It has been slightly more than 2 months since we pitched to be selected as the top 20 finalists on 18 September 2015. Alot had happen since. The finalists underwent various intensive, grueling and mentally challenging training that actually made us think deeper into our business, future plan and our concept. I felt really privilege to be part of these programs. These programs were really useful and relevant to the business but these are also the type of programs that we will always ignore, take it for granted and would never spare any effort to attend on our own, prioritizing business errands and work appointments. Its amazing how the organiser for the SME Innovation Challenge structured and so well planned the whole program. It took me a few days just to digest what we went through the class for each classes. We graduated from the last program on 24 November and have not really digest it, let alone to pitch on 26 November 2015 for the Top 6 selection. It would have been perfect if we had a week after the last program to the pitching date.
26 November 2015. The pitching was held at the Grand Hyatt, Kuala Lumpur and I was scheduled to pitched at 1030am. There were the same judges as the first pitch (for the list of judges, click HERE) except for Kenny from Manulife. A lady replaced Kenny as the judge. I arrived early at 830am and had breakfast at the hotel. Tan Sri Liew arrived in full suit without his EcoWorld uniform which was quite unlike him. We had a few sessions with Tan Sri and he was always smart, clad in the white EcoWorld uniform. Perhaps this was a signal that today is going to be a really serious session! He was not so talkative as compared to his usual sharing mood when he arrived. He sat for a momnet and requested to start the pitching early. It was only at 9:30am and the first pitch was scheduled to start at 10am. Edwin Wang and John Cheng from Signature Snack was all ready. They were the first to pitch.