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Showing posts with label CSCS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CSCS. Show all posts


4 years ago, Anushia Siva Subramaniam introduced me to this military-inspired, group, outdoor personal training program in Padang Merbuk. Unbeknown of what it was, Anushia's introductory line was as simple as... "You don't asked so much, You don't think too much, you go and enroll online and just surrender yourself for just 1 hour, 3 times a week for 4 consecutive weeks!!" Then you will know what the bootcamp training is all about". My enthusiasm and deep passion to be healthy and fit got the better of me and I immediately enrolled and fell in love with everything about bootcamp akin of a love at first sight. I was obsessed with its training program. I do not know what got into me but I found some hidden massive energy that made me craved for more and more even now 4 years later.

I did not understand the how(s) and why(s) but what matters, whatever the program was, it worked!!

That sentence then became the tagline of COBC bootcamp workout testimonies year after year... "Just surrender yourself for 1 hour, 3 times a week for 4 consecutive weeks and you will be amazed to see the result". Most recruits stayed on with the program for years to come.

Like most of us, I was not bothered to know the science behind the Bootcamp program but the newly found strength, stamina and especially the leaner-meaner me was enough for me to keep wanting and coming for more.... month after month, year after year. Now, I took a step further to understand the whole science with what is happening inside and within our body. To satisfy this curious mind, I enrolled together with a platoon of Reds to study at the Fitness Innovation Malaysia (FIT) and a mile into the journey of learning, I was lost in a jungle full of jargons but quickly adapt to be able to relate what I learn with all readers.

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