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11 April 2010, Kuala Lumpur. Nestle Koko Crunch held its 5th Junior TAEKWANDO Championship at the Badminton Stadium, Cheras.

The Junior Taekwando was open to all participants from 7 to 12 years old. DDF Taekwando Akademy sends 13 of its students to compete and AARAF Armin was one of the participants.

On 4 April 2010, Daing Daniel Fitri, the team Manager and Chief Coach brought the team to  the stadium to weigh and confirm the category according to their weights.

There were 10 categories available.The thirteen participants from DDF Taekwando Academy were placed in their respective category according to their weight:

1) Zia Izza Ilham - (Weight: 24kg) (Category: Fly 20.1kg - 25kg) (DOB: 150499)
2) Adam Khairiel -(Weight: 20.5kg) (Category: Fly 20.1kg - 25kg) (DOB: 281202)
3) Darwish Khairiel (Weight: 22.2kg) (Category: Fin 16kg - 22kg) (DOB: 010203)
4) Mohammad Luqman Nulhakeem (Weight: 28.1kg) (Category: Batam 25.01kg - 29kg) (DOB: 081299)
5) Mohd Ammar Sofyan (Weight: 30kg) (Category: Feather 29.01kg - 33kg) (DOB: 110202)
6) Muhammad Hilmi Abdul Rahman (Weight: 31.5kg) (Category: Feather 29.01kg - 33kg) (DOB: 131100)
7) Ahmad Hadif Ahmad Fadzil (Weight: 30.7kg) (Category: Feather 29.01kg - 33kg) (DOB: 200901)
8) Aqfar Naeem Lais (Weight: 29.5kg) (Category: Feather 29.01kg - 33kg) (DOB: 090401)
9) Zia Ikmal (Weight: 38.2kg) (Category: Welter 37.01kg - 41kg) (DOB: 050500)
10) Aarad Eid Pahamin (Weight: 41kg) (Category: Welter 37.01kg - 41kg) (DOB: 101203)
11) Zia Izzuddeen (Weight: 42.7kg) (Category: Light Middle 41.01kg - 45kg) (DOB: 200598)
12) Mohamad Rizal Izwan (Weight: 46kg) (Category: Middle 45.01kg - 49kg) (DOB: 160998)
13) Nor Marissa Alia (Weight: 34.5kg) (Category: Light (Girl) 32.01kg - 36kg) (DOB: 020799)

Aaraf almost did not qualify for his weight category being 41.3kg 2 days before the measurement but after an intense dieting, he managed to barely qualify for the Welter wieght category. Being only 7 years old weighing 41kg, Aaraf may end up fighting boys much older than him. All participants weighing 41kg are either 11 or 12 years old.

After the weight measurement, the team except Hadif, gathered for a photo-shoot. Hadif was in Terengganu during the measurement.

Nor Marissa Alia was the only girl from DDF Taekwando Academy and she is competing under the (girl) light weight category.

The competition was held a day before my Proton Edar Dealers Malaysia, 11th Annual General Meeting and Dealers convention. We arrived at the Stadium at 8am to register and prepare Aaraf for the competition. Aaraf's was given number 46. The match began with the lightest to the heaviest and unfortunately Aaraf was the last few.

The first team was called and gathered...

Aaraf, Hadif and others waited impatiently for their turn... Dato Ahmad Fadzil and Datin Azura Halim too came to support their son Hadif but they disappeared even before the match began......

There were thousands of spectators.. mostly parent and siblings of participants.

Daing Daniel Fitri, the Coach briefed the first batch... These last inspirational words and reminders are statements that will determine the champion.

After the final briefing, they warmed-up... It is not easy to produce a Champion but being the Champion in the past, Daing Daniel have both the patience, experience and passion to produce more Champions...

The first team are now ready for battle.....

Aqfar Naeem, Abu Lais's 9 year old son is also competing his first match... Naeem's mother Anita Ahmad (Left Picture- in pink shirt hugging the handbag), was restless and even more panic than Naeem himself.

Naeem fought well but lack the fighting experience in tournament. Naeem lost the fight but a winner in spirit. With more training and more competitions, Naeem can me moulded into a fighter.

Nor Marissa Alia fought at the other court next to Naeem. She too was fighting her first tournament and is the only girl from DDF Taekwando Academy.

Next was Ahmad Hadif Ahmad Fadzil. Hadif seemed all so confident.

Hadif fought and was kicked in the face the moment the match began. Although abit demoralized but Hadif did not give-up and continued although he was in tears and pain.

Mohd Ammar Sofyan took his position and was very high spirited but when he was kicked hard, Ammar could not regained his composure at his opponent's advantage. Ammar too lost the fight.

Aaraf and his friends watched others fighting. 

The second team to fight then called in to standby......... 
There were ushered into the stadium..

Mohamad Rizal Izwan (Picture below) too fought hard...

and finally, its the next team........ and Aaraf too!!! The team began warming up......

Zia Ikhwan was the first to be called. Ikhwan fought well against his opponent.....

IKHWAN won the first fight.................

Then its Adam Khairiel ...

Aaraf was called to be on Stand-by and queue for his turn.

Putra, Aaraf's opponent was seated beside Aaraf.  Putra, 11 years old from rawang has a strong athletic build with good strong bdy frame and composure.

Putra was friendly...... he spoke and and made friend with Aaraf but Aaraf was too shy  and did not speak much except for a few words.

Both Aaraf and Putra went to the fighting court when they were signaled. Nawal, Anita, Ikhwan and I were worried... Putra looked too strong for Aaraf.

Aaraf & Putra bow and the competition began.

Putra was very good. The moment the match started, he attacked and Aaraf was stunned at how fast he was. Aaraf could only be on defensive mode but lost his guarding block when Putra endlessly attacked him.

Aaraf was too stunned and lost control of himself especially in having his guarding block.... Nawal was screaming GUARDING BLOCK AARAF... GUARDING BLOCK!!!

 Aaraf was badly kicked... Aaraf's friend Ikhwan was getting agitated and I overheard him saying........ We cant let this happen..... lets go down and beat -up that guy!!! Although that intention cannot be condone, but it was heart-felt to hear Ikhwan being so concern on Aaraf.

Although Aaraf was badly kicked and beaten, the fighting spirit was in him. Aaraf tried to attack and returned those many blow.........

but Putra being many years older and more experience was too fast and retaliated with more blow. Aaraf's freinds screamed AARAF.. AARAF..... AARAF......AARAF........ !!

But Aaraf did not give -up.  I repeated to Aaraf many times... it is not about winning... what is more important is to NEVER GIVE-UP...

Aaraf was badly shaken, in pain and in tears......... but Daddy is very proud that he stayed, fought and gave his best effort. Mummy's heart was broken to see her baby beaten.

Aaraf had blue-black bruises along his waistline and legs but Aaraf is very determine to train harder and especially in losing weight. The lesson to learn when it comes to fighting....... is to always train and train harder and harder.

Aaraf opponent, PUTRA went on to fight and won SILVER!!! and first runner-up.

Ikhwan and Adam Khairel from our team from DDF Taekwando Academy, won Bronze.


Everybody gave in their best effort. Zia Ikhwan & Adam Khairel, we are proud of you........ Next time bring back a Gold..

As promise, I will bring everybody out for lunch or dinner....... anywhere at the children's choice.


12 APRIL 2010. It was the first time in my 7 month of Bootcamp'ing that our conventional warm-up was changed. Instead of the routine warm up, we jogged around the car park instead. The Delta jogged four rounds, the Seals 3 rounds and the rangers only 1 round. Those that completed the jog-warm-up first will wait for others on Squat hold position.

Sarge Simran was the lead instructor (of course its him!) assisted by Lans Corporal Anthony. Our too many Grunts for AWOLs punishment were discounted and we only had 20 Grunts. 20 Grunts only?? We were all smiling until Sarge Simran asked to add another 10 extra Grunts for not counting outloud (purposely?)!!! so we did a total of 30 Grunts which was more of a hot-up instead of warming up.

After the 'hot-up', we went running off-field.... to Tugu Hills.. or the national monument, a sculpture to commemorates those killed in Malaysia's struggle for freedom principally against the Japanese during the World War 2.

As we run up the Tugu Hills, we reached a smaller field where we were divided into two teams. Each recruit from team 1 was pair with another recruit from team 2. I was paired with Chelsea.

I was in Team 1 and team 1 had to run 30 meters downhill and sprint back up, tap team 2 on the shoulder and relay the runs. While team 1 was running, Team 2 had to perform three types of exercises namely, the Military Push-up, Frogs and Grunts @ 12 repetitions each exercise for Delta, 10 for Seals and 8 repetitions for Rangers.

The team performing the exercise, must quickly performed the three exercises before the team mate whom was running returned. However, if they completed the three exercises before the running-mate returns, they must repeat the first exercises again until the running-mate is back.

I do not mind the push up but I hate the Frogs and Grunts........ I slowly jog downhill and wanted to take my own sweet time uphill until Lans Corporal Anthony suddenly screamed beside me........... RUN ARMIN RUN... LETS RACE!!!!!!! Eeeek... suddenly I saw myself racing with LC Anthony uphill!!! I ran as if I was chased by the Japanese army during the WW2 and arrived faster than planned. Chelsea relayed the run as I started the military push-up........ after the frog, I stopped and was hopeful for Chelsea to return to avoid the Grunts but when she was no where near, I was forced to do the Grunts.... Siigh.

After 4 sets of running and the 3-exercise circuit, we stopped for 10 minutes to perform the... err 'Pulling calves sit-up'??? (i cant remember the name). This was performed on a sit-up position but with both leg curled up at the knee and the partner held the two legs by the calves. As the shoulder were lifted from the ground with both hand behind the head and the elbow infront, we had to pull both leg to touch the elbow. The partner will pull and tried to straightened the legs away from touching the elbow. This was repeated and alternated for a few sets of10 repetitions each.

I luuurve this new stomach exercise!!! I can feel the burn shaping the hidden 6-pack abs but as I was enjoying the abs exercise, Sarge Simran screamed for 2nd round of running relay.

The exercises prepared for the second round was a Killer!! When Team 1 runs, Team 2 had to performed the King Kong Push up, Mountain Climbers and Trusters......  and ceteris paribus. I dont like the Grunts but I hate the mountain climbers more!! My body was excessively pumping out andrenaline... I was hallucinating...... Imagining war and battle, I did the push up, mountain climbers, truster and ran as if it was life threatening.. a matter of life and death but realize it was just an imagination when I saw the sweat was actually sweat instead of blood from the battle shot (stupid but it was really adrenaline pumping coupled by the ungodly early hour).

I was panting breathlessly till the end.....  We jogged back to Padang merbuk and had our warm-down session. The Tugu Negara should also commemorate our effort to stay healthy, fit and lean.....


Other OBC References:
APRIL OBC 2010: APR 1/12, APR 2/12APR 3/12, APR 4/12, APR 5/12, APR 6/12
MARCH OBC 2010: MAC 1/12 (WIP), MAC 2/12MAC 3/12, MAC 4/12, MAC 5/12MAC 6/12MAC 7/12MAC 8/12MAC 9/12MAC 10/12MAC 11/12MAC 12/12.


9 APRIL 2010, Today was one of the few rare occasions that Sarge Simran was absent from the Bootcamp. It felt weird everytime Sarge Simran went on leave, MC, AWOL..... but we were in good hand with Corporal Faizal Ariff & Lans Corporal Hafiz Omar.

There were 13 AWOLS but the handphone that recorded those absent with permission also went AWOL and the platoon escaped without any AWOL punishment. Damn.. there goes our few extra calories burn..... BUT I RECOGNISED 2 ACER who went missing!!! Lizza Abdul Rahim and Farrah Ibrahim!!! Maybe we will have some good entertainment soon.

The Platoon was divided into two.. team Alpha and team Bravo with an equivalent mixture of Delta, Seals and Rangers. both team must compete with each other!!!


Both team were required to make a circle by holding each other's hand. There were 18 recruits per team in two big circles. The race began with the first recruit sprinting to his right around everybody in one complete circle and back to his starting position  before tapping the shoulder of the next recruit. The recruit then ran and tapped the shoulder of the next recruit on his right after complete the circle and so forth.

When the first person began running, every other recruit must performed an endless repetition of Kingkong Push-up non-stop until all the 18 recruits in the circle had race and completed their circle.

After a complete full-circle-sprint of all 18 recruits, the exercise was change as follows:

1) king kong push-up,
2) squat hold
3) hindu squat
4) planks
5) trusters
6) sit up
7) jack knife
8) mountain climbers

We won some of the races but when we saw the other team enjoying their extra grunts and calories burn, we got jealous and slowed down and lost a few races (stick tongue out). Our team members were great... everybody screamed and shouted for everyone to give their best effort. We were even singing but we could not hear any voices from the other group. They were so silent and quiet... even Chun SSJ and Shobha DBK!!  Weird but not surprising... they probably blew their heart out being sooo kiasu to win.

After the warm-down, I read my polar and saw 620 calories burn. Thusfar in April, I managed to maintain an average calories burn above 600 per session. In March, my average calories burn was only 500 ++.


Other OBC References:
APRIL OBC 2010: APR 1/12, APR 2/12APR 3/12, APR 4/12, APR 5/12
MARCH OBC 2010: MAC 1/12 (WIP), MAC 2/12MAC 3/12, MAC 4/12, MAC 5/12MAC 6/12MAC 7/12MAC 8/12MAC 9/12MAC 10/12MAC 11/12MAC 12/12.

OBC- APR 5/12: THE CAGE!!!

7 APRIL 2010. The session on Monday was good. I was counting down for today's fifth session for a killer workout. We arrived for the session to see the CAGE!!! We first heard of the Cage when we first met Chief James & Gunny Emily on the third April session 2 April 2010.

We whispered amongst us wondering how the the workout will be with the cage... a torture akin of pain and pleasure with bondage crossed someOne's mind. There was only sounds of whispers from the normal chatting noises.. Everybody was excited and anxious...

The cage was part of the three circuit prepared for the day and Lans Corporal Danial was the torturer in charge assisting the lead instructor Sarge Simran and Corporal Faizal Ariff Abdullah.

The platoon was divided into three group with a mixture of Delta, Seal and Rangers. My group was the first to be selected for the Cage!!! Somehow, the cage was calling my name... Eeek!!!

The Cage was designed by Chief James Brabon with a few ironbars that was easy installed and detachable. It is square in shape with two straps at each side. The Cage is a multi-purpose workout circuit that has a few dozen exercises depending on the various level of difficulties.

2 recruits were placed at each strap. While one recruit was 'cage & strapped', the other recruit performed a cage-less exercise. The recruit @ Cage held the strap with both arm and both feet on the ground but slanting 45 degree with the chest facing upwards. Using the arm and back muscle, we were required to pull our body up contacting our back muscle while the cage-less recruit performed squat on 5 sets of Tabata (20 seconds exercise and 10 seconds break).

We alternated the Cage with the Cage-less workout and after completing 5 sets on tabata, the exercise was changed. Those recruits @ Cage were asked to lie-down flat on the ground and both leg was strapped and hung 45 degrees up.... kinky!! We were then asked to lift the buttock up contracting the glut muscle. This is repeated for 5 tabata sets while the Cage-less recruit did the military push-up.

The Cage was exciting but it was not as hard and painful as imagined... in fact it was quite easy. Maybe we were expecting something more masochist.

We then moved on to Corporal Faizal Ariff whom corrected and guided us through a proper form of doing GRUNTS, THRUSTER AND FROGS.... the three killer workout!! This was useful because I too noticed almost all recruits performed these exercises wrongly... that may lead to various injuries. On Tabata, we slowly performed those exercises while Corporal Faizal Ariff went from one recruit to another to check their form and techniques.

We then moved on to the last circuit with Sarge Simran...... The running circuit!!! All recruits began with a 200 meter sprint from starting position. Those that arrived first...... the non-other-than Chun SSSJ as always, was then placed furthest away  from the starting position and those slowest were placed furthest infront from the starting position. Meaning, the second round of running, Chun SSJ will be running more than 200 meters and those slower runs less than 200 meters.

The objective was for everyone whether slow or fast, to out-pace and race each other to cross the finishing line first according to their speed. We ran faster when suddenly a few stray dogs decided to race with us too. Our session ended after 5 rounds of sprinting.

It was a kick-ass circuit. After the warm-down, Chun SSJ, Nawal Aini Zulkifli, Shobha Bala and I decided to go for a recovery run around Padang Merbuk. We jog and jog before suddenly the stupid dogs barked and chased us again..... Shocked at the loud bark, I jumped away and scratched Chun's hand.... Dont ask me why.. it was a sudden reaction....... Chun mumbles and nag at me the whole jog back to our car park.

The AWOLs Dinesh, Anita, Ashima and Sandy........ you missed a helluva training today!!! You didnt just missed the Cage but also the Dogs...


p/s Sarge... When is the next Cage-workout??

Other OBC References:
APRIL OBC 2010: APR 1/12, APR 2/12APR 3/12, APR 4/12
MARCH OBC 2010: MAC 1/12 (WIP), MAC 2/12MAC 3/12, MAC 4/12, MAC 5/12MAC 6/12MAC 7/12MAC 8/12MAC 9/12MAC 10/12MAC 11/12MAC 12/12.
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