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Mei 2009, Kuala Lumpur. “ Komisyen premium insurans kenderaan yang baru dan pembaharuan insurans menyumbang lebih dari 20% pendapatan bersih bagi setiap kereta. Cadangan usul PIAM yang diluluskan oleh Bank Negara melalui surat pekeliling kepada PIAM pada 17 April 2009 akan memusnahkan Sistem Eco Otomotif, terutamanya rangkaian pengedar otomotif. Insurans kenderaan merupakan satu segmen penting dalam Sistem Eco Otomotif.” Kata Armin Baniaz Pahamin, Pemangku Presiden Persatuan Pengedar Proton Edar Malaysia (PEDA).

1. Melalui evolusi industri otomotif di Malaysia dan selaras dengan Akta Sewa Beli 1967, pengedar kereta baru dan terpakai telah menjadi wakil agensi kepada syarikat insurans am bagi meningkatkan khidmat tambahan kepada pelanggan dan institusi kewangan. Premium yang disumbangkan oleh pengedar-pengedar ini adalah dari lingkungan RM500,000.00 sehingga RM1,000,000.00 setahun.

2. Premium ini menjadi subsidi kepada kenaikan pembelanjaan overhed kini dan juga merupakan penentuan untung pulang modal pengedar-pengedar terutamanya semasa kemelesetan ekonomi.

3. Disaat krisis ekonomi ini, jumlah pengganguran semakin meningkat dan ianya telah menjejas industri otomotif dengan teruk. Cadangan usul PIAM akan menjejaskan lagi Sistem Eco Otomotif dan tidak mendatangkan faedah kepada kedua-dua syarikat insurans dan wakil agensinya.

4. Tindakan memintas wakil agensi dengan memberi potongan rebet mandatori terus kepada pelanggan akan meningkatkan lagi kadar pengganguran yang lebih tinggi dan melemahkan lagi Sistem Eco Otomotif.

5. Ekoran kemelesetan resesi 1998, Persatuan Bank-Bank Malaysia (ABM) telah membuat cadangan dan diluluskan oleh Bank Negara untuk pemansuhan komisyen sewa beli yang telah ditentukan oleh pasaran dan kemudiannya mengenakan penyelarasan caj pengendalian dengan had maksima. ABM yang mewakili kepentingan pihak bank telah menyebabkan pengedar-pengedar otomotif hilang 50% dari punca pendapatan mereka.

6. Kini, Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) membuat cadangan dan Bank Negara pula telah meluluskan cadangan rebet mandatori insurans tersebut. PIAM mewakili kepentingan syarikat-syarikat insurans yang mengutamakan bahagian pasaran diantara syarikat insurans ‘milik bank’ dan ‘bukan milik bank’. Pengedar-pengedar otomotif akan kehilangan lebih 20% pendapatan mereka ekoran dari cadangan usul PIAM.

7. Kedua-dua ABM dan PIAM adalah badan berkanun (statutory association) yang mewakili kepentingan pihak bank dan syarikat insurans di Malaysia. Tidak ada satu pun badan berkanun yang mewakili kepentingan Sistem Eco Otomotif walaupun industri otomotif merupakan satu sektor penting bagi penyumbangan pertumbuhan ekonomi.

8. PEDA menyeru penubuhan satu ‘Majlis atau Badan Berkanun Otomotif’ untuk menyelaras dan melaksanakan polisi kerajaan yang membabitkan Sistem Eko Otomotif yang baru ataupun yang disemak. Semua isu-isu atau cadangan yang berkaitan dengan Sistem Eko Otomotif seharusnya dirujuk kepada ‘Majlis atau Badan Berkanun Otomotif’ yang dicadangkan dan bukannya dari PIAM atau ABM yang hanya mewakili kepentingan syarikat insurans berlesen dan bank-bank di Malaysia.

9. Kebanyakan ahli-ahli PIAM adalah milik bank. Bank dapat mempengaruhi cadangan usul PIAM dengan mudah dan ia tidak menggalakkan pertumbuhan atau memperkukuhkan daya tahan Sistem Eco Otomotif.

10. Bank menguasai pasaran industri otomotif. Tanpa kemudahan bank yang disediakan kepada pengedar kereta dan juga pinjaman sewa beli kepada pembeli kereta, industri otomotif akan gagal. Pihak bank telah memaksa pengedar-pengedar menggunakan syarikat insurans milik bank dengan mengenakan penalti dan bunga faedah yang tinggi melalui kemudahan bank yang diberi kepada pengedar (yang tidak melanggani syarikat insurans milik bank).

11. Pengedar-pengedar telah dimaklumkan bahawa mereka tidak akan menikmati apa-apa komisyen dari pembaharuan insurans yang telah mereka langgani secara paksaan melalui syarikat insurans milik bank. Semua komisyen dari pembaharuan insurans itu menjadi milik bank.

12. Industri otomotif merupakan sektor utama dalam ekonomi Malaysia dan adalah sebahagian dari setiap ‘Rancangan Malaysia’. Polisi Otomotif Nasional juga telah diperkenalkan untuk sektor otomotif. Dengan tidak adanya majlis atau badan berkanun untuk mempertahan dan mewakili Sistem Eco Otomotif, industri otomotif akan menjadi lebih lemah dan terus merosot.

13. PEDA tidak akan teragak-agak untuk menasihati ahlinya dan juga persatuan pengedar-pengedar otomotif yang lain untuk memboikot ahli-ahli PIAM jika cadangan usul itu dilaksanakan.


Press Release


MAY 2009, KUALA LUMPUR. “New insurance premium and renewal of motor insurance commission contribute more than 20% of proton dealer’s total net income per car. PIAM’s proposal that was approved by Bank Negara via its circular to PIAM dated 17 April 2009 will destroy the Automotive Eco System, specifically the automotive dealer’s network. Motor insurance is an important segment of the automotive eco-system” said Armin Baniaz Pahamin, Acting President Proton Edar Dealers Association Malaysia (PEDA).

1. With the evolution of the motor industry in Malaysia, and in keeping with the requirements of the Hire Purchase Act 1967, new and used car dealers have become agents to the general insurers to provide value added service to their customers and financial institutions. The premium contributed by these dealers can range from RM500,000.00 to as much as RM1,000,000.00 per annum.

These premiums subsidised the increasing overhead cost as well as determine thebreak-even of car dealers especially during these economic crisis.

3. During this economic crisis, unemployment rate are increasing and the automotive industry are badly affected. PIAM proposal will further affect the automotive eco system and does not benefit both the insurance company and its agencies.

4. Bypassing agencies with a direct rebate to customers will contribute to a higher unemployment rate and further weakens the automotive eco-system.

5. Post-1998 recession, the Association of Banks in Malaysia (ABM) proposed and Bank Negara approved the abolishment of the market dictated Hire-Purchase commission and later imposed a regulated ‘Handling Fees’ with a ceiling capping. ABM acted in the interest of Banks and the automotive dealers lost more than 50% of their total income.

6. Now, the General Insurance Association of Malaysia (PIAM) proposed and Bank Negara approved a direct rebate for Motor Insurance. PIAM acted in the interest of the insurance companies in their struggle to capture market share between ‘Bank-owned’ and ‘non-bank-owned’ insurance companies. The automotive dealers will lost more than 20% income from PIAM proposal.

7. Both the ABM and PIAM are statutory associations and acted in the interest of the Banks and Insurance Company in Malaysia. There is no statutory body that represented the interest of the automotive eco system although Automotive Industry is a significant sector that contributed substantially to the Malaysia economic growth.

8. PEDA call for the establishment of a statutory “Automotive Council” to regulate and administer any new and/or revised governmental policy pertaining to the automotive eco system. Any issue pertaining to the automotive eco system should be referred to the proposed ‘Automotive Council’ and not by PIAM or ABM whom only acted on behalf of the license general insurance companies and Banks in Malaysia.

9. PIAM proposal will not revitalise the automotive eco system.

10.Automotive industry is Bank dominated market. Without Banks facilities for car vendors & dealers and hire-purchase end-financing for car buyers, the automotive industry will fail. Currently, banks are already enforcing dealers to terminate their existing insurance company in favour of Bank owned insurance company by imposing a hefty penalty and higher interest to the banking facilities rendered to the dealers (if the dealer do not subscribed to the bank insurance company)

11.Dealers were impliedly told they will not enjoy any insurance renewal commission when they subscribed to the bank insurance under force majeure. All commission for the insurance renewal are forfeited by the Bank.

12.Automotive industry contributed significantly to the Malaysia economy and is part of every 5 year Malaysia Plans (Rancangan Malaysia). A National Automotive Policy was also introduced for the automotive sector. in the absent of a statutory council to represent the Automotive Eco System, the automotive industry will be weaker and will continue to deteriorate.

PEDA will not hesitate to advice our members and other automotive car dealers association to ‘Boycott” members of PIAM that supported and implemented the proposal in favour of Takaful.




A huge trailer bearing plate number WSC 2033 scrapped the rear of my sister's Jaguar at Desa Sri Hartamas on 16 May 2009. it was 2:45pm and there were witnesses at the scene. I was shopping for running shoes the New Balance store, One Utama when i received the news. i rushed to the scene immediately and saw Suhaimi, my personal trainer, rhiza my brother in law (whom co-incidentally were there too), and many others. Fortunately, Emi was not injured.

The lorry owned by HENG CHEW NGO TRDG & TRANSPORT, 2448 East Street 9, JinJang Utara, Kuala Lumpur driven by an Indian. The driver rudely scolded my sister before disappearing away. Well-trained and vanity having carried her camera with her at all time, Emi took pictures of the lorry, plate number, road tax, company names and address . The Jaguar was immobilised. The damage to the car was extensive with a broken bumper, spoiler, rear and front door and puncture tyre and broken rim.

I called Tajul from Allianz Insurance, the insurer of our car whom immediately dispatched Mr Yap from the Allianz insurance panel workshop. In any unforeseen accidental event, always call your insurance company whom will advice and extend all form of assistant. Tajul & Allianz were efficient and i am grateful for their assistant. Mr Yap brought us to the Jalan Bandar Traffic Police Station to lodge a police report.

I was more impressed with the efficiency of the Police force personnel at the Jalan Bandar Traffic Police station. Corporal Abdul Razak attended us within less than 10 minutes of waiting. He took Emi's statement and printed the police report before politely directing us to the Investigating Officer Sgt Amran. We met Sgt Amran whom were polite and interviewed Emi in less than 5 minutes.

Another police officer took a picture of the damage jaguar. Within less than a total of 30 minutes from the arrival at the police station, everything was completed. Doing a police report for car accident was dreadful and used to take at least half a day but nowadays, our Police are very efficient and fast. Congratulation and SYABAS (well-done) to the Royal Malaysian Police.


NEW BALANCE 15KM RUN.. @ Lake Garden

NEW BALANCE 15KM... killer race

KRRrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingg ........... its 5am and my blackberry phone alarm screamed annoyingly for 3 second before i switched it off and went back to sleep. I jumped out of bed at 5:36am when i suddenly realized its SUNDAY MORNING 17 May 2009.. the New Balance race! I woke my sister Emi ... This is my 4th New Balance race. I first participated in the new balance race in 2006 but i never kept track of any race timing until last year. I completed 2008, last year's New balance 15km race in 1 hour and 48minutes. Race timing was never my objective. i just wanted to run. i doubt, i can complete todays race before 2 hours.. in fact i hope to complete today's race before 2 hours and 30mins. i did not run train at all for already almost 3 weeks... with an exception of last week 10km Bomba run that was also a torture.

I love the New Balance race. It is the most organised race in all the running events in Malaysia. Everything was well organised... from the timing-chip & record, water stations, marshalls and ambulance... not that i need an ambulance but hey.. once i took part in the Ironman triathlon, Langkawi and the ambulance and police escorted slowly behind me.... and sigh.. i did end up being chauffered driven in the ambulance... collapsed on my 128th km cycle. The New balance race was also known for the best racing vest. The material and design was superb. The vest is even better and prettier than Adidas King of the road vest.

Todays run was... syiiiiok & exhilarating at first. i was enjoying the 'runners high' and woke up at Bukit Tunku... Didnt even know how I got there but was awoke by the killer terrain when i was completely out of breath. The race was all 'hilly' and my heart rate was constant at 168.. My speed was barely 7. On the 3.8th km from start, a whole bunch of ladies steadily and speedily ran passed me. Ladies start time was 15 minutes later than men!!

It was a tough run with the killer terrain from start to end and especially from the lack of training. I would usually blame the organiser, personal trainer, running partner and even blame the weather... for a tough run. but with the best organiser and every running partner's improved timing and a cooling route.. i can only blame ME... for the lack of discipline to train. Will train harder for the next run.. the Klang 21km race on 7 June 2009.

I completed the race in an excruciating 2 hours and 8 minutes and wanted a Nasi Lemak tangling as a reward but had Kanna roti canai instead.

Excruciating 2 hours & 8 minutes
NB Finisher............

Dont let the pictures deceived you though.. if there is one thing that i wont fail..... is to pose for the camera.. ahaks.. but really.......... the run was really really bad... the smiles were all a show.. :-)


The coarse, uncivilised and business unfriendly PUTRAJAYA CORPORATION.....


I first visited Putrajaya in 2006 and until today i am still till amazed at the stupendous view of Putrajaya. Never would I thought Malaysia can display in the shortest time, a modern and such a well-planned township bearing the best architectural design. I am proud to see the prominent government buildings and the many futuristic-designs and world best bridges. I am a proud Malaysian. It took almost a year of courting Putrajaya and much deliberation on its business potential before I decided to transfer my 12 year old Proton Edar dealership from the fastest growing township in Puchong to Precint 15, Putrajaya.

I was inspired by YABhg Tun Mahathir whom envisioned Putrajaya similar to major cities in Paris and America filled with major corporations with impressive office buildings, famous fine-dining restaurants, fast food outlets, automotive car showrooms, cafes, bistros as well as theatres with crowded people strolling along the city.

Putrajaya is dead much to YABhg Tun Mahathir’s dismay and disappointment as clearly written in his chedet blog. Putrajaya will continue to be dead with the PERBADANAN PUTRAJAYA (PPj) business-unfriendly approach. Putrajaya is dead because of PPj unnecessary red-tapes that is neither attracting new businesses nor supporting existing business community.

1. On 20 January 2009, I personally met Puan Zuraini Abdul Halim from PPj to submit an application to renovate the new Proton Edar showroom. The Interior Design for the renovation was produced and printed by Proton engineering department according to Proton new Corporate Identity and does not require any structural or building modification. The original copy that was duly signed and stamped by Proton Edar authorised General Manager and Managers was submitted to Puan Zuraini.

2. Puan Zuraini rejected the application because the drawing produced by Proton Engineering department did not comply to the size and shape required by PPj. I appealed for re-consideration as any delay will result in monetary losses especially during this economic crisis. Nonetheless, the non-compliance (size of drawing) was only a minor issue. The interior design for the renovation was already implemented throughout Malaysia in more than 300 showrooms.

3. Puan Zuraini had to refer to a ‘higher authority’ and on 22 January 2009, the higher authority rejected my application. I appealed to meet the ‘higher authority’ but was told his schedule was full and even if I meet, I will receive similar remark. PPj requirement MUST be complied and PPj will NOT ACCEPT nor entertained any submission unless the requirement is fully complied with.

4. Puan Zuraini then advice me to appoint PPj staff whom are well-versed with PPj requirement and compliance for RM2,500 to avoid any ‘delay’. After much deliberation and to avoid any unforeseen ‘delay’, we appointed En Hairuddin Haji Daud for all preparation, liaison with PPj and Bomba until approval. The approval was promised within 1 month.

5. 3 datelines were given by En Hairuddin without success. Various attempts were made to contact Puan Zuraini and En Omairi Hashim to follow up on the application but without success too.

6. On 23 March 2009, upon our inquiry since we have not heard from PPj, we were told our application was officially received on 16 March 2009, although it has been more than two months since the actual submission and liaison via En Hairuddin. PPj approved our application for renovation 3 days later on 26 March 2009 and we began our renovation.

7. We wasted 4 months of rental payment and thousands of Ringgit in lost of business awaiting PPj approval for renovation.

8. On 9 April 2009, we applied our business license online via the E-Lesen application from PPj website(Appendix A1 , A2 & A3)

9. On 13 April 2009, we spoke to En Rozaimi b Ramli, PPj Assistant Director for an update on our Business License application that was applied online. En Rozaimi informed us that there is no record of our application. Flabbergasted, we applied again on 13 April 2009 (Appendix B1 , B2 ) the Business License via the E-Lesen application through the PPj website and spoke again with En Rozaimi. Again, we were informed there is no record of our application online.

10. 13 April 2009 (same day), after 2 failed Business License online application attempt, we submitted BY FAX (Appendix C1 , C2 , the application for Business License with a printed copy of both the online application dated 9 April 2009 and 13 April 2009 (Appendix A1 , A2 , A3 & B1 , B2 The submission was verbally acknowledged by En Rozaimi Ramli on the same day (Appendix C1 & C2 ). We officially wrote to Yg Bhg Tan Sri President (on 13 April 2009) to informed our thus far predicaments with PPj as well as our licensing application (Attachment 1a , 1b & 1c).

11. On 16 April 2009, we submitted BY HAND the supporting documents for the Business License and PPj acknowledged and signed receipt (Appendix D1 & D2 ).

12. On 23 April 2009, we submitted additional supporting documents as informed and required by PPj (Appendix E).

13. Although all supporting documents have been forwarded and submitted as perAppendix D1,D2 & E above, on 27 April 2009, Puan Nor Hashimah Bt Mohd Hashim from PPj officially wrote to defer the approval for our Business License (Appendix F1 & F2 ) for NOT SUBMITTING any supporting documents (baseless??) and PROTEST from the Public.

14. Since our showroom was open in Putrajaya, we have received an overwhelming and encouraging response from the neighbouring business community as well as Putrajaya residents. We seek clarification from PPj via our letter dated 13 May 2009 (Appendix G1 , G2 ) for the alleged PROTEST from the public.

15. On 7 May 2009, Puan Nor Azimah Bt Jamaluddin rejected our Signage License application (Appendix H1 , H2 ) and instructed my company to remove the installed signage within 14 days of her letter under Paragraph 5, Undang-Undang Kecil Iklan (Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya).

16. The signage board was designed, produced and supplied by PROTON EDAR that bears a standard size, design and material used at all 400 Proton Edar and EON Showrooms throughout Malaysia. My Proton dealership only borne the cost of installation amounting to an exorbitant RM12,000 and will have to incur an additional RM12,000 to remove the signage as instructed by PPj.

18. Proton is a national project, a government linked company (GLC) and a Proton dealership is part of Malaysia Second Industrial Masterplan to developed and nurture entreprenuer but does not received the slightest support in coordination nor any assistant from PPj except for strict compliance, various alleged non-compliance to regulation and alleged 'Protest'.

PPj lackadaisical business friendly approach was contrary to their President whom was the pillar behind the spirit of 'Malaysia Incorporated'. The spirit of 1Malaysia under the stewardship of our PM YAB Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak too was neither felt, understood nor implemented at PPj.



MAJLIS KONSULTANSI BAJET 2010 (Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia)

BUDGET 2010 CONSULTANCY COUNCIL (Ministry of Finance Malaysia)

I received an invitation letter from the Ministry of Finance Malaysia dated 4 May 2009 to participate in year 2010 Budget Consultancy Council today on 8 May 2009. Ministry of Finance had commenced the preparation for next year 2010 budget and the establishment of the Budget Consultancy is part of the process.

The theme for 2010 budget is "Together Building Resilience, Revitalising Growth", "Bersama Memperkukuhkan Daya Tahan, Merangsang Pertumbuhan".

This invitation is a milestone to all automotive OEM vendors, authorised sales dealers & workshop network as well as the automotive industry. Automotive and service centre dealers as well as workshop operators (including Proton, Perodua, Kia and other authorised workshops) comprised of individual entrepreneurs whom are directly affected by any change of governmental policies. Historically, there were no references to these entrepreneurs when a policy is being developed and implemented.

I took the responsibility and iniative to gather feedback from all parties namely, Proton Edar Dealers Association that represents the authorised sales, service and spare part dealer in Malaysia, EON dealers Association (EDAM) whom represents all EON authorised sales and service dealers in malaysia, Perodua Dealers Association that represents Perodua authorised sales and service dealers in Malaysia, Proton Vendor Association and other relevant associations and businessmen in Malaysia. I am also scheduled to meet the Banks.

Without a stronger sale and after sales network in Malaysia, automotive industry will be impaired especially during the current economic crisis. Thumbs up to YAB Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak, Prime Minister and YB Dato Ahmad Husni bin Mohamad Hanadzlah, Minister of Finance and the Ministry of Finance for a pro-active approach under the spirit of 1MALAYSIA.

I am expected to submit my memorandum to Ministry of Finance latest by 22 May 2009. Please leave any feedback, or email to me at if you would like to raise any issues (Not limited to Automotive).



Maxis-berry is exasperating (Part 2)

After various calls made to Maxis 123 for my BB update, on 4 May 2009, Ms Tang finally called at 5pm. "I managed to get for you a temporary Blackberry Bold" she said and then added "You can collect it tomorrow on Tuesday 5 May 2009, but I will call you once the temporary set is ready for collection". I was not amazed as I had paid for a virgin BB. I asked when can I get the new BB? She raised her tone and said she did her best to get me a temporary BB BOLD. "Not many people can get the same BB BOLD as a temporary set and some customer cannot even get any temporary set at all. I should appreciate that." she claimed.

Frantically, I asked again, "When can I expect to get my new BB? There must be a given period…" She too was getting annoyed with me and said she does not know! "It is up to the vendor. When you returned the your BB, Maxis will send the BB back to the vendor whom will then send it to Canada. Once the sick BB is in Canada, only then will they initiate a replacement!!!" Ms Tang exclaimed. I said this is ridiculous and hang up.

I was restless without my emails being delivered instantly through my device. I was handicapped without the Blackberry MS Dictionary, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, MSN chats. I called Maxis 123 early on 5 May 2009 to inquire if the temporary set is ready for collection. I was too frustrated akin of a broken heart. Ms Tang called and informed the temporary BB is ready for collection. I immediately went to Maxis KLCC, took a Q number, waited for 15 minutes before being attended by Ms Tang….. again. But this time she was friendlier!

I was introduced to the temporary BB (BBT). BBT looked overused. She was not pretty and had scar all over her face. Her tit was loose and her skin was sticky. In desperation, I accepted her and after 1 hour, BBT had all my details whilst my sick BB memory was completely erased. I asked Ms Tang again, when can I expect to get my new BB? She said it depends on the customer service officer (Her!). If the customer service officer followed up and push the vendor, then the replacement set can be faster. She smiled expecting me to be nicer to her. She assured me she will pressure the vendor for me and expedite my request but then she cannot commit any time-frame. Company Policy? I felt numb.... and dumb.

I was disgusted with BBT and only used her when I am in need…. mostly for reading emails. I will reply emails, Facebook'ing, chat and write blogs & book with my X61 Lenovo notebook. All were otherwise done by my BB. I cannot get use to the BBT loose tit.

I called Maxis 123 every day since then. I will call as early as 7am and even as late as 11pm daily. The respond time was less than a minute. Maxis 123 Call Centre is the best and the most efficient call centre that I have dealt with. I spoke to at least 7 different call centre operators and they were all very friendly and cooperative. When I informed my Job Sheet no 1865 and inquire for an update, there was no update in the system. The call centre requires feedback from Maxis @ KLCC. I was put-on-hold while the operator called Ms Tang @ KLCC without success and had to repeatedly email Ms Tang to return my call… I never received any calls!

Frustrated, I decided to email Ms Tang at direct. I emailed Ms Tang daily from 5 May 2009 for my replacement BB update. My email too was never replied.

After various calls made to Maxis 123, and many emails sent to Ms Tang for 6 days without any reply or returned call, on 11 May 2009, Ms Tang finally called me at 5:00pm. I thought I was dreaming. Upon hearing a lady's voice saying she is Li Yien (Ms Tang) from Maxis, my heart skipped a beat akin of receiving a call from a long lost girlfriend. I was in heaven. Ms Tang said, there is still NO RESPONSE from the VENDOR….!! I was not mad nor was I in any temperament but I was really delighted. I am finally attended after various calls made and emails sent. Ms Tang continued and said that she will email to get Maxis management approval to bypass the vendor and get a new replacement set from Maxis stock. I quickly interrupt her. I said its okay, thank you for calling and please tell me the outcome. Happiness was me. It is complicated but that call made my day.

Shortly, 10 minutes later, Ms Tang called again and said the vendor (not the management) had finally approved a new BB for me and I should be able to collect them tomorrow 12 May 2009!! God must have forgiven my sin for cheating on Nokia. I was speechless! Happiness was an understatement! I quickly fantasize the feel, look and the service of my new virgin. I smiled, short of saying goodbye to the scarred and overused BBT.

On 12 May 2009, Maxis called and said my virgin BB is ready for me. Happily, I said thank you and I will be there by 2pm! I was asked to see Ms Mahaya. I arrived at Maxis KLCC at 1:45pm with a mix feeling.. nervous, excited, happy…………

I was greeted by Ms Mahaya who was surprised of my over-punctuality. She escorted me to a quiet room where my virgin BB was waiting. I walked slowly towards the room and was greeted by an old friend Zulkhairi Dato Zulkifli whom recognised and remembered my name on the system. I first met Zul when he was in charge of Maxis TTDI. Zul is now the Head at Maxis KLCC. He prompted and asked why I never called him when I had any problem with Maxis. He is always ever helpful. Zul pampered me when he was at Maxis TTDI that I never had to Q and resolved any problem instantly. I was delighted to meet Zul. Zul was furious to learn of my predicament especially at his centre. He called his data specialists, managers and introduced them to me reminding them to pay extra attention to customer service. Zul introduced me to his best Blackberry specialist KEN (transferred from Maxis @ KLCC to Maxis @ Garden) and asked me to call KEN direct if my BB is back in tantrum. He then called Ms Tang and asked Ms Tang to apologize. I was rather….. shy and embarrassed. I only wanted my BB.

In less than 20 minutes (from previously more than 1 hour) Ms Mahaya erased BBT memory and introduced me to the new virgin. I was back in love with my new BB.

I am thankful to Zul for his assistant. The whole Maxis episode would have been sweeter if there was a KPI for any response time to any calls/inquiries made or emails sent and especially, a fix period committed by the maxis vendor WHITE SOLUTION for any repair or replacement set! 12 days for a replacement set? 3 new Blackbery Bold in less than 6 months? 5 sour experiences with Blackberry (8707G, new bold, 1st replacement set, temporary set, latest replacement) ACCEPTABLE?

My BB lost her virgin with this Blog….. it was indeed a happy ending.....! multiple orgasm...? ;-)



BOMBA 10KM RUN @ Dataran Merdeka, KL

BOMBA 10km run (my polar measure the distance @ 11.1km?)

We registered only a day before the actual event for the Bomba 10km run. It was more of a self-forced participation. I have been lacking in run-training and have been at ease with gym workout as well. Workload was piling up and i was deeply hesitating the Bomba race especially when the race was scheduled to start so late at 7:30am. Running under the hot sun was not my cuppa tea.

I was also booked to attend an Usra with Dr Juanda Jaya, Mufti Perlis the same morning which was a good escape away from the race (i thought to myself.. outloud). I woke up half-heartedly and was stretching endlessly in bed deliberating indecisively to sleep or get ready for the race. My training did not just plateau but had also lost its momentum. Once a training pattern is broken, it is not easy to re-gain the rhythm. This Bomba run will at least forced me to run 10km from my nowadays, lazy routine.

After an hour of a 'talk-to-ownself' session that is becoming more frequent of late, i jumped out of bed and saw myself driving to Dataran Merdeka at 7:10am. The race was flagged-off at 7:30am by Dato Seri Kong Cho Ha, Minister of Housing and Local Government.

I listened to DJ Tiesto on iPod whilst cruise running slowly amongst thousands of other participants. My polar heart rate monitor reads 145 which was already a bad start. i can hear my heart beat silhouette against the raving techno sound of DJ Tiesto. I increased my speed along the music tempo but my leg was so stiffed and heavy.

The Bomba run was my 24th race since i started running 5 years ago. It does not matter how many years i have been running but it is the discipline to consistently train that is more important. There was a time that i refused to register any 10km race arrogantly feeling it was too easy. Today, 10km felt abit scary.

My polar displays the distance 6.2km and my heart rate was 168. I knew the rest of the race will be a mere torture. My cruising speed was barely 7. My breathing was getting heavier and heavier (for a moment, i did cursed at smoking!)

I have not been training well the last few months when workload piled up although i was awake daily at 5am. My daily workout deteriorate and varies from a short 30mins slow run or a 45 minutes weight training at the gym.

When my Polar reads the distance at 9km, i sprinted. My heart almost exploded with a heart rate of 180. I was soaking wet in sweat and was running with my eye closed. My joints and muscle was screaming in pain but of course i wont let the cameraman caught the ugly sight of me. I smiled happily everytime i run pass Tey, or any camera man.. waving at them endlessly as if i was in heaven.

I crossed the finishing line in an exruciating 1 hour 24 minutes. It took me another 30 minutes to settle down and recover from the breathless and painful run. I came back home immediately to celebrate 'Mothers Day' and saw Tey and qqlai 'Multiply' webpage for my running pictures. the pretentitious smile did pay off although i promise from today, i will be consistent and more discipline with my training... padan muka!!

(note: Tey, qqlai thanks for the pictures)
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