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Ah Long oh Along.....

In temperament, torture will be an understatement and perhaps I will start cutting people who owed me money too but fortunately, I was raised with my father’s strong principle that forbid me to borrow money (from anybody including relatives or siblings) as well as forbid me to lend (whatever the amount). I was almost beaten up when my father discovered I borrow RM1 from a friend during primary school. Similarly, I can still hear my father’s scream when he discovered I lend money to a best friend during high school. When he was sober from screaming, he rationalized and told me, if I ever had extra savings and if anybody was in need, then I should just give whatever amount that i can afford to help (without expecting him to pay back) but i should never lend (or borrow!). Money can break family or any friendship, my father reminded. This principle had distant a few friends whom were not able to accept but it kept many other friends closer to me. As a result, I had to work akin of Bangla worker as a cleaner at Tesco during my undergraduate studies in England when the STR291 MARA scholarship per month can only feed me for 2 weeks (after paying STR240 for rental). I never borrowed money from friends and I was too embarrassed to ask money from my parent.

Ah long or previously, popularly known as CETI in business is as old as prostitution, drugs and corruption that existed even before Malaysia was proclaimed Merdeka. Various attempts had been launched by the government to eradicate the vice. Millions were spend on aggressive Anti-Drug, Anti Corruption campaign to educate the public and destroy the vice network with the involvement of federal & state government machineries, Ministry of Home Affair, police and various governmental department and organisations as well as NGOs.

Despite the effort and the endless campaigns, the industry of prostitution, drugs and corruption are still rampant and growing at a faster rate compared to other sectors in Malaysia. There had never been an Anti-Ah long campaign launched although that too would have been futile given our track record spending millions of tax payer’s money without success. However, unlike other vices, the Moneylenders Act 1951 (Amendment 2003) was introduced instead to legalize the Ah long’s activities. There was a debate if drugs and prostitution too should be legalized similar to Amsterdam but of course, the majority opposed on moral ground.

All the vices; prostitutions, drugs, corruptions and ah long share similar endless demand and will continue to grow albeit any recessions or downturn. It is not easy to curb, let alone eradicate corruptions, drugs and prostitutions. Ah long rides and grow on our stringent banking system for loan approval especially with the ever-increasing bankrupt population and stringent access to legal money resources. Public who were blacklisted because of 3x bounced cheque issuance are also blacklisted from legal means of borrowings. Of course, gambling activities too provide avenues and additional market for the Ah long.

During recession, our current economy is a good example, even the Bank’s non-performing loan (NPL) rate had increased and bank became more stringent with new loan approval. Generalising from the 60% rejection for new hire-purchase loan submission (which was otherwise amongst the easiest loan for approval), we can only imagine the general public’s burden with getting their loan approved without collateral or with a poor historical financial track record. Banks now exercise a credit worthiness points (or risk scoring point) and automatically reject loans that failed the credit risk scoring. The more loans rejected, the bigger the market population for the Ah Long. Banks are stringent because of the KPI introduced by our Bank Negara.

Unlike Banks that can write-off their bad debts (at the expense of their managers losing the annual bonus) or their provision for bad debts and uncollected debts, Ah long are less forgiving. I have also seen friends who beat up their siblings for money owed. Naturally, as a figure of speech, I too would start cutting people who owed me money. The truth is, we, created this Ah Long by easily bankrupting our own people (including the guarantors), creating various stringent requirements for loan applications and especially by legalising the Ah long’s activities. The recent exposed ‘prison’ and torture (see: Star) by Ah long to those who cannot re-pay their debts is inhuman but who is there to supervise and monitor the Ah long's NPL and guarantee their bad debts? Or act as the white knight to salvage them from bankruptcy similar to ailing banks during 1998 recessions.

Bank Negara KPI to banks, Gambling Act, The Bankruptcy Act, The Moneylenders Act and the Guarantors Act should all be reviewed. There must be a second life for bankrupt population. Being blacklisted by banks and a bankrupt is a life-imprisonment and is as inhuman as the torture by Ahlong. In fact, it created the market for Ahlong. Ah Long should be illegalised, completely eradicated and live as Ceti with umbrella collecting debts in P. Ramlee movies. With the review of the respective statutory acts, Banks will be less prejudice and friendlier. If we do not help the unfortunate people in this segment, who will? ……..Micheal Chong alone?


A muslim country that must be halal'rize?

Islam by Federal constitution (Article 3) is without doubt the official religion of Malaysia although they have been much debate whether Malaysia is actually an Islamic state secular or otherwise. I have my own interpretation of Article 3 and disagree with Tommy Thomas, Advocate & solicitor whom declared Malaysia as a non-Islamic state in his paper delivered at the 13th Malaysian Law Conference in 2005. However, my interpretation and personal thought is less relevant to today's blog topic especially since the Article 3 has no direct or indirect effect to the public mass except to some unscrupulous lawyers and politicians.

What is relevant is that Islam is the official religion in Malaysia. Yesterday, 28 May 2008 article in the Star revealed nearly 50,000 non-Muslim outlets throughout the country paid as much as RM5,000 for a halal certificate that was not recognised by Jakim. The actual cost for halal certificate (if complied) is only RM100 (see: rate)

The Muslims comprised the majority of the population, thus surely, the false halal certification is in high demand amongst the problematic restaurant operators who failed to adhere to Jakim’s stipulated regulations and procedures.

What disturbed me.... why does Muslims or non-Muslim companies or restaurants in Malaysia requires or need to register for a halal certification when Islam is the official religion in Malaysia. I understand the need for the halal certification for export purposes but for domestic certification especially when Islam is the official religion?

The non-Muslim can consume all the ingredients that constitute a halal food (please correct me if i am wrong) except for Hindu and Buddhist that cannot consume anything that contained beef. If there is any certification that is required in Malaysia, it should be a NON-HALAL certification instead of halal especially when there are more halal outlets than the non-halal; henceforth, the non-halal certification will not burden the majority operators.

Since Islam is the official religion of Malaysia, all outlets should be deemed as 'halal' without any doubt unless otherwise registered and stated. Our government should ensure only halal imported products are allowed and produced (by both Muslims or non-Muslims) in Malaysia and those non-halal products are imported or produced only by the registered Non-Halal companies to be sold at the registered Non-Halal outlets akin of supermarket selling pork at the non-halal counter. Nonetheless, the government is the issuer of all license and permits for import, export , food factories and even local farm and slaughter houses as well as all farms.

Muslims certifying and paying for certification to label their outlets as halal is insane similarly, non-Muslim paying RM5,000 for an otherwise fee of Rm100 is absurd. It would be easier for non-muslim to register their outlets as non-halal without having to pay (RM5,000) for unnecessary compliance. The muslims can then avoid eating at the non-halal registered outlets and eat anywhere else without having any doubts on its halal status.


When life has no insurance.....

I sat stressfully at my office buried in piles of paper work and reviewing the endless schedules of meeting when i received a Skype message from my sister Emi. It was merely a reminder for me to attend a medical check up for an insurance policy. I have been ignoring emails and sms's from Mahadi, CIMB Wealth Advisers whom has been pestering and reminding me to go for medical check-up for a life insurance plan that my mother is subscribing for all her children.

I ignored the various requests for medical check up because i knew what the outcome will be. Since 1997, I had underwent various medical check up for all form of life insurance packages or life insurance related saving plans. I had submitted to almost all the insurance companies and had lost tracked of the many proposals submitted (since 1997) i have tried all... you name it... Prudential, AmAssurance, AIA, public and MNI. I gave up applying and attending to any life insurance agents or the now commercially known as wealth advisers.

In 2005, a childhood friend, Al Jazzura previously from MNI, approached me and proposed a life insurance savings plan...... again I thought, but he was very persistent and insistent. Being an old friend, I could not say no.... especially after his assurances ..... He even brought his boss or was it his partner.. that they will speak to their underwriter to lobby for my policy.

He too failed. The policy was rejected and i gave up completely. Since then, anybody from any life insurance or so called wealth advisers whom contacted me... i would just denote, "Don't waste both yours and my time... unless, you can 'guarantee' that you can get my insurance plan approved!".

All except for a few insurance companies rejected my applications for any life insurance related plans. The few that did not reject, imposed a ridiculous high loading for the premium to pay akin of a more polite way of rejection.

When Emi reminded me of the medical check-up requirement, I practically told her it will be a waste of time and money but since Emi was the donor for my bone marrow transplant and being the darling brother that i am, i indulged in her and did my medical check up.

Two weeks later, i received an email informing me the insurance plan was rejected!

The concept of Life Insurance is NOT to provide an umbrella for rainy days. The concept of life insurance was for the insurance company to simply multiply the money paid by the customer from the premium and pray hard (via the underwriter's calculated risk) that you wont fall sick before they triple your money and make more money for themselves... and pay you back in 40 years.

However, if you do fall sick, to the insurance company's dismay, you will benefit from the coverage.

If you ever have the chance to buy life insurance (or life insurance saving plans), signed up now... before its too late... once you are ME.. although it has been 20 years since i was diagnosed to have Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia and although i am cured, I will NEVER be able to get any life insurance coverage.


I was fortunate to be diagnosed with leukaemia before my 18th birthday, hence, the Malaysia government bear the medical expenses (for leukaemia and the Bone marrow transplant) because my father was a loyal government servant... otherwise, we may have to auction our home, car and utilised all savings just for me to undergo the Bone Marrow transplant. The cost of the Bone marrow transplant operation was closed to RM300,000.00. In 1990, the Bone Marrow Transplant surgery was not available in Malaysia.

Ironically, the majority of Malaysian still do not have any insurance planning for their future. I urge everybody to seriously consider some form of life insurance or savings plan before its too late................


The Chronicle of Malaysian Automotive Industry

The Chronicle of Malaysian Automotive Industry

I was first exposed to the automotive industry during my tenure with the Commerce International Merchant Bankers Berhad (CIMB) in 1995. I was in Corporate Finance and had to write various sectoral studies amongst thick full of other documentations for submissions to the Securities Commission for various companies undertaking mergers & acquisition and IPOs. Those companies in my portfolio were mostly in automotive... probably the reason being why i am still passionate about the automotive industry 15 years later.

I summarised as follows the evolution of the automotive industry in Malaysia that will probably answer various public critics (in cyber space or the media) in my call to de-regulate the hire-purchase commission, de-regulate the fix motor tariff as well as the establishment of an AUTOMOTIVE COUNCIL as the custodian to the automotive eco-system.

The automotive eco system should be defined as all relevant sectors that is instrumental to the the stability of the automotive industry, such as the automotive manufacturers, assemblers, suppliers, vendors, distributors, dealers, banking institutions and insurance institutions.

The Chronicle

1963- Malaysia began to encourage the establishment of the automotive industry based on recommendations of the Colombo Plan

1964- Policy of encouraging the assembly of automobiles and the manufacture of components parts was announced

1967- Government approved the operation of six (6) assembly plants mainly joint venture projects between European automobile manufacturers and local partners

1982- Cabinet approved the National Car project

1983- Heavy Industry Corporation of Malaysia (HICOM) signed an agreement with Mitsubishi Corporation to manufacture Malaysia national car

1984- Launch of National Car Project- Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional (Proton) to increase level of technology and develoment of intellectual property in the automotive industry. In line with the national car project, Malaysia Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) determine the Nett Selling Price (NSP) of BOTH national and foreign cars.

1985- Production of 1st national car Proton Saga began. MITI approved the NSP taking into consideration various factors including the income (1) received from previously Hire-Purchase Commission (now replaced by Handling Fees) paid by banks to the car distributors and dealers as the intermediary between the customers and banks; (2) insurance commission received (Insurance agent commission was 25% of premium paid. The participation of Bank & financial institutions and Insurance companies supported and ensure the viability of the newly-born national car project.

1992- Perusahaan Otomobil kedua (PERODUA) was established primarily to complement Proton and expand local automotive product range (supplying smaller and more affordable vehicles) as well as support the vendor for component and parts manufacturing.

Both Proton and Perodua are now in direct competition in the same market segment and had driftered away from the objectives of the 1st and 2nd national car project.

1996- The Insurance Act 1966 superceded the Insurance Act 1963. Agency commission is now revised to a fix 10%.

The support by via the insurance agency commission that determined the low NSP for the national car project was ignored.

1997- Hire-puchase commission and additional incentives for salesmen paid by banks were abused and offered for all car make & models (not restricted to proton).

2000- Bank Negara Malaysia revoked the hire-puchase commission after being proposed by the association of finance companies/Banks. Bank Negara Malaysia introduced handling fees with effect from 13 July 2000 after various appealed by PEDA, EDAM and PDA. The handling fees is regulated with a maximum ceiling.

The hire-purchased commission was revoked without any reference to the NSP that was kept low (by MITI) to ensure the viability of the national car project. In year 2000- the NSP was still determined by MITI.

2003- MITI no longer determined the NSP and only acknowledge and monitors the price set by the car manufacturers. The Policy change was to aid liberalisatoin and development of the automotive industry in Malaysia.

2004- Influx and abused of Authorised Permits (APs) and under-declared imported cars. Malaysian public was cheated of billions in taxes and import duties. There were many duplications of resources from the under-utilised assembly to manufacturing plants (approved by MITI).

This had drastically and substantially affected the national car project project.

2005- Announcement and launching of the Malaysia National Automotive Policy.

The NAP was constructed and launched by the previous 4th floor (was not even launched by any Minister), with negligible consultation with any stakeholders in the automotive eco-system.

2009- Proposal by PIAM and approved by Bank Negara Malaysia for Motor Insurance mandatory direct commission rebate to customers.

If the move was proposed and approved for the benefits of Malaysians then PIAM and Bank Negara should de-regulate the current tariff instead. Malaysia will benefit better from a de-tariff or variable tariff similar to other neighbouring and developed countries. Currently, low risk customer such as female car owners are being discriminated and are paying hefty premium similar to the high risk customers.

Sadly, there is no 'Driver' and/or custodian for the automotive eco system although the automotive industry was earmarked to boost the industrialization process to enable Malaysia to be a developed nation by the year 2020 (Ref: here).

Bank Negara Malaysia, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of International Trade & Industry, PIAM (General Insurance Association of Malaysia), Association of Banks, Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affiar have all proposed, implemented, revised and introduced policies and instructions that will be instrumental to the downfall of automotive industry and its eco system in Malaysia. Without a custodian or a statutory body to drive and spearhead the automotive in Malaysia, there will be more adverse policies being introduced by different Ministries and statutory bodies.

The national car project, the automotive industry as well as various government policies introduced, must be rationalise, consolidate and review under a statutory body, the proposed MALAYSIAN AUTOMOTIVE COUNCIL. A rationalisation of the many automotive assembly and manufacturing plants and a more structured eco system could provide better stability to the automotive industry.


1 SCHOOL FOR ALL / 1 Sekolah untuk Semua

Yesterday, I stumbled across the movement for 1 SEKOLAH UNTUK SEMUA petition @ Rocky’s Bru which is in my ‘followed blog list’. I read on to understand the petition. Earlier this month, on 2 May 2009, a group of pro-unity bloggers had started a campaigned for 1 SCHOOL FOR ALL MALAYSIANS / 1 SEKOLAH UNTUK SEMUA.

I signed the petition in favour of “1 School for all” as the 1,124th Signature and joined the blogosphere group in their campaign because I like what they are trying to do. Various attempts have been laid towards the 1 bangsa, Bangsa Malaysia including the Vision 2020. With a segregation of race sentiments in the present generations and the instilled similar sentiment in the present and future kids via the vernacular school system, Malaysians will continue to be apportioned by race. The vision of a developed nation by 2020 although currently is far reached, is possible if all Malaysians are united.

The foundation to forge nation unity and national integration is through the future children in a Singular School System. The concept of vernacular school must be streamlined for a singular school system for all Malaysia. Join and signed the petition here.




Press Release


MAY 2009, KUALA LUMPUR. “The motor tariff should be revised for the benefits of the public in line with the rest of the world instead of a direct rebate” said Armin Baniaz Pahamin, Acting President Proton Edar Dealers Association Malaysia (PEDA) commenting on the YB Dato Chor Chee Heung, Deputy Finance Minister remarked on the implementation of the mandatory rebates for car owner.

1. The rest of the world, typically the developed countries like the United Kingdom, Australia and Japan, Motor Insurance tariff premium are variable according to age, gender, occupation, geographical area, location of car parked (owned house or public car park), type of car and the cylinder capacity.

2. For example, in the developed countries, lower risk customers are classified as a middle age lady drivers whom worked as a teacher driving a 1.3cc Proton saga. Example of Higher risk customers are 19 years old man driving a 2.0 Fiat Coupe turbo. The lower and higher risk customers pay a different insurance premium.

3. Extra loading are extended to customer with higher risk depending on the risk hazard listed above whilst customer with lower risk pay a cheaper premium.

4. Malaysia adopted a fix-tariff in discrimination to the low risk customer and at the advantage of the higher risk customer.

5. Customers do not have any option for a cheaper tariff except to pay the fix tariff regulated by Bank Negara even if they approached all the 36 General Insurance companies in Malaysia.

6. The public will benefit better with a non-fix tariff rather than the mandatory rebate. PIAM or the Bank Negara should review to revise the current fix tariff in favour of a variable non-fixed tariff that will be of direct benefit to the public.

7. With a variable non-fix tariff, insurance agents can provide and a better services by offering and advising varieties of insurance packages (under different tariff) to cater for the public’s individual needs.

8. If the fix-tariff is revised in favour of a variable non-fix tariff, then the rebate can be extended in favour to customers whom opt not to use the agent’s services or advice (to choose which tariff that best suited them).

9. Until such a revision is made, PIAM should withdraw the proposal.



The Star online. Wednesday May 20, 2009

Group: Set up council to regulate automotive eco-system

KUALA LUMPUR: Proton Dealers Association Malaysia (Peda) yesterday called for the setting up of a statutory automotive council which will regulate and administer any new or revised governmental policy pertaining to the automotive eco-system.

Any issue which is related to the automotive eco-system should be referred to the proposed automotive council, the association said in a statement yesterday.

So far, there was no statutory body that represented the interest of the automotive eco-system although the motor vehicle industry was a significant sector that contributed substantially to the country’s economic growth, acting Peda president Armin Baniaz Pahamin said.

“In the absence of a statutory council to represent the automotive eco-system, the motor vehicle industry will be weaker and will continue to deteriorate,” he said.

Citing the recent proposal by the General Insurance Association of Malaysia on direct rebate for motor insurance, he said the proposal which was approved by Bank Negara, would actually see motor vehicle dealers losing more than 20% income.

”The proposal will destroy the automotive eco-system, specifically the motor vehicle dealer’s network. Motor insurance is an important segment of the automotive eco-system,” Armin said.

He said currently all new and used car dealers were general insurance agents and motor insurance premium generated by car dealers were in excess of RM1mil per annum per agency.

He said these premiums subsidised the increasing overhead cost as well as determine the break-even profitability of car dealers, especially during an economic crisis.

He said bypassing agencies with a direct rebate to customers would contribute to a higher unemployment rate and further weaken the automotive eco-system.

Referring to the motor vehicle industry as “bank dominated market,” Armin said without bank facilities for car vendors and dealers and hire-purchase end-financing for car buyers, the motor vehicle industry would fail.

“Currently, banks are already forcing dealers to switch to their own insurance company by imposing hefty penalties and higher interest on banking facility that does not subscribe to the relevant insurance company,” he said.

BERNAMA: PEDA Cadang Tubuh Majlis Automotif Kawal Selia Dasar

BERNAMA: PEDA Cadang Tubuh Majlis Automotif Kawal Selia Dasar

KUALA LUMPUR, 19 Mei (Bernama) -- Persatuan Pengedar Proton Malaysia (PEDA) hari ini menyarankan supaya majlis automotif berkanun ditubuhkan bertujuan mengawal selia dan mentadbir sebarang dasar kerajaan yang baru atau yang disemak semula berkaitan dengan sistem eko automotif.

Sebarang isu yang berkaitan dengan sistem eko automotif seharusnya dirujuk kepada majlis automotif yang dicadangkan itu, kata persatuan itu dalam satu kenyataan di sini hari ini.

Sehingga ini, tiada terdapat badan berkanun yang mewakili kepentingan sistem eko automotif meski pun industri automotif merupakan sektor yang signifikan yang menyumbang dalam jumlah yang besar kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi negara, kata Pemangku Presidennya Armin Baniaz Pahamin.

"Dengan ketiadaan majlis berkanun bagi mewakili sistem eko automotif, industri automotif akan menjadi lebih lemah dan akan terus merosot," katanya.

Mengambil contoh usul oleh Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) baru-baru ini berkenaan rebat langsung bagi insurans motor, katanya cadangan itu yang telah diluluskan oleh Bank Negara, sebenarnya akan menyaksikan pengedar automotif kehilangan lebih 20 peratus daripada pendapatan mereka.

"Cadangan itu akan memusnahkan sistem eko automotif, khususnya jaringan pengedar automotif. Insurans motor merupakan satu segmen eko-sistem automotif yang penting," kata Armin.

Katanya sekarang ini kesemua pengedar kereta baru dan terpakai merupakan ejen insurans dan premium insurans motor yang dijana oleh pengedar kereta adalah melebihi RM1 juta setahun bagi setiap agensi.

Katanya premium ini mensubsidikan kos overhed serta mengenal pasti keuntungan balik modal pengedar kereta terutamanya semasa krisis ekonomi.

Dengan memintas agensi dengan mengenakan rebat langsung kepada pelanggan akan menyumbang kepada kadar pengangguran yang lebih tinggi dan melemahkan lagi eko-sistem automotif, katanya.

Merujuk industri automotif sebagai satu "pasaran didominasikan bank", Armin berkata tanpa kemudahan bank untuk vendor dan pengedar kereta dan pembiayaan akhir dan sewa beli bagi pembeli kereta, industri automotif akan berkubur.

"Sekarang ini, bank telah pun menguatkuasakan supaya para pengedar menamatkan khidmat syarikat insurans mereka sedia ada sebagai memihak kepada syarikat insurans yang dipunyai bank dengan mengenakan penalti yang tinggi dan kadar faedah yang lebih tinggi ke atas kemudahan perbankan yang disediakan kepada pengedar (sekiranya pengedar tidak melanggan dengan syarikat insurans bank)," katanya.

Pengedar telah diberitahu mereka tidak akan menikmati sebarang komisyen pembaharuan semula insurans apabila mereka melanggan dengan insurans bank menerusi pembatalan kontrak. Semua komisyen bagi pembaharuan semula insurans akan dirampas oleh bank.

PEDA tidak akan teragak-agak untuk menasihati ahli-ahlinya dan persatuan pengedar kereta automotif yang lain untuk memboikot ahli PIAM yang menyokong dan melaksanakan cadangan berkenaan.


UTUSAN MALAYSIA 20 MEI 2009/ PEDA gesa boikot PIAM, galak guna Takaful

Berikut adalah kenyataan akhbar yang disiarkan di Utusan Malaysia pada 20 May 2009. Kenyataan Akhbar juga disiarkan oleh Business Times pada 20 May 2009. Berita Astro Awani, Berita Bernama telah membuat siaran kenyataan PEDA pada 19 May 2009.

Peda gesa boikot PIAM, galak guna takaful

KUALA LUMPUR 19 Mei - Persatuan Wakil Jualan Proton Edar (Peda) meminta kesemua pengedar kereta baru dan terpakai serta ejen insurans memboikot ahli Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) dan menyokong penggunaan takaful (insurans Islam).

Pemangku Presidennya, Armin Baniaz Pahamin berkata, cadangan yang dikemukakan PIAM dan mendapat kelulusan Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) akan menghancurkan ekosistem industri automotif terutama rangkaian para pengedar kereta.

''Ini kerana komisen premium dan pembaharuan insurans kenderaan menyumbangkan lebih 20 peratus jumlah pendapatan bersih pengedar untuk satu kereta.

''Segmen insurans kenderaan penting bagi ekosistem automotif,'' katanya dalam kenyataan dikeluarkan di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata demikian selepas cadangan PIAM mendapatkan rebat terus untuk insurans kenderaan diluluskan oleh BNM.

Cadangan PIAM bertujuan melindungi kepentingan syarikat insurans dalam usaha menguasai pasaran antara syarikat milik bank dan bukan milik bank.

Katanya, pengedar kenderaan bakal kehilangan lebih 20 peratus pendapatan berikutan pelaksanaan cadangan PIAM.

''Dengan evolusi berlaku dalam industri kenderaan di Malaysia dan sebagai mematuhi syarat Akta Sewa Beli Kenderaan 1967, pengedar kereta dan kereta terpakai telah menjadi ejen kepada penginsurans untuk menyediakan tambah nilai kepada pelanggan dan institusi kewangan.

''Premium yang disumbangkan oleh pengedar kenderaan adalah sekitar RM500,000 hingga RM1 juta setiap tahun.

''Premium ini akan memberikan subsidi untuk mengatasi peningkatan kos overhed serta menentukan kedudukan pulang modal untuk pengedar kereta terutama semasa krisis ekonomi,'' katanya.

Cadangan PIAM telah menyebabkan pengedar kereta tidak lagi menerima komisen pembaharuan insurans seperti yang dinikmati sebelum ini.

Tambah Armin, dengan krisis ekonomi ini, cadangan itu akan memburukkan industri automotif dan tidak memberikan manfaat kepada syarikat insurans dan agensinya.

''Melangkaui agensi dengan rebat terus kepada pelanggan akan menyumbangkan kepada peningkatan kadar pengangguran dan melemahkan ekosistem automotif,'' tambah beliau.

Garden International School Sports day 2009

Garden International School Sports Day 20 May 2009

GIS organised the school annual sports day marking the ending of the semester and education year. I attended the Garden International School (GIS) Sports day on 20 May 2009 as part of my new year resolution to be more involved with society :-) I arrived at the GIS early at 7:45am. The traffic entering the school was bad but it was well-managed by the School security guards. .

The school was strictly guarded but authorised guests and parent were given a permanent pass that allows them to enter and leave the school compound anytime at their convenient which was in contrast to Sri KDU. Sri KDU restricted ALL visitors and even parent from entering the school compound. At GIS, parents are encourage to be at school. Their guards enforced it strictly ala police and had at times offended many visitors and parent. Security guards, teachers and staff at GIS scored A1 for public relation. Everybody are so friendly and cheerful. I walked to the bistro-like canteen and saw the wide varieties of food choices but i had a plateful of yummilicious hot nasi lemak.

The canteen that broke my no-carbo diet.....

The Sports day began with speech & briefing.. but it was an enjoyable briefing and not one of those boring reminders, reprimands and warnings that usually left guests, parent and students endlessly yawning. The Students, though young, were all so hyper and active impatiently awaited the games prepared for the sports day. The students were divided into 4 teams segregated by different colours, namely blue, red, yellow and green.

So discipline and well mannered listening to the Sports day briefing

There were 7 games prepared for the carnival and students were further divided into a team of three.

Attending the GIS reminded me of my childhood when i was at 3 different primary schools between standard 1 to standard 6. I was at SRK Sultan Ismail 1 in Kota Bharu, Kelantan from standard 1 to standard 2, SRK Iskandar at Alor Star, Kedah for Standard 3 to Standard 5 and finally studied Standard 6 and completed primary school at SRK Kampung Tunku, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. i did not attend 3 schools because i was kicked-out but i change school when my father was transferred from to various states by the government of Malaysia. The government make full use of my father whom was a loyal civil servants until his service was no longer required as he turned 55, 8 years ago.

I had a great time at all the three different schools but that was primary school.. Secondary school ? teens... was better..!!! i was living life to the fullest. Today's event, being closer to society and going to school functions reminded me to always be young.. :-D Those were the days when recession, inflation or elections meant nothing. It was better than attending Proton and various other functions that were surrounded by OLDER and more serious CIRCLES ahaks.. ;-)

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