Well what can I say? The time has come to be separated from Dato Sri Syed Zainal. The following final words from him was translated from "Pesanan & Amanat Terakhir Dato Seri Syed Zainal", a humble man with a strong passion. During his tenure, Dato Sri whom always referred me as bro and preferred me to refer him also as Bro too never failed to aspire every individuals whenever he speak! He would hypnotized every members of the audience with his passion. His farewell speech was in Malay and I could not help but to translate it to English (dont laugh) to share his final words of wisdom with my readers. Of course, the translation would have been far better if Dato Sri were to translate it himself but nonetheless.....

My dear brothers and sisters,
It was very heavy for me to write this letter as a closure to more than six (6) years of my service in PROTON. I spent days staring at a blank computer screen as it appear, there are no words that can translate what I am truely deeply feeling in my heart. How could I leave something that has such a deep and meaningful impact in my life? How may I shake the hands and say goodbye to people whom I have regarded to be a member of my own family? There is no vocabulary that can express and extend my gratitude to everyone that has worked so hard in helping me performing my duty for so long. I have nothing to offer and I cannot afford to repay all the sacrifices, hard work and time that was devoted by all parties in your effort to realize the dream of PROTON without any remorse.