Mount Nuang is the best day trip Mountain in Malaysia that I have been to. The intensity of the climb was perfect but most importantly, the bath in the cold mountain water was heaven that took away almost immediately all tiredness and exhaustion.
I have been up Mount Nuang a dozen times, half of it alone, soul searching & searching for peace. Sometimes, training for some events and a few times, introduced a few friends to mountain climbing. I blogged the last expedition up Mt Nuang with a group of wonderful people at HERE. Today, I brought my nieces and nephews for a Chinese New Year escapade. The plan was for them all to appreciate nature and train for the Pahamin's 3rd generation expedition up Mount Kinabalu. Oh Gawd!! That will be my 4th climb up the highest peak in Malaysia. So far, only 2 out of 6 second generation Pahamins had conquered the peak of Mount Kinabalu.
In an expedition of 9 pax that comprised of three adult, Abu Lais Walli Mohamed (the person that introduced me to Mountain climbing), Anny Chunraem and myself, we brought along Aqfar Naeem, Kasih Leia Ixora, Aaraf Armin, Rafel Zichry Onn, Andika Rees Pahamin and Kasih Iris Leona to their first mountain, the highest peak in Selangor- Mount Nuang.