first to lead the network full of obstacles and challenges. 

Thank you all dealers for unanimously electing me as the first Advisor to PEDA. By constitution, the absolute power, alike any other association registered with the Registrar of Societies are in the mandate and appointments given by the members. I am grateful for the appointment. I am equally grateful that I do not have a constitutional duties unlike that of the President, Secretary General and Treasurer. Being the President carries a humongous responsibility. At time, at the cost of my dealership and family time. Being the advisor allows me to focus more on my other business which is again, a topic for another blog.

It has been an honour to serve the network with a great team of Deputy and committee members. I am grateful to the followings which made up my cabinet members. Thank you.

Deputy President: Lee Lik Sai
Vice President: Hj Abdul Razak Abdul Aziz
Vice President: Siaw Siew Bee
Secretary-General: Steven Matthews
Hon Treasurer: Liew Vee Lee
Ariff Borhan
Balvinder Singh
Datuk Yahya Jaafar
Datuk Fadzil Abu Bakar
Dr Wan Ikmal Hisham
Vincent Phang
Tony Yeu

 I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the new committee (2018-2019) as follows:

President: Liew Vee Lee
Deputy President: Dato Haji Nadzir Sheikh Fadzil
Secretary General: Steven Abraham Matthews
Treasurer: Dr Hj Wan Ikmal Hisham
Lee Lik Sai
SB Siaw
Aref Borhan
Datuk Yahya Jaafar
Vincent Phang
Datin Sri Norihan Ayob
Abdul Hadi bin Yunus
Dato Narasingaroa
Senthylnathan A/L Veloo
Kok Gan Seng

There are alot challenges ahead and I wish the best for the new committee. If you need me, you know where to find me. 

We took more than 500 pictures during the AGM and those pictures are available at

Please also like my Facebook page at 
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