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Showing posts with label Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Show all posts

UMNO Sudah Tiada – Dr Mahathir


Oleh Mahdzir Ibrahim

KUALA LUMPUR, 25 Mac 2023 – Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menyifatkan parti UMNO sudah tiada lagi dan gugur daripada perjuangan asalnya. Beliau menyatakan demikian dalam hantaran terbarunya menerusi applikasi twitter semalam.

Dakwanya, UMNO tidak ada lagi dan apa yang wujud kini adalah ‘bangkai’ yang diperalat untuk menyelamatkan pemimpin yang bergelumang dengan jenayah.

“Apakah UMNO sudah diperalat oleh pemimpin yang durjana, yang menjadi UMNO alat untuk kepentingan pemimpinnya,” katanya.

Dr Mahathir melontar perkara itu sebagai mengulas ketetapan mesyuarat Majlis Kerja Tertinggi (MKT) UMNO berhubung kebimbangan parti itu sentimen permainan kaum dan agama yang terus menular.

Dalam mesyuarat itu juga, UMNO menggesa kerajaan mengambil tindakan tegas bagi membendung fenomena yang boleh merosakkan keharmonian negara.

Bagi Mahathir, keputusan MKT itu bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan UMNO Perkara 3.3 yang menyebut UMNO parti membela kepentingan Raja-Raja Melayu, bangsa Melayu, Bumiputera, Anak Negeri Sabah dan Orang Asli…… (termasuk) perkara dalam Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Beliau yang juga bekas Presiden UMNO berkata, sekarang orang Melayu yang rancang melancar proklamasi berkenaan masalah yang dihadapi oleh orang Melayu pun tidak dibenarkan.

“Proklamasi yang tidak sentuh kaum lain dianggap rasis.

“Jika orang Melayu tidak dibenar bincang masalah orang Melayu dan tidak boleh sentuh kaum lain, tidak pun boleh bincang akan ajaran agama Islam, maka akan terhapuslah kebebasan bersuara oleh orang Melayu.

“Apakah ini perjuangan UMNO. Apakah ini UMNO,” soal beliau.

Justeru. Beliau mengajak orang UMNO sedar bahawa UMNO sudah gugur perjuangan asalnya. –


MAHDZIR IBRAHIM ialah Pengarang di portal Penulisan ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mencerminkan pendirian rasmi

Sidang media Proklamasi Melayu Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad


1. Secara keseluruhan hanya 65% rakyat Malaysia berbangsa Melayu yang keluar mengundi pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke 15 berbandingkan dengan 98% rakyat bukan Melayu yang keluar mengundi. 35% rakyat berbangsa Melayu tidak mengambil kisah soal pemilihan wakil rakyat. 2. Sebahagian besar yang keluar mengundi ini, keluar mengundi untuk mendapat sogokan wang kecil berjumlah RM100-RM300 setiap seorang. 3. Matlamat utama Proklamasi Orang Melayu ialah untuk menimbul kesedaran dan mendorong lebih ramai orang-orang Melayu untuk mengambil kisah tanggung jawab mereka untuk keluar mengundi. Tanggung-jawab untuk menyedarkan orang-orang Melayu ini perlu di pikul bersama oleh semua pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu merentasi kepentingan politik. 4. Saya amat kecewa dengan tindakan kerajaan menghalang inisiatif murni Sekretariat Tanahair untuk menyedarkan orang-orang Melayu tentang tanggung-jawab mereka terhadap Negara. 5. Untuk pelancaran proklamasi ini, empat dewan dengan kapasiti hanya 300 hadirin telah membatalkan tempahan yang telah pun dibayar di atas arahan tangan ghaib. Majlis tertutup kecil dengan jemputan rasmi hanya 80 hadirin telah di labelkan sebagai perkauman. 6. Inikah yang di namakan demokrasi oleh kerajaan Perpaduan? 7. Orang-orang Melayu tidak sedar kejahilan mereka dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawab untuk keluar mengundi atau mengundi pemimpin yang memberi wang sogokan akan merugikan mereka pada jangka masa panjang. 8. Ini telah terbukti melalui statistik dengan jumlah pegangan ekuiti orang Melayu yang kecil dan semakin merosot, jumlah tanah rizab melayu yang semakin pupus. Jumlah kemiskinan yang tertinggi dan semakin besar di tanah Melayu, adalah orang-orang Melayu. 9. Dengan Lafaz Bimimillah, saya Armin Baniaz Pahamin seorang warganegara berbangsa Melayu menandatangani Proklamasi ini. 10. Marilah orang-orang Melayu bersama, bersatu membina bangsa kita. Jika sayangkan bangsa, turunkanlah tandatangan di atas Proklamasi Orang Melayu ini. Tandatangan di ARMIN BANIAZ PAHAMIN Orang Melayu




1. Semenjak beberapa tahun ini, nama Tun Dr Mahathir sering dikaitkan sebagai punca orang melayu berpecah. Setiap kali nama Tun Dr Mahathir di petik di sosial media ataupun di blog, pasti ada yang meninggalkan komen bahawa Tunlah penyebab melayu berpecah. Betul ke Tun Dr Mahathir yang memecah-belahkan orang melayu?
2. Sebenarnya yang mula memecah-belahkan perpaduan orang melayu ialah Parti PAS, Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak dan Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin.
3. Perpecahan orang melayu bermula apabila Tan Sri Dato' Sri Paduka Raja Dato' Haji Mohd Asri bin Haji Muda, Dato’ Seri Dr. Burhanuddin bin Muhammad Nur al-Hilmi bersama kumpulan ulama-ulama yang pada mulanya menubuhkan kumpulan ulama UMNO, meninggalkan UMNO untuk menubuhkan parti PAS supaya mereka boleh bertanding dan menjadi wakil rakyat.
4. Ulama-ulama ini keluar dari UMNO kerana mereka berpendapat Tunku Abdul Rahman tidak akan pilih orang agama untuk menjadi wakil rakyat. Tunku hanya memilih orang yang berpengalaman dalam bidang pentadbiran dan kebiasaannya mereka yang berpelajaran dalam pendidikan Inggeris sahaja di pilih. Tunku berpendapat orang agama hanya mahir dalam urusan agama sahaja dan tidak berkemampuan untuk mentadbir selain dalam urusan agama. Bagi Tunku, orang agama ini tidak ada peranan.
5. Perasaan marah dan tidak puas hati ulama-ulama inilah yang akhirnya tertubuh Parti PAS.
6. PAS menggunakan agama untuk menarik sokongan. Mereka menggunakan agama khususnya di kampung-kampung dengan naratif kalau menolak PAS seolah-olah menolak agama Islam. Pada waktu itu PAS sanggup menggelar UMNO ini kafir kerana UMNO bekerjasama dengan orang kafir.
7. Itulah cara PAS dan buat pertama kali orang-orang Melayu berpecah kepada orang melayu UMNO dan orang melayu PAS.
8. Walaupun orang melayu telah berpecah tetapi UMNO masih kuat. UMNO masih memenangi pilihanraya dan terus menang selama 60 tahun sehinggalah era Tun Abdullah Badawi dan kerajaan Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak. Semenjak itu, Pemimpin UMNO tidak lagi berjuang untuk orang-orang Melayu. Tidak lagi berjuang untuk agama, bangsa dan negara. Mereka berjuang untuk keluarga mereka, untuk kepentingan mereka.
9. Tun Abdullah berjuang untuk memberi peluang kepada anak dan menantu beliau. Pada mulanya Tun Abdullah mendapat sokongan yang luar biasa dengan memenangi 90% pada pilihanraya tahun 2004.
10. Hanya dalam jangka masa 4 tahun sahaja, rakyat dapat melihat cara dan gerakan Tun Abdullah. Tun Abdullah bukan membangunkan negara tetapi mempraktikkan nepotisma dengan memberi keutamaan kepada anak dan menantu beliau. Anak dan menantu Tun Abdullah berkuasa sehingga boleh menyertai mesyuarat kerajaan yang sepatutnya sulit. Sebab itu dalam pilihanraya 2008 selepas kemenangan besar, UMNO kehilangan 5 negeri termasuk Wilayah Persekutuan.
11. Atas sebab itu jugalah Tun Dr Mahathir telah keluar dari Parti UMNO kerana perjuangan UMNO telah tersasar dari perjuangan orang melayu.
12. Kemudiannya ramai yang mendesak supaya Tun Abdullah meletak jawatan. Beliau meletak jawatan dan menyerah jawatan kepada Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak kerana Dato Seri Najib merupakan Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Najib adalah anak Tun Abdul Razak, Perdana Menteri yang rakyat sanjung tinggi kerana Tun Abdul Razak banyak berjasa membantu rakyat khususnya orang-orang melayu. Rakyat meraikan pelantikan Dato Seri Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri kerana ramai beranggapan Dato Seri Najib seumpama ayah beliau.
13. Tun Dr Mahathir kembali menjadi ahli UMNO.
14. Tetapi apabila Dato Seri Najib menjadi Perdana Menteri, Dato Seri Najib terus menukar dasar. Keperluan dan syarat 30% ekuiti bumiputera di Bursa juga di hapuskan. Kementerian pembangunan usahawan juga di hapuskan pada masa itu. Dia berpendapat soal politik tak penting. Yang penting adalah duit. Cash is King menjadi mantra Dato Seri Najib. Duit menjadi segala-galanya. Kalau bagi duit, UMNO boleh menang.
15. Tun sekali lagi keluar dari Parti UMNO kerana UMNO telah korup dan menjadi kerajaan Kleptokrat.
16. Apabila pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO menyeleweng, perlembagaan UMNO memberi ruang dan peruntukan kepada ahli-ahli UMNO untuk menolak pemimpin mereka. Ahli- ahli UMNO boleh jatuhkan pemimpin melalui undi sahaja tetapi dengan jumlah dedak yang banyak, ahli-ahli UMNO terus menyokong Dato Seri Najib dan Dato Seri Najib kekal berkuasa.
17. Oleh kerana ahli-ahli UMNO sendiri terus menyokong Dato Seri Najib, Tun Dr Mahathir terpaksa menubuhkan parti baru Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) untuk melawan Kleptokrasi tetapi Parti Bersatu adalah parti baru dan kecil. Dengan sendirinya, parti Bersatu susah untuk menang.
18. Semasa Tun Dr Mahathir keluar dari UMNO, hanya 2-3 pengikut sahaja yang mengikuti jejak beliau. Kemungkinan betullah mantra Najib Cash is King. Semua berdiri kukuh bersama Najib apabila mendapat dedak. Kesan dari Tun yang keluar dari UMNO ini berbeza semasa Tengku Razaleigh dan Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim keluar dari UMNO dengan berpuluh atau ratusan ribu pengikut menyertai mereka. Kenapa Tengku Razaleigh dan Dato Seri Anwar tidak di gelar pemecah bangsa?
19. Untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan Kleptokrat Dato Seri Najib dengan sendirinya Bersatu tak mungkin boleh menang. Tun Dr Mahathir menganggap adalah amat penting untuk Dato Seri Najib tidak menjadi Perdana Menteri kerana Dato Seri Najib mencuri, menyalahgunakan kuasa, Najib menghasut orang sehingga orang-orang melayu hanya impikan duit percuma sahaja. Untuk melawan Kerajaan Kleptokrat, Bersatu harus bekerjasama dengan parti lawan. Parti-parti pembangkang mesti bersatu dan telah terbukti apabila kita bersatu dan bekerjasama dengan parti lawan, barulah kerajaan Kleptokrat Dato Seri Najib berjaya di jatuhkan.
20. Pakatan Harapan dapat menubuhkan kerajaan dan Tun Dr Mahathir mengangkat sumpah sebagai Perdana Menteri. Pada ketika itu, Tan Sri Muhyidin juga impikan jawatan Perdana Menteri. Muhyidin menerima hasutan dari Dato Seri Najib yang mengatakan kerajaan yang didirikan ini adalah kerajaan bukan melayu. Itu memang benar tetapi semasa Tun menjadi Perdana Menteri, Tun dapat menangani pengaruh kaum-kaum lain. Pembentukan kabinet kerajaan di kuasai oleh Menteri-menteri Melayu walaupun nisbah wakil rakyat kaum bukan melayu lebih besar. Tun dapat mengawal keadaan dan situasi. Malah Lim Guan Eng juga tidak boleh mempengaruhi Tun.
21. Dato Seri Najib membawa cerita kononnya kerajaan Pakatan Harapan ini bukan kerajaan melayu. Dia menuntut kononnya beliau dan PAS boleh menubuh kerajaan Melayu Islam. Ini merupakan hasutan. Tan Sri Muhyidin melihat peluang untuk dia menjadi Perdana Menteri. Muhyidin, Azmin Ali dan Hamzah Zainuddin bertiga berusaha untuk jatuhkan kerajaan Pakatan Harapan. Langkah pertama mereka ialah untuk menolak Tun sebab itu dalam mesyuarat Bersatu, nasihat Tun untuk tunggu dan lihat apa yang akan berlaku ditolak. Mereka berkeras untuk keluar dari gabungan Pakatan Harapan pada waktu itu juga. Mereka memilih Tan Sri Muhyidin.
22. Tan Sri Muhyidin keluar dari Pakatan Harapan bersama 6 orang wakil rakyat Bersatu dan Tun bersama 6 wakil rakyat di pecat. Masa tu Bersatu ada 12 wakil rakyat. Separuh bersama Tan Sri Muhyidin dan separuh bersama Tun. Tun perlu meneruskan Perjuangan untuk orang melayu sebab Tun memang mengenali Tan Sri Muhyidin. Muhyidin akan merosakkan kerajaan. Sebab itu Tun Dr Mahathir terpaksa menubuhkan parti baru sekali lagi dan tertubuhlah Parti Pejuang Tanahair (Pejuang).
23. Semasa berada bersama Parti Pejuang, tak ada siapa yang sangka Dato Seri Utama Mukhriz sanggup membawa parti Pejuang untuk keluar dari gabungan Gerakan Tanah Air (GTA). Tun Dr Mahathir terpaksa keluar dari parti Pejuang kerana ia bercanggah dengan niat dan hasrat Tun Dr Mahathir yang berjuang untuk menyatupadukan orang- orang melayu yang telah berpecah semenjak PAS ditubuhkan.
24. Pada waktu itu GTA belum diluluskan tetapi gerakan dan usaha untuk menyatupadukan orang-orang melayu telah digerakkan. Dengan gerakan ini, sedikit sebanyak telah menyatu-padukan orang melayu melalui empat parti-parti politik. Dalam gabungan GTA juga terdiri dari badan-badan bukan kerajaan atau NGO dan ada juga orang-orang perseorangan. Perpaduan orang melayu telah dimulakan.
25. Tun Dr Mahathir tidak boleh mengambil terima penyangak, pembelot, pencuri dan penyamun masuk dalam perpaduan orang melayu. Kita kena lawan mereka bukan nak pecah melayu tetapi nak pulihkan orang melayu supaya kerajaan tidak di pimpin oleh pemimpin yang korup dan belot.
26. Itulah yang berlaku. Bukan Tun Dr Mahathir yang memecah-belahkan orang-orang Melayu. Yang pada permulaan sekali ialah PAS kerana mereka yang mula-mula tinggalkan UMNO. Yang kedua yang memecahbelahkan orang melayu ialah Dato Seri Najib kerana menyeleweng. Yang memecah-belahkan orang melayu ialah Tan Sri Muhyidin kerana rakus untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri.
27. Tun Dr Mahathirlah yang cuba, berusaha dan tidak pernah jemu untuk menyatu- padukan balik orang-orang Melayu. Tun tubuhkan GTA kerana nak tarik balik orang melayu yang bebas dari jenayah. Tapi seperti mana yang kita tahu rakyat tidak faham perjuangan Tun Dr Mahathir dan Tun kalah. Tuduhan yang Tun memecah-belahkan orang-orang Melayu tidak berasas dan tidak benar sama sekali.
Armin Baniaz Pahamin
Penganalisa Politik
13 Mac 2023






1.    Gerakan Ekonomi Malaysia (GEM) mengorak langkahnya dalam memanfaatkan pengetahuan, kepakaran dan keupayaan  MARDI Corporation, sebuah anak syarikat milik penuh Institut Penyelidikan & Pembangunan Pertanian Malaysia (MARDI), dalam usaha memberikan nafas baharu sektor pertanian negara.

2.    Sehubungan dengan itu, GEM dan MARDI Corporation telah menandatangani satu Memorandum Persefahaman untuk menetapkan terma dan syarat untuk penubuhan ladang pertanian campuran pada 26 Mac 2021 dengan disaksikan mantan Perdana Menteri, YB Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

3.    Berkonsepkan penggabungan tanah-tanah pertanian yang menggunakan pertanian campuran berskala besar, usaha ini akan dilakukan dengan nasihat dan kerjasama dari MARDI. MARDI Corporation bakal menawarkan nasihat kepada GEM mengenai konsep, mekanisme dan unjuran pendapatan serta benih yang terbaik untuk memastikan hasil pulangan pertanian secara optimum. Sementara itu, GEM pula akan memberi tumpuan dalam mengenal pasti kawasan-kawasan tanah yang sesuai, perancangan korporat dan pengaturan pembiayaan untuk tujuan tersebut.

Gerakan Ekonomi Malaysia (GEM) aims to leverage on the knowledge, expertise and past successes of MARDI Corporation, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Malaysia Agricultural Research & Development Institute (MARDI), in the effort of revamping the nation’s agriculture sector.




Gerakan Ekonomi Malaysia (GEM) aims to leverage on the knowledge, expertise and past successes of MARDI Corporation, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Malaysia Agricultural Research & Development Institute (MARDI), in the effort of revamping the nation’s agriculture sector.

1.    On March 26, GEM and MARDI Corporation signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish the terms and conditions in establishing mix-farming estate(s) for production of crops. The ceremony was witnessed by former Prime Minister YB Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

2.    The concept, which involves the amalgamation of agriculture land to be utilized for mixed farming on a big scale will be carried out with the support from MARDI in the areas of production of mix farming crops. 

3.    MARDI Corporation will advise on the concept, mechanism and forecast revenue of the best mix crops and seeds to ensure the best return.

4.    GEM on the other hand would focus on identifying the suitable land areas and financing arrangements for the said purpose.

5.    During the signing ceremony, Armin Baniaz Pahamin, GEM President amplified GEM’s intention to professionally operate and adopt the latest technology through a Cooperative to optimize crops production and to pilot test the concept on at least 1,000 acres of land.



04.03.2021, Khamis. Mesyuarat Majlis Eksekutif Pusat PEJUANG (Penaja) ke 26 berjalan lancar hari ini dan dihadiri oleh lebih 30 ahli MEP, ketua unit, Ketua Jabatan dalaman dan Ketua-ketua pemimpin PEJUANG negeri. YB Tun Pengerusi mengingatkan semua betapa pentingnya pergerakan kita untuk memerangi rasuah, politik wang dan salah guna kuasa. Tun juga mengingatkan semua untuk sentiasa menghayati sumpah dan ikrar yang telah dilafazkan supaya kita tidak senang dipengaruhi nafsu dan tidak berkompromi dengan integriti.

Banyak perkara-perkara dibincangkan dalam mesyuarat yang memakan masa beberapa jam bermula jam 300pm. Mesej yang disampaikan cukup jelas untuk terus memperinci masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh rakyat, usahawan-usahawan dan untuk Pejuang menjadi parti pembangkang yang efektif dalam mendokong perjuangan.


As far back as I can remember when Tun Dr Mahathir was the Prime Minister, everyone wanted him to be replaced, leave or resigned. When he resigned, everyone felt it was a grand victory for Malaysia and evidently, Barisan Nasional under Tun Abdullah Badawi won 90% majority at the 11th general election (GE11) in 2004. People was in favour of a government without Tun Dr Mahathir forgetting all the good deeds and development he brought to Malaysia from being a third world.

Since then, Barisan Nasional under Tun Abdullah Badawi had lost 2/3 majority in the 12th General Election (GE12) in 2008 and even lost a few states. When Tun Abdullah Badawi resigned, Dato Sri Najib brought an even worst winning for Barisan Nasional at the 13th General Election (GE13) in 2013. Barisan Nasional did not even get the popular votes.

The 90% majority grand victory that the people celebrated in GE11 for not wanting Tun Dr Mahathir had brought a major catastrophe not just to Barisan Nasional but to Malaysia. The people is not always right.

The people will not make the same mistake by voting against Barisan Nasional because of their frustration, anger and hatred for Dato Sri Najib's donation, money politics, abuse of power with the PAC, MACC, AG, BNM, Police and those labelled as corrupted Ministers. The damage will be of great detriment to Malaysia.


12 May 2010. PROTON EDAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION MALAYSIA (PEDA) was pleased to meet YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad (Tun Dr Mahathir's FACEBOOK) the Perdana Leadership Foundation . I was accompanied by my Deputy President/Southern Region Head Dato Yahya Jaafar, Vice-President/Northern Region Head Abu Lais Walli Mohamed, Vice President/Central Lee Lick Sai, Secretary General/Northern Jeff Lim Si Heong, Hon Treasurer/Central Adam Khan Omar Khan, AJK/Seremban Fadzil Bakar, East Coast Region Head Mohd Jasmin Ismail, AJK/Central Region Fathul Rahman, AJK/Seremban Dr Wan Ikmal Dato Seri Wan Ahmad, AJK/East Coast Mohd Zainuri Ab Halim.

The famous Anus and LIWAT

I have to admit that learning is a lifetime process. I learn new language and new terms daily. Whilst I would understand LIWAT is sodomy in Malay languange, L.I.W.A.T. is also an abbreviation for Liberation of International Working Group for Anwar in Turkey. Recently I also learn that the opposition abbreviation P.K.R. also stands for Parti Khinzir Raksasa.

Whilst the allegation of Anwar Ibrahim’s liking for young men are of national interest (considering sodomy is an offense by Malaysia law) can he really be the alternative to Abdullah Badawi as the Prime Minister of Malaysia?

The people had conveyed their dissatisfaction on Abdullah Badawi government by depriving Barisan National of not only from a landslide victory but also from its 2/3 majority in the last general election but all the component party executives seems to be fully supporting Abdullah. Can Abdullah given a chance, drive Malaysia to achieve the Barisan National Vision 2020 and stabilise the economy from the drastic increase in fuel price and the price of essential items?

Since all Barisan National component party rallied behind Abdullah and agreeing to whatever and everything that Abdullah or the 4th floor boys submit, what will happen to Malaysia if Tun Dr Mahathir stop issuing statements?

Given the failure in the people’s move to awake our Prime Minister from sleep in the last general election and the failure in Tun Dr Mahathir endless call for Abdullah to step down, Anwar Ibrahim became an important instrument in the public’s effort to ‘humble-lise’ BN.

Tun Dr Mahathir had brought us out from both the late 80s and the 1998 recessions which Anwar Ibrahim failed when he was the Deputy Prime Minister cum Finance Minister in the last recession. Anwar almost sold Malaysia to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and most businesses were almost bankrupted when he increased the interest rate for his political gain in the last recession which was reversed by Tun Dr Mahathir when Tun resumed the post of Finance Minister when Anwar was sacked.

What has the public benefitted from Abdullah’s government? The current infrastructure developments were all of Mahathirism. There is currently no such thing as Abdullah’ism except for the Islam Badawii.. eh.. hadhari.. which even I do not understand. Now, even the islam Hadhari concept had disappeared from the public. What is perceived and felt under Abdullah’ism is the toll price increase (for highway that was completed even before the construction material prices increased), the petrol price increase, electricity bill increase and all other essential items price increases. What is also pronounced under Abdullah’ism is the announcement of the National Automotive Policy (NAP) by only his special officer. Certainly a policy of national interest should be announced by at least a cabinet minister or the Prime Minister himself raising doubt on Abdullah’s credibility or Abdullah’s trust in his Ministers. This again proves the significant of the 4th floor compared to other cabinet Ministers. Typical of Abdullah, once the announcement went sour, his deputy Najib Razak was appointed Chairman of the automotive policy and typical of Najib to accept and become a yes man. As a consequence of the NAP, majority of the public were not able to sell and dispose of their car due to the revision in the used car prices or risk having to pay the bank extra payment to settle the balance car loan. Many used car dealers were bankrupted holding stocks of cars that now fetches below their cost price and new car dealers sales plummeted as buyer were not able to trade in their cars (to buy a new car), to say the least.

Businessmen had to absorb all the increase in operating cost without much assistant from the government. Abdullah’s indecisiveness in the future of Proton too raises further doubt on his long term vision and his commitment to BN’s vision 2020. The vision 2020 is a BN’s future direction which Abdullah as the Chairman of BN should see through its success. Without the vision 2020, there is no other long term vision of Barisan National. Proton and the automotive sector contribute significantly to the national GDP growth and a constant annual GDP growth of at least 8% is imperative to ensure the Vision 2020 is realised. Where is Malaysia future direction now and it is doubtful Abdullah is able to drive Malaysia with his indecisiveness. It is even doubtful that the 9th Malaysia plan can even materialise fully.

Previously, with the mega-projects under Tun Dr Mahathir government (or at least those that was not scrapped), we could at least see our money spend on tangible outlook that benefited the public rather than under Abdullah’s 'corridors' that was launched and awarded as a carrot for the last general election cum the year end UMNO assembly but nothing has started whilst our country's money are depleting, petrol subsidy reduced and the public's disposable income are deteriorating.

It is also a fact that our crime rate had multi fold since Abdullah took the premiership. These are issues that affected our daily life and however positive the statistics that the government portrayed are all immaterial as we felt the negativity in our daily life when we refuel our petrol, shop for groceries, replace our existing car and walk down the street fearing the mat rempik, thugs and snatch thieves.

What can Anwar & his PKR offer that BN cannot? An opportunist by nature, whatever weaknesses in BN is Anwar’s marketing strategy but what is Anwar’s long term vision? True and it is also a known fact that Anwar and PKR long term vision is to make Anwar Ibrahim as the new Prime Minister but that is Anwar & PKR vision, mission and objective! How can Anwar becoming the Prime Minister benefits the public? What about Malaysia’s long term plan and strategy that is probably better than the 9th Malaysia Plan and better than the Vision 2020?

There is no future plan and direction with Anwar and PKR but we do need Anwar to ‘humble-lise’ BN. But Anwar is only important as an opposition and NOT as a government. There is no glory felt in Abdullah’s government given his indecisiveness in everything and if Abdullah resign, Najib will be the next Prime Minister. A man whom half his life was spend as a cabinet minister and never took a stand or so we see. What and how can Najib drives Malaysia further being a yes man all his life in cabinet… if he ever become the Prime Minister! I am speculating that Abdullah is strategising the removal of Najib by planting a reverse psychology that suggested Najib was involved in framing Anwar with the sodomy charges (over and above the Altantuya tragedy to discredit him). When Anwar accused the government of conspiring with Saiful to lodge a police report against him, Abdullah was quick to deny his involvement but went on to say that he did not think Najib had anything to do with it too, indirectly suggesting that Najib is in fact was the culprit for the alleged conspiracy. Najib had to deny, when neither Anwar nor anybody had ever accused Najib.. except indirectly by Abdullah whom triggered with the drop of hint. Najib's denial became a headline frontpage news in all medias (hence government-own media). Wan Azizah (Anwar’s wife) then met with Abdullah for assurance on Anwar' safety further suggested a conspiracy at the highest level. Having announced Najib as his successor, Abdullah and his 4th floor boys had to orchestrate other means to remove Najib and take the highlight away from the public on the Malaysia poorly managed country and economy. It is believed (Abdullah's greatest fear) that Najib is repeating and adopting Anwar previous strategy in removing Tun Ghaffar as the Deputy PM. Even before the election, Anwar’s boys were able to gather enough nomination that left Ghafar Baba with no other choice but to concede defeat. A season politician and always fronting a ‘Yes man’, Najib should be able to gather enough nominations for the President’s post this incoming branch and division meetings in July. This make Najib as Abdullah’s greatest threat after Anwar.

Given the long term Vision 2020 of BN, there is no doubt we need BN as the government but what we needed more now is a strategist and a driver for Barisan National and Malaysia as how Matthias Chang viewed Tun Dr. Mahathir as the Prime Minister. Tun was the sun and the Cabinet was the moon. The moon’s glow is the reflected shine of the sun. Hence, the ministers were perceived to have been effective. Sadly, today, we are experiencing a total eclipse! There is no shine coming from the Prime Minister, Abdullah Badawi and as such how can we expect any reflected glow in the Cabinet? ... and the glory of Malaysia.

Good luck to us Malaysian…

Proton, Gas and the Government

The fuel price increased had attracted various opportunists for cheap publicity but it did not attract any effort by our Prime Minister or its cabinet Ministers to find means of overcoming the public’s burden in absorbing the price increase of most essential items except for the RM625 one-off subsidy for road tax rebate which cannot even pay for the increase in chicken price annually let alone the petrol price hike.

Amongst the many opportunists is our very own Proton whom made headline for its plan to fit the Waja, Saga and Persona with NGV (Natural Gas for Vehicles) kits by year-end. These NGV kits will be installed at the production level and will come with a warranty.

For the warranty to be extended with the NGV fitment, Proton Edar authorised workshops must be sanction to undertake the NGV service and repair. The mechanics and technician has to obtain special licence and the workshop must apply for special permit to service gas engine. The workshop also requires special tools for the service. Currently, none of Proton Edar service dealer network is authorised for NGV servicing or even aware of any administrative requirements to obtain the mechanic licensing or permit for the workshop. The process and procedures for the application may take longer than the expected year end for launching of Proton vehicles with the NGV kit installed. If these are not resolved, how do we expect the customers to be able to claim any warranty or servicing associated with the NGV vehicles.

But assuming the licensing and permit administrative procedures are complied with and in the absence of great thinkers in the Government or the ‘4th floor’, does Malaysia infrastructure is ready for gas? With Proton and other car manufacturer following Proton's moves for gas, soon there will be an influx of NGV vehicles.

To keep the electricity price low, the government during Tun Mahathir era did not allow gas price to be increased. The government decide the price of gas to be sold to power stations. Petronas sustained losses from the low gas price but not as much under Tun’s Government given the crude prices were only around US30 dollar per barrel then. Today, it is US139 dollars per barrel. The cost of gas, likewise had increased and the losses suffered by Petronas is much higher but then this is again for the Abdullah’s Government and Petronas to resolve. Hints.. gas price may increase soon too…

Petronas also supplies NGV for motor vehicles but the amount is limited because the sale of NGV incurs a big loss in profit to Petronas as there is no reimbursement by the Government. Other oil company refuse to sell gas as they would also lose money given the low gas price that was fix during Tun Dr Mahathir’s government, hence, if all car manufacturer start producing vehicles with NGV, the price of gas may be increased to make it attractive for Petronas and other oil company to provide gas at all the petrol stations.

Currently there are very limited petrol stations providing gas for vehicles which is mostly used by taxis. Once Proton began selling cars with NGV kits, consumers will be burden with limited source for petrol stations with gas supplies and may have to queue a few kilometres long with all the taxis to refuel their gas. Notice the queue at all petrol kiosk (such as the one near KLCC and kelana jaya) with gas supplies.

So really, does the NGV kit by Proton and other car manufacturer the answer for the public outcry due to petrol price hike? A proper planning preparing the authorised workshop dealers network for NGV vehicles service licensing, permits and training and an affordable price for the NGV kit alone will not ease the public burden. The Ministry of Domestic Trade & Consumers Affair has to ensure that all petrol stations are able to supply gas and more importantly, can Petronas sustain the loss in profit from the increase in sales of gas to the public, or will there be a gas price revision to attract other oil company to supply gas at their petrol stations for the convenient of the public. With the possible price revision, what will happen to proton vehicles with NGV fitment?

Unless the Government spearhead the gas as an alternative to cheaper fuel for cars, Proton and various other automotive manufacturers move towards NGV will just be another failure. But thumbs up to Syed Zainal and Proton as well as other car manufacturer for the effort to ease the public outcry.

Malaysia Politics

i was privileged to have a cup of coffee.. or cappuccino rather, with Emran, the Chief Operating Officer, Suria FM radio.

Our cappuccino chat was planned since last week but again.. due to scarcity of available time, we only manage to meet today. A plan for a quick cappuccino lasted for hours. We both share some common interest especially in marketing. how to draw, attract and capture the attention of the public mass. we chatted and discussed and chatted and agree for a tie-up... but that cant be discussed in this article pending the Press conference.. soon.

Amongst other topics that was discussed is the topic that is close to our heart as well as many Malaysians, the Malaysian Politics. It occur to me, every time i chatted about politics, that i am a direct by-product of the government policies.. yes we all are but i really felt the benefit of a good and a bad policy.

Without being subjective on what policies worked and what doesnt, i would like to relate to the government policies that directly affected me. For a start, i was sick... almost dead and requires a Bone marrow transplant immediately. I was lucky to have Emi, my sister as a donor... though initially, After testing all my siblings for a match, my younger sister Dr Ta and Amnan, my youngest brother was supposed to be the bone marrow donor but was found incompatible a month prior to the operation. Imagine my reaction when i was told that both Dr Ta and Amnan who were supposed to be a match turn out to be incompatible and i was in London without any donor. Thank god when the hospital did another test on all my siblings, they discover Emi, my youngest sister's bone marrow was compatible. (wait for the launch of my book for full detail).

Anyway, being sick, the total cost of the Bone marrow transplant was a few hundred thousand Malaysia Ringgit.. oh god! My dad being a civil servant simply cannot afford the exorbitant cost. But being a civil servant, and a good health policy, the government paid for my bone marrow transplant (thank you god). getting the initial approval for my transplant was another story (I cant wait to launch my book... ) My transplant was made possible because of certain policy in place.

Having successfully underwent the bone marrow transplant in London (Malaysia cannot perform the bone marrow transplant during that time), i studied and pass both my GCSE (Malaysian SPM equivalent) and A'levels the same year. i pursue my degree in Buckingham University, England under MARA scholarship and graduated when i was 20 years old.. the MARA scholarship or... well a convertible loan which was converted into a scholarship when i graduated with honours and a good result, was part of the Government NEP.

After my graduation, i worked for the Commerce International Merchant Bankers Berhad in the Corporate Finance department and gained the best insight into the Corporate sector and had the best exposure from Malaysia rapid growth, again thanks to the government far-sighted Vision 2020.

I left a comfortable banker's life to i started my own business operating a Proton Edar dealership in 1997. Thanks to the government vision & enthusiasm in the national car project, i was able to learn the automotive trade. i started my second business a Proton Edar Service Centre which was my only breadwinner during the 1998 financial crisis.

Hence, the benefits i gained from the governments vision and policies. However, during the 1998 financial crisis, similar to most businessmen, i suffered major set-back. My dad sold our house in Kelantan to salvage my dealership though it was my business and not his (thank you god for blessing me with a lovely dad). During the financial crisis, from my naive observation, i noticed and observed what i deemed as the root of our country's problem.. that almost led to my death as a business man. i was only 23 years old when the financial crisis started in late 1997.

The Prime Minister during that period was Tun Dr Mahathir and his deputy Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim was also the Chancellor of the Exchequer or Finance Minister.

TDM wanted to retire (that is how i perceived when Tun took many holidays and did a lot of travelling leaving Malaysia to Dato Seri) and had allow Dato Seri to resume many of his responsibilities. Dato Seri knew if Tun retires now and he became the PM, he would have nothing left (giant Conglomerate) to control. At that point, almost all of Malaysia infrastructure the PLUS highway was under Halim Saad, What goes on the road, Proton cars (DRB-HICOM & PROTON) was under Yahaya Ahmad. Malaysia Airlines was under Tajudin Ramli, Bakun was under Ting Pek Khiing, IPP, Konsortium perkapalan, TNB were all privatised to Tun so called cronies. thus Dato Seri would be the PM but Tun will still have a major influence of Malaysia. Dato Seri knew that he had to regain some control of Malaysia infrastructure and increased the interest rate to the highest knowingly Tun's cronies were all highly geared. When these Cronies were not able to repay the gearing, their companies will be under the administration of Danaharta. Danaharta is under the Ministry of Finance inc... hence Dato Seri.

In his greed for control and power, raising interest rate for personal gain, small time business fellow like me suffers and almost died. My dealership end-up having to pay the bank all my profit from selling new proton cars and some cars that was under the 'floor-stocking' facilities had accumulated interest rate so much that all the proceed from the sales of the bungalow (that my dad sold to help me out in business) was paid for the acumulated Bank floor-stocking facility interests. During the financial crisis, hire-purchase loan for customers to buy cars were frozen. I was stuck with more than 40 cars under floor-stocking for more than 1 year. you can calculate the interest rate that had accumulated.

It did not help having people like Stanley tan, Proton Edar (formerly known as USPD) General manager (now happily retire with a few proton dealership that he had accumulated during his tenure as well as a golden handshake for serving Proton Edar) forcing us to pay for all cars allocated (that we never wanted) although the economy was so bad.

When Dato Seri was sacked, Tun took the extra responsibility as the Finance Minister, and a month later, all hire-purchase loan was re-open and interest rate was reduced and i was able to sell Proton cars again. We, the small businessmen can see who makes a better Finance Minister.

I became a vendor shortly after the recession and appreciate the opportunity that was made possible by the government's vision in the automotive.

In short, i am not aligned to any political party (this is another story for later) and i am not interested to become a politician (not yet..) but we have to be careful with the person that we elect to hold office as our lives as a business man will be effected. We should never vote for individual. we should vote for the political resolution and manifesto.

Now with Pak Lah as the PM, the same thing what Dato Seri wanted to do, was recycled again but instead of the Danaharta taking administrative control, all the privatised projects was re-corporatised under a new term called GLCs and then the government initiate PFI (private fund initiative) which is simply another word for 'privatisation. so... why re-corporatise all Tun M's privatised project to privatise them again under GLC and PFI..? Thus far, our life as a business man is very uncertain with all the commodity price increase. if the interest rate was again used for political mileage, all businesses will collapse similar to the 1998 financial crisis.

Me and Emran, spoke about many other issues but that will be a topic for another session.
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