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Having a Thai wife, I cant help but to put an extra effort in knowing more about my own country, Malaysia. My wife constantly ask me questions on our traditions, culture and today she asked me why are we on holiday? I said, today is our Malaysia Day and with a puzzled expression, she asked I thought we had just recently celebrated our independence day on 31st August?

So here I am, explaining to her and to those uninitiated, what is the different between Malaysia independence day and Malaysia Day.

Our independence day is celebrated on 31st August every year to commemorate our independence from the British colonial ruling in 1957 (57 years ago) but there is no Malaysia. Only the Federation of Malaya. Malaysia was formed on 16 September (today, 51 years ago) in 1963 with the inclusion of North Borneo (now known as Sabah), Sarawak, Singapore and the Federation of Malaya. Singapore pulled out from Malaysia in 1965 due to political indifference.


What better way than to wake up in the morning and count our blessing. Today is the 3rd day of Project Gratitude. Rarely do majority of us wake up and actually thought of all the good things in life and what life has to offer. Our thought actually become the driving force in our life. As Lao Tse once said, “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” 

I was tagged by +Zai Johari in this 6 days project and I have tagged 5 people on Day 1, 2 people on day 2 and now I am on my Day 3. The project is fairly simple, everyday for the next 6 days, we must update our Facebook with 3 list of things that we are grateful for and each day, we must tag at least 2 other people. For my day 1, click HERE and Day 2- click HERE.

 My Day 3 encompasses as follows:

1. I am grateful to have a strong blog follower and readers across the globe. I started this blog 8 years ago and I encourage everyone else to start a blog. Then spend an hour aday or every other day, just expressing yourself in writing, sharing your positive thought or whatever your interest is, in the border-less world, in Cyberspace. You will be surprise how viral your write-up can be and you will feel at peace after sharing your thoughts. Two days ago, my blog hit the 1 million viewer and I am even more inspired to write. Thank you.


Do you have a bicycle? or motorcycle? If you do, please try this... pedal straight ahead while your head is turned as far left as possible. You will notice that your bicycle naturally turned left even when you try to cycle straight. The same way we drive our life. Our life follows whichever way we focus ourselves. Sometimes, we did not realize that we are driving ourselves in the wrong direction and wonder what went wrong. Waking up in the morning and being grateful of what life has offered and for whatever we have, will and can changed our perspective in life. We often read on Facebook how negative most of the Facebook updates are. This is day 2 of Project Gratitude that I was tagged by +Zai Johari . Click HERE, for project gratitude part 1. If you have been tagged, please update your Facebook with 3 things that you are grateful for the next 6 days. It does not need to be long but it must be consistent for 6 consecutive day. After you have updated your Facebook, please nominate a minimum of 2 person. Zai Johari whom tagged me, listed not 2 but 6 things in her grateful list for Day-2 and tagged not 2 but 3 friends. Let us get this positive effort to be as viral as possible. It is with minimal effort but with the kindest deed.

3 Grateful things to treasure on Day 2.

1) I am grateful that I am at Peace. Peace with almost everything in life. A peaceful mind is priceless. There is no value to a peaceful country, peaceful home and especially a peaceful mind without lies, deceits and vengeance. It's a priceless gift that we must treasure. I am at peace without insecurities from health and am at peace from being betrayed (by  anyone from business partners, employees, friends or even spouse). Everything that happens, happen for a reason. We are train to believe in the pillars of Iman and the 6th pillar is the belief in Qada' & Qadar (the divine will and the divine decree) but sometimes we tend to forget those teaching being sucked and drained deep into problems and emotional cycle. Peace is the root of happiness. Without being at peace, we tend to lose sight of every good & every blessings.

1,000,000 page viewer.

I am a millionaire!!! Err.. I mean, my blog, "Stay Tuned" hit the 1 million viewers mark!!

It has been 8 years since I started blogging in 2008 and have written 1,456 blogs. It was a long ride to get a million hit and today I crossed over the 1 million viewers mark. It is a meaningful and an inspiring journey for me who was never a writer or author, never studied journalism and not in any way related to the media. I just love to share my passion in particular Bootcamp, Proton, politics and of course family and lifestyle. I even inspire my 11 years old son Aaraf to start blogging and he did but not as consistent. Expressing in writing our inner thought, emotion and belief is never an easy task but I find solace in writing. 


It has been awhile since I blog on personal sentiments but I could not resist to blog this viral tagging to share on things I am grateful for, for the next 6 days (6 continuous days Zai!!). I love positive things. I do not know who started this but I truly believe it is a good and positive viral dare to share. Sometimes, we tend to walk passed beautiful things in life in our daily journey. Writing those grateful things we cherish is a good start to begin our day. Thanks for tagging me +Zai Johari !!! These are 3 grateful things shortlisted ~

1) There is seriously nothing more important than health! I am grateful for being healthy enough to take care of my own health, to be independent, to work and earn a living, to love and care for my parent, wife, son, siblings and friends. With health, I can afford to earn a good living for my family and provide comfort, employment to my team and staff as well as their families. I am also healthy enough to learn new things everyday, meet alot of interesting people and learn even more from them. I am grateful to be blessed with such a good health that I was able to performed my Haj and a few Umrahs and was able to visit, view and learn the cultures and lifestyle of foreigners in their countries. I am grateful everyday for a good healthy mind, body and soul and will take care of this health that was blessed upon me until my return to Allah swt. Yes, Health is my first choice of being grateful every morning that I never missed my morning workout session at the Chief's Original Bootcamp, Malaysia and weekend Bodyjam session to share my wife's passion.


Choosing the right supplement to optimize the result from our sweat pouring workout can be a pain and at time, with an adverse effect. Instead of gaining muscle mass, we can also gained unnecessary fat. Fortunate for us, the 8 Weeks program at the Chief's Original Bootcamp had researched the contents and ingredients for a list of supplement that will maximise lean muscle mass, improve health and at the same time, burn those unwanted stored fat. Personally, having a whole list of perks of being me with diabetic, high cholestrol etc... choosing the best supplement is alot harder. 

The recommended supplements by our principal Chief & Gunny in Australia are those from the BSC range of supplements (which is not available in Malaysia) viewable by members only at HERE. We have search and found an equivalent if not better content of supplements and much reasonably priced. The list of supplements that is equivalent to those recommended for the 8 Week Challenge are available at the Chief's Original Bootcamp, Malaysia. You can view them at HERE or contact any of your instructors or email for more information. 

The following are supplements available for immediate purchase.


The Chief's Original Bootcamp is throwing a Fancy Dress Party on 23 August 2014, 730pm at the Chef & Brew, Damansara Heights. The theme for this party is Fancy Dress costume!! The party is organized to foster a better spirit of camaraderie among fellow recruits, instructors, admin and owners of the Chief's Original Bootcamp Malaysia and also to celebrate the amazing results achieved by recruits as well as strengthened the community of fitness enthusiasts.

Please check that you have replied at: If your name is not in the list, maybe you are not in the admin's friend's list. No problem, please contact your Platoon Commander or instructors to invite you to the event page. Everyone and their family members are invited.

Price? Pay for your own food order. Its Ala Carte beside that, there is no other charges.
Time? 7pm
Date? 23 August 2014
Venue: The Chef & Brew, 1 Jalan Medan Setia 1, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.

Location Map (click on picture):

Chef & Brew Map

After a long hard thinking and a long hard googling, we decided to try out some costume in Hartamas and after dozens of try-outs with pictures at the bottom, we finally are able to find one just for the occasion!

If you have not rented or bought your costume, please do so before Saturday. Make sure you are dressed to kill!!  Be stylo and be different!!! Time to camwhore and stand a chance to win prizes.


Did you know that you can completely change your body in just 8 weeks? 

Yes, it is true!! You can change your body through a better lifestyle. You can own your dream body and health by just changing your lifestyle. You can boost your confidence with a head turning, jaw dropping body. You will discover a hidden energy that you never knew you had.

Did you know that it will only cost you a few hundred ringgit to change your life?

Yes, that is right!!! Forget the thousands of Ringgit spent undergoing unnecessary liposuctions, thousands of Ringgit for personal trainers, thousands of Ringgit at slimming centres etc etc... DO NOT spend thousands of Ringgit for you to look good. You do not need to.

It will only cost you from as little as RM500.00 for 8 weeks inclusive of the 8 Week Challenge (8WC) fees (AUD$49.00) paid online if you purchase the Groupon Voucher for the 1 month at only RM49.00 at HERE. If you buy from Groupon, you will need to subscribe to another month from any of the listed promotion fees at HERE (for the 8WC- the Virgin promotion is not applicable). You must register for 2 months (or 8 weeks) to participate in the challenge.

Note: Groupon is only applicable for first time recruit and/or recruits that have not been training with Chief's Original Bootcamp for more than a year.


The Chief's Original Bootcamp, Malaysia September Military Corporation (pronounced as "Military Kor") intake is open for registration. 

If you are interested to participate in the forthcoming 8 Weeks Challenge which began with September intake, please register and pay for both September and October at!training-schedule/c72u and register your interest for the 8 Weeks Challenge at

A note to recruits that had purchased the Groupon Voucher: 

a) The Groupon voucher can be used as payment for September but you will need to enroll and pay for October to participate in the 8 Weeks Challenge. For best promotion, click!cobc-fees-/c1xu1. Groupon recruit can subscribe to all promotion listed except for Virgin promotion.

b) The Groupon voucher is only valid for first time registration (recruit that had never participate in the monthly Chief's Original Bootcamp training) but we are pleased to extend the Groupon promotion to recruit that had stopped working out with the Chief's Original Bootcamp (COBC) for more than a year.

The registration for the 8 Weeks Challenge will be open on 23 August 2014 and it is best for you to register your interest now so you will receive all the updates. 


The 'Up close and personal' series in this blog were written to share the success of individuals who have achieved tremendous mileage and transformation in their journey towards better lifestyle, health and fitness. These individuals represents the true Spirits of Bootcamp and is a source of inspiration and motivation to others for a change in lifestyle. The root of happiness is in a healthy mind, body and soul. Without health, nothing else matter.
SUI LYNN TEOH first heard of the Chief's Original Bootcamp when she read her former school mate, Opalyn Mak's posting on bootcamp in 2012. Being curious, Sui Lynn browsed and read to learn further from the Stay Tuned blog and the bootcamp website  She then quickly signed up in time for the October 2012 Bring A Friend Day (BAF) (now known as the Try-Out Day) to try out the Bootcamp which coincidentally were conducted by Chief Brabon and Gunny Hames whom was in Malaysia; unbeknown how fortunate she was to have attended that session with Chief and Gunny. Sui Lynn who was a stranger to the bootcamp fraternity back then said, looking back at the photo during the BAF, I am so happy to know so many faces in those photos now. Since then, Sui Lynn has been training with the Chief's Original Bootcamp until today, for almost 2 years. 

Sui Lynn is a pharmacist by training and education. She was born and bred in Penang and left for Kuala Lumpur to be in college after completing her secondary school. She began her career as a pharmacist at the hospital and in retail pharmacy but gave up her career as a pharmacist being disillusioned by almost 40 years of unresolved dispensing right battle between doctors and pharmacists. Sui Lynn then spend 4.5 years as medical writer with an international publisher before being attached to her present employment in clinical research since 2008.

Sui Lynn married her college sweetheart was slimmest at 45kg just before her wedding over a decade ago. Her weight fluctuates over the years and her size, dominantly the hips expanded by 2 inches with each baby. She stopped after having two child and shuddered at the thought of her hip size if she continued having more children. It took her 3 years to lose the flab from her first pregnancy and gained it all back (and more) after being pregnant again. After giving birth, the size keep growing each year. Before being a mother, Sui Lynn was wearing G2000 work pants size 5 and somehow, she grew to fit size 11. "When I could not buckle my L-Size pants, I knew I was in deep trouble", laughed the cheerful Sui Lynn.


SPECIAL NOTICE for Chief's Bootcampers:

Ramadhan buffet will end together with the holy month of Ramadhan in just two days but the BOOTCAMP BUFFET - unlimited  training for MC12! (Train as much as you want - at any COBC platoons conditional upon the total maximum number of recruits per platoon; which vary from one platoon to another) that was launched 2 years ago, will continue for another 3 months and will end after the October intake. Meaning, from November intake onwards, only the WIP subscribers are allowed an unlimited training sessions at all platoon under the bootcamp buffet. All other enrollment are only restricted to the 12 sessions at their registered platoon. For non-WIP recruits participating in special activities such as marathons, ultra-marathons, trail marathons, ironman triathlon, COBC will sponsor a Bootcamp-Buffet privilege as a support to our recruits.

SPRING 2014 Eight Weeks Challenge (8WC) will begin on 1st September 2014 and ends together with October intake on 25 October 2014 (Please diarise). Which also means you can still do Bootcamp-Buffet during the 8WC for optimum result.

BOOTCAMP FANCY DRESS PARTY is confirmed on 23 August 2014 and an official announcement will be made soon.


Ramadhan is coming to an end in a few days and to end this period of fasting for the muslims, the bootcampers from all platoons gathered at my house for a long overdue gathering. This fostering of comradeship moment brought us all back into memory lane when we were all still fluffy and heavy to where we are all at now!! I had a great moment, listening to Penny, Marie and Sui Lynn journey with COBC and enjoyed getting updates from recruits from all over. There were more than 40 pax that brought variety of food for the pot luck iftar.

The invitations for the pot luck were sent by Afiza Abdul Halin. Guests that rsvp'ed were only less than 30 but not all recruits are tuned to Facebook invites. All instructors except for Affiq and James whom had prior engagements, came including the tall and handsome korean look-alike (as they say) Sarge Chun. Unfortunately, Staff Sarge Nawal was in Sydney for bootcamp training with Chief and could not be there for the iftar. Those that never tried, had their first taste of Corporal Amir's famous lasagna. I finished almost half of it and wanted more before everything was clean sweep. With almost 50 recruits from all over, I am always amazed at the spirit of camaraderie among fellow bootcampers... a true reflection of Malaysians.


"Every adult should have a health screening examination done especially if they are above 30-35 years old male and 35-40 years for female" ~ Institut Jantung Negara.

Sometimes I wonder if men are generally born with inferior quality than women.. Women seemed to have better quality that it attract potential risk 5 years later than their male companion. Statistically, women too lives way longer than men.

Heeding my friend's advice whom conveniently fix an appointment for me today, 27 June 2014 at IJN, I arrived at 7:45am. Traffic was smooth, parking was easy and I was greeted by a friendly and smiley receptionist at the ESP Executive Screening Centre located at Block A, National Heart Institute. My stomach grumbles having been without any breakfast awaiting for the blood sample to be taken. Registration took barely 10 minutes, I picked the 'Elite Health Screening', paid and shortly later, I was called in for a blood sample. After the blood sample, I was directed into a room for an ECG and Vascular Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) which took approximately 15 minutes. I was buried under a string of cables that was short of being glued to my chest. When Anny took a picture of me, I thought I almost look like sick Robocop.

Then I was led into a private room where we had breakfast. The health screening package which cost me almost RM1,400 came with a RM4.00 tuna sandwhich. For the fee paid, I think there should be more on-the-house food varieties, maybe a buffet breakfast. I think the breakfast box cost more than the sandwich. 


One of the most eligible bachelorette at the Chief's Original Bootcamp (COBC) is Siti Shuhidah Zainal Rashid. Shuhid as she is fondly known as, joined the COBC in November 2012 with the intention to learn a thing or two in the military-inspired training program for her to train on her own being a self-motivated and a very active women since school. She gave it a try through the Groupon promotion when she first heard about it from Aida Munirah; a cancer survivor and a loyal dedicated recruit at COBC. From a mere thought of wanting to join for only a month, Shuhid is still constant and is consistently training at COBC for 19 months now and in her own word, "I am not afraid to say I will do Bootcamp for life!".

Prior to joining COBC, Shuhid whom was already a runner, clocked 21km run in 3hrs 17 mins. After she joined COBC,  Shuhid's best timing improved significantly to 2 hrs 37 mins and Shuhid is still improving. Her instructors were all praises at the commitment and passion portrayed by Shuhid.

Born in 1985 Shuhid possesses a colourful and interesting background which I am proud to share and had only learn. At COBC, we rarely know each other's background. Each and every individual stands out in their own way at the Bootcamp and we know each other through their true personality, energy, spirit and passion. I am amazed to learn and write about this amazing lady.

For a start when Shuhid was an undergraduate, she never failed to get into the Dean's list at every semester and was entitled and awarded the Vice-Chancellor award. She graduated with a second class upper from the University Technology Mara in Accountancy and then continued her study in ACCA (One last final paper). In September this year, she will be leaving to the University of Sheffield in United Kingdom to pursue her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) post graduate degree.


Les Mills Bodyjam 69 hit most clubs over the weekend on 14 June 2014, earlier than the usual quarterly releases. The 69th release since its first debut, 8 years ago in Quarter 2, 1997 was launched at the Paradigm Mall by Fitness First and at Kenanga International Building by Truefitness. We missed the launching on Saturday being stucked with work errands but made all effort to try out the new release on Sunday which we did. So this will be my first review on a dance class.

I have to say, my stint period with BodyJam classes had drew me passionately involved with the program. I am a sucker for good programs and Gandalf Archer, the program director is what Chief Brabon is to Bootcamp. Awesome beyond description. While Chief's bootcamp ignite and awakes every muscle in your body, Les Mills Body Jam triggered every senses your body can accustom. It is not just about moving the body to the beat but it initiated our brain senses to music. It changes your mood almost instantly no matter how lousy your day was.


The best way to stay focus, motivated and be realistic and pragmatic with fitness, health and fat lost is to read and relate to the success stories of others whom was once in the same boat as us. Some are lucky to befriend such people and get inspired by them but most of the time, we sabotaged ourselves by giving up thinking these strong people were born being fit and healthy. While some were born an athlete but most are not! Me included, was never born fit nor healthy. From spending most of my teens in hospital, I became a health freak and so are thousand of others at the Chief's Original Bootcamp. We have seen alot of couch potatoes, unhealthy & fluffy white collar executives from lawyers to auditors, turned into an avid runners and sportsmen.
I am enthusiastic to write about these people as a source of motivation because they inspires me too and kept me focus with reaching my goal in fitness. I crave to learn and get to know more and more people and have blogged so many recruits whom I personally saw their transformation. Then time and endless business schedules took the best of me and I took a back seat from blogging these great personalities but instead followed-up on their achievements on Facebook for some daily injections of good spirit. When Afiza Abdul Halin prompted and requested for an "Up Close and Personal" blog at the Chief's Original Bootcamp Facebook Group page at HERE, it was akin of a wake up spanking call and countless of personalities quickly came to mind. The first is this one gentlemen that I befriended when he first enrolled as a recruit at the bootcamp 16 months ago in February 2013 by the name of Harun Osman. He was first noticed when he dance crazily during the recording of COBC Harlem Shake. See below for an unedited version of the COBC Harlem Shake at the COBC Retro party last year.


The Girl Guides Association Malaysia took the lead to drive teenagers, in particular its members towards a healthier lifestyle. The drive saw the first gathering of hundred girls aged from 10 to 17 years old at its Girl Guides' Wilayah head office in Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad, Kuala Lumpur. The program was the initiative of the National Commissioner for Junior Girl Guides at the National Headquarters of Girl Guides Association Malaysia, Chempaka Emalin Pahamin in a creative workshop with the theme, "Imagine More - Girls in the Lead". 

"We want to emphasize the importance of keeping our girls fit and healthy", said Chempaka Emalin Pahamin who has been planning the program for the past few months. "There will be four Girl Guides proficiency badges (Ranger and Brownie) to be awarded to Girl Guides who attended and passed the program", she added. The badges are as follows:

Proficiency Badge No. 45 Kecergasan (Pandu Puteri Remaja/Renjer PPPM)


If health can be measured as a utility such as money, what should we do when we are a millionaire? I mean, we work hard because we want to be wealthy and when we are, we want to be debt-free, we want to buy a new bungalow as a home, a brand new Aston Martin as a mean of transportation and/or maybe we want to go for a long holiday etc... but have we ever thought, what we want to do when with a good bill of health?!! Maybe you do but most people do not until they lost or almost lost their health.

Luxury is something we do not appreciate until we lose it. If we were never accustomed to luxury, we can live without any maid, driver, a house with swimming pool, without a big cars etc..  but once we have lived with all that and suddenly, for some reason we lost our job, our income and we have to do everything ourselves, we may just jump off the building or struggle to get by etc. Similarly, we will not feel the lost of a good health until we are diagnosed with some terminal cancer.

On that pre-text, if health can be measured in term of money, everyone now is already a millionaire because almost everyone are just so healthy and perfect (measured without any cancer which in a monetary term is similar to a bankrupt). Some people can still live being a bankrupt and some live a slow death.

So being a millionaire in health term.. what do you want to do? Honestly, this is one question only you can answer. Me..? I have done everything from being bed-ridden sicken with cancer to running marathons, cycling, dualthons, triathlon, mountain hiking, mountain climbing, open water swim, getting married (twice), being a father, work at bank, became a property developer, manufacturer for automotive parts, vendor in automotive and airlines, involved in oil concessions, advisors to listed co, automotive dealerships, work with government, elected into various NGOs etc etc etc... Time is too precious to be wasted with a good bill of health.


I recently had an overdue cup of coffee with a former high school friend whom was also my university mate at the Buckingham University, UK and updated each other with our long lost years. We used to share school bus together when we first started high school in BBBSS. He was a year older and was actually quite active in sports during youth and I was what people call 'kaki bangku' being very inactive having had to go in and out of hospital for CML. Now, he said he can barely pass level 3 stress test and I am a bootcamper.

To get him excited with abit of exercise since he felt Bootcamp is abit too strenuous, I invited him and his wife to join us at BODYJAM class this weekend. BODYJAM is actually Anny's passion and I was sucked in to have an activity with her which I do not mind at all. Being abit rusty having retired from clubbing  nightlife for almost a decade, I managed to follow the choreographed moves after a few months. BODYJAM now became my weekend activity. Of course, in addition to the Chief's Original Bootcamp!! Bootcamp gives me the energy to dance. Bodyjam allow me to feel the emotional express and self expression.

So what is BODYJAM? BODYJAM is a +Les Mills 55 minutes cardio workout program. It is an addictive fusion of the latest dance styles and hottest new sounds that emphasize as much on having fun as on breaking a sweat. New BODYJAM class is produced every three months with new music and choreography. Each new class is with a different dance experience base on the latest trend and style. The latest is BODYJAM 68. When a new release is launched it will be repeated for 1 month and this is useful for beginners like me to start and follow the choreographed moves. After the first month of repeating the same release, the instructors are allowed to mix the releases to his or the member's liking. 

There are 12 tracks in a class and the remix usually comprised of 3 isolation songs, the next block of 3 songs are mixtures of Salsa, Zumba, Trance, hip hop, house music etc. Then there is a short water break and the class continues with the second block of a faster hip hop, house or trance music with a higher intensity workout. 


The Chief's Original Bootcamp, Malaysia intake for May to August is now open for registration with some improvements, namely the time-of-the-day instead of a codename for training time & day. This is to make it easier for recruits to relate and understand as well as avoid confusions.

Current codename for training time and days:

5:45am-6:45am : Alpha (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) MC12
5:45am-6:45am : Sierra (Monday, Wednesday) MC8
5:30am-6:30am : Charlie (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) MC12
5:45am-6:45am : Tango (Monday, Wednesday) MC8
7:00am-8:00am : Bravo (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) MC12
7:00am-8:00am : Oscar (Monday, Wednesday) MC8
7:00am-8:00am : Echo (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) MC12
7:00am-8:00am : Foxtrot (Monday, Wednesday)

6:45pm-7:45pm : Zulu (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) MC12
6:45pm-7:45pm : Victor (Monday, Wednesday) MC8
8:30pm-9:30pm : Dusks (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) MC12
8:30pm-9:30pm : Quebec (Monday, Wednesday) MC8

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