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MONDAY, 5 APRIL 2010. KL Alpha welcomes back Senior Sarge Rob Coad from Australia whom arrived in Malaysia on Saturday for a short 4 days visit. Rob last instructed at KL Alpha on 2 December 2009, the only training I've had with Rob since I joined the Bootcamp 7 months ago.

Most of us whom were there in December 2009, remembered the Dancing in the Rain session.. That was the only session with Rob and the only session we had in the rain reiterating the Bootcamp's commitment to train whether Rain, Hail or Shine.

The normal access via parliament was closed for some road works and we had to re-route through Bank Negara Inang Kijai to head for Padang Merbuk. We arrived at 5:38am and I quickly scan through the crowded recruits for Senior Sarge Rob but there was no sign of him.... Maybe Rob had forgotten his promise to me on Facebook!!

Just as Sarge Simran made a role call, Rob appeared out of no where in a very serious look. Sarge Simran is our best instructor and with Senior Sarge Rob in the house.... we can expect nothing less from the session but the best of the best.

Senior Sarge Rob took us for the warm-up and in his deep Aussie accent, he scream.....  Knais Op... change!!.... Hails tu bak... change!! .. which actually means knees up, change... heels to butt, change..... etc......... Everybody was silent without any words spoken, no moans and no sigh... either they were too scared of Senior Sarge Rob or they were trying to make sense out of the deep accent.

Whilst we did the warm-up, Sarge Sim checked for AWOLs..... there were 4 AWOLs.. Dinesh Nagalingam, Anita, Ashimah Thomas and Rachel Oleans..... and 2 LATE-COMERS, Vivien Luyen Ow and Nik Ima.

We had 2 sets of 30 seconds Squat pulses and 40 Grunts!!!! Squat pulses with Senior Sarge Rob must be above perfect. 20 seconds were added on the Squat Pulses when some recruits could not hold or performed the Squat Pulses perfectly.

The platoon was then divided into their respective rank and the Seals went with Sarge Simran & Lans Corporal Elin Klemetsen Fossum, the Delta started with SS Rob and he Rangers with Corporal Faizal Ariff Abdullah.

Sarge Simran re-introduced us to the ROPE-BATTLING Circuit because we had to literally battle with the rope!! We last had the BOOM SHAKE SHAKE THE ROPE in January this year.. click HERE but I have to admit, I have a love/hate chemistry with the rope.

There were two ropes that criss-crossed in the middle with 2 rope-end per side. The Seals were divided with 4 recruits per pair of rope and there are 4 ropes in total. One recruit at one end of the rope and the other was at the other end. The two other recruits stood behind each seal-with-the-rope.

The first Circuit requires those on the rope to hold the rope with both hand (see Chief James in picture).. and create a tsunami wave with the rope for 30 seconds. The recruits behind those holding the rope were required to do a military push-up. Those recruits on rope and the military push-up took turn with the rope.

The movement with the rope was change to scissor-motion for the second circuit performed to create a side wave when both hand were moved outwards and inwards criss-crossing at the chest level. The arm and chest were burning and almost felt numb. The 'back' recruits, performed a deep squat for 30 seconds before the their turn on the rope. After two sets, the legs were trembling and the arm felt paralyzed.

The third circuit was a killer..... with a burning arm & chest muscle and trembling legs, we now had to create a BLACK-HOLE. The left hand moved on circular clock-wise motion and the right hand on an anti clock-wise circular motion, we had to create two circles ala black-hole... We start seeing all 'black' with stars before the end of the 30 seconds and persevered further when we alternate it with a set of Mountain Climber.

Feeling half dead with Sarge Simran, we went to SENIOR SARGE ROB..... Eeeek..!! Forgot to save some energy for Senior Sarge Rob!!

Senior Sarge Rob made us run 150meter to the end of the field and back to the starting position and while listening to his next instruction, we were not allowed to breath but instead we had to spot-jogging with knee high.

The next circuit was GRUNT JUMP!!!! Grunt jump!!!! It was scarier than it sounded. Grunt was already heart-throbbing.. Grunt-jump was indescribable.... Grunt-jumping performed similar to Grunts but instead of jumping upwards, we had to jump forward. We grunt-jumping for 50 meter and jog back to starting position.

Now we are 90% dead... we formed a line, shoulder to shoulder on a military push-up position. There were approximately twenty 5kg sandbags  on the left of the last recruit. On a stationary push-up position, the right hand must pick-up one sandbag at a time and pass it to the next person on the right and the next person on the right using only the right hand passed the sandbag to the next person and so forth until all the Sandbags were transfered to the other end.

on a push-up position, only one hand was allowed to pick up the sandbag from the next recruit to be passed on to the right recruit.

All the sandbags were then transferred one by one using the left hand passing from one recruit to the other until all the sandbags are back with the last recruit.

We then change position to the military sit-up position but with the leg raised and only the ass was on the ground. The shoulder, back and leg were raised... ala a V-shape. In the V-shape position and contracting the abs muscle, we were asked to transfer all the twenty sandbags one by one from the far left to the last person on the right and back to the left. Time on the V-shape was added when someOne dropped their legs on the ground.

Almost dead with only the 6-pack secretly smiling behind the thin layer of fat, we went to Corporal Faizal Ariff Abdullah. Corporal Faizal aka Corporal TABATA... being famous for the TABATA. We had to do 8 sets of 20 seconds push-up, 10 seconds break and so forth until the end of the session.

The upper body was burning, the chest is now a firm cup C, the 6-pack is smiling from ear to ear and we are totally dead!! I burned a total 660 calories. The highest calories burn since February. My calories burn averages only 500 plus plus in march... I lurrve the session today!!! I did not just burn alot of calories but my muscle still twitches from being overworked.

We gathered at the car park after the session and Senior Sarge Rob came and spoke to us. Very rarely our local OBC instructors approached us after before or after our sessions, unless we approached them first. Senior Sarge Rob akin was a monster being firm and stern while training us but is actually very friendly when he is not training or instructing. We joke, laughed and thank him for instructing us today..

Snr Sarge Rob thank us for welcoming him back to KL Alpha. He remembered our names although we have only met him once. The surrounding was not as dark anymore at 7am.. Snr Sarge Rob had lost a lot of weight since we last saw him last year being leaner, thinner and muscular. Snr Sarge was bulkier and bigger the last time we met him. This had inspired us more to lose those unwanted 'belly' and 'spare-parts'..

Maybe we'll surprise Snr Sarge by being leaner and with better physiques on his next visit.... DOC MALEK AZIZ...... WE HAVE TO ACE THE SPARTAN!!!!!


P/s- I brought my camera to pose with Snr Sarge Rob.. and the down right stinking shit happened to me.. we forgot to camwhore...!!! We also forgot to pose with Chief James Brabon and Gunny Emily!!! ...okay ok.. 20 grunts?

Other OBC References:
APRIL OBC 2010: APR 1/12, APR 2/12, APR 3/12
MARCH OBC 2010: MAC 1/12 (WIP), MAC 2/12, MAC 3/12, MAC 4/12, MAC 5/12, MAC 6/12, MAC 7/12, MAC 8/12, MAC 9/12, MAC 10/12, MAC 11/12, MAC 12/12.



Friday, 3 April 2010 and its the third Bootcamp session. Sarge Simran was back after being absent on the 2nd Bootcamp session and was assisted by Corporal Elin Klemetsen Fossum and Corporal Faizal Ariff Abdullah. We had 4 AWOLSs and One late comers and a good 5 sets of 30 seconds squat pulses as penalty for the AWOL & Late-Comers after the warming up session.

Sarge Simran announced the placement of all recruits according to their ranking and the new faces in Delta are Amy Ho, Rienna Choo........... (Others...TBA- To Be Advice)

The new faces in Seals are Dr Malek Aziz whom qualified as a Delta but was placed in Seal due to his back and knee injury, Shobha Bala DBK, FFKQ was placed in Seal maybe due to her FFK'ing many benchmark assessment in the past as well as her knee problem. Aisan Lim too was downgraded to Seal due to her 'burn-out' from all the endless running events that she had been participating. (for details of the benchmark assessment timing: click HERE)

We took our water bottles and went to the field and saw 10 stations marked by orange cones with a distance of 5 meters (16 feet) from one orange cone to another. There was also a yellow cone, 5 meters further from and 5 meters to the right-side of the last orange cone. Another yellow cone was placed 5 meters on the right of the first yellow cone.

At 6 recruits per station and the Deltas on the first three stations, followed by the Seals and Rangers. Everybody had to perform 2 sets of TABATA before a sprint from their stations to the last yellow cones and back to the first yellow cone to fill up the station on a 'first-come-first-station' basis.

The TABATA exercises or 30 seconds exercise, 10 second break and 30 seconds exercise then sprint...... are as per the followings. The RULE at all time, was to sprint fastest bypassing every other recruit to fill up the station on a First-Cum-First-Station basis.

First, the Military push-up... which I managed to perform 20 repetition in the first 30 seconds, took a 10 second break and another 30 seconds push-up which I managed to only perform 15 then we sprint to the last yellow cone to the first yellow cone and happily went back to the 6 stations....... to have a complete distance from starting point and ended at the same station (but this was against the rule... but i reckon no one would notice).

Steady!!! Screamed Sarge Simran!! I thought I was busted.... "6 recruits per station!!", screamed Sarge Simran again!! Phewww.. it wasn't me, I thought to myself. the 6 per station was a mess, everybody was everywhere..... and we had to do squat pulses as penalty.

Second workout was the Deep Squat. I could only manage 12 good-deep-squat repetitions within the first set of 30 seconds and 10 repetition on the second set. We then sprint from the station, to the last yellow back to the first yellow cone and to the........... 6th yellow cone again.

Third, was the Shoulder push-up which I targeted and managed to get a good form of10 repetitions for both sets within the 30 seconds. Then I sprinted back to station 6 but walked over to the last 10 station to worked out with Dinesh Nagalingam.

Fourth was the FROG. My heart almost explode trying to do 10 repetitions of Frog within the 30 seconds, I screamed Come On Dinesh...... we can do this!! Come On..... but actually I was trying to convince myself! We Sprinted again..... and I went back to the 6th station.

Fifth was Grunts!!! this was a Tsunami heart beat attacked!! Strenuous beyond word but I persevered with only 7 repetitions for both sets within the 30 seconds and we sprint away again.......... back to the 6th station. Corporal Elin called out Armin second station!! but I quietly walked to the 6th station. Ssshh...

Sixth exercises was my most hated.... The MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS..... This is actually one of the best exercise for the core muscle, abs and overall fitness but I just do not have that chemistry. It was a Heart-Quake moment!! but manage to complete 10 not-so-good-form repetition for both set.... and we SPRINT AWAY......... again.... back to the 6th station although Corporal Elin Klemetsum Fossum called out Armin Armin... fill up the first station.

Just as I thought I could get away with it... Sarge Simran cried out again STEADY!!! ....FIRST COME, FIRST STATION BASIS!!! screamed Sarge Simran again. 20 Grunts for disobeying instruction!!! Eeek... I hope nobody notice that it was me!!

Feeling abit guilty but looking at the bright side (we get extra calories-burn), I did a 10 perfect grunts.

Seven exercise was the PLANK....... my favorite!!! this is a very important workout for the Core muscle. 30 seconds was easy teesy. We ran again.........

Eight exercise was the Elbow to Hand...... performed on a push-up position on the toe. Drop one hand unto the elbow on the ground and the other elbow and raise back up on the hand one by one.. repeated for two sets of 30 seconds and 10 second break.

Our session ended with a warm-down... While warming down, we saw Australian in BLACK OBC Tshirt. We are in Grey T'shirt, our instructors are in red t'shirt but black???? I WANT A BLACK OBC T'SHIRT TOO!!!!!

Then I saw wording on the back of the T'shirt that read......... "MASTER TORTURE!!!"... eh.. I mean "MASTER TRAINER".

JAMES BRABON is the MANAGING DIRECTOR cum GLOBAL MASTER TRAINER for the Original Bootcamp International. His main responsibility is to train all the instructors at the Original Bootcamp worldwide... He is the man behind the endless circuit training and workout planning that we had but I forgot to snapped his picture in the OBC Black Tee...

A quick whisper with James... We were informed to expect the CAGE!!! a new kick-@ass workout especially for the recruit!!

Maybe he is also in Malaysia to plan for the INTERNATIONAL PLATOON VS PLATOON???? or maybe planning the much talk about the HELL'S WEEK!!

Will get more information soon. Senior Sarge Rob Coad will be training the KL Alpha on Monday.. This is one session that we all should NOT MISS!!! I've only met Rob once thusfar in my 7 months at the Bootcamp (click here for the last session we had with Senior Sarge Rob)

Until then................. Stay Tune...


Other OBC References:
APRIL OBC 2010: APR 1/12, APR 2/12,
MARCH OBC 2010: MAC 1/12 (WIP), MAC 2/12, MAC 3/12, MAC 4/12, MAC 5/12, MAC 6/12, MAC 7/12, MAC 8/12, MAC 9/12, MAC 10/12, MAC 11/12, MAC 12/12.



I was deeply concentrating on my report for the Proton Edar Dealers Association Malaysia Annual General Meeting scheduled on the 10 April 2010 when I received a call from Rueben, said to be the legal advisor for the Original Bootcamp Malaysia.

Ruben introduced himself as the legal advisor for the OBC which I mistakenly heard as OCBC... "OCBC???", I asked, being abit confused. "I am calling from the OBC.. the Bootcamp on behalf of Selva Kumar", said Ruben. "The Australia's OBC team are coming to Kuala Lumpur and part of their agenda was to view the injuries suffered by recruits at the Bootcamp and your name was amongst the 4 selected, that the instructors deemed as critical", explained Ruben... (WHAT??? ridiculous!!.. I whispered to myself!??)

"Selva Kumar, Sarge Simran, Senior Sarge Rob Coad and other instructors  had anonymously decided to recommend the four (including you) to take a few months off from the OBC training as the OBC could not take the risk of having any injured recruits at the Bootcamp. The OBC is not designed to handle any injuries and we are very concern with your condition." added Rueben further.

"I replied by saying, three quarter of those at the bootcamp does have some form injuries and if you are restricting injured recruits from participating, you will lost three quarter of your customer", I said to Ruben. Ruben said, "the level of injuries of others are tolerable but the instructors deemed the four recruits (which OBC could not name those recruits) are critical and advice against pursuing with the training. In fact, the OBC will give a full refund".

"Well Ruben, thank you for your concern and I appreciate your advice and I am grateful for your recommendation but I am pursuing with the training at the OBC", I said to Ruben abit annoyed (now thinking of getting a lawyer to sue OBC for discrimination or prejudism if they insist that I stopped my training @ the Bootcamp). Well Armin, at this moment, the decision has been made and on your next session on Monday, Sarge Simran and Senior Sarge Rob will have a word with you to stay away from the OBC training. (now thinking quietly.... Yaa, we shall see if you can get injunction to restrict me from training.. WTF)

"Ruben, I am really grateful for your concern but I am still pursuing. If you are concern of any legal implication, I will signed an indemnity letter and a disclaimer to release you of any claims that may resulted from my injuries". (Now I need to get all documentation done in case we need to go to court.. got to build a case)

Yes Armin, I understand but the injuries may effect the training time of others at the bootcamp so I am giving you an advance notice. You will receive a call from others and Sarge Simran will have a word with you.

You can ask anybody to call or see me but I am still pursuing with the training Ruben. (I hope this goes to court, then I will have a good story for my blog, *thinking and smiling*)

We both hang-up the phone and I continue doing my work........ until a moment later, I receive an SMS to look at SHOBHA's facebook status update that read............

Armin Baniaz Pahamin: YOU'RE APRIL'S BIGGEST FOOL!!! LMAO!!! 'Rueben' aka Vinod Kumar got you good, huh? Arent you relieved you can bootcamp all you want? ;) ;-) ;-) hahahahahahhahaa... GOTCHA!!

APRIL FOOL??!! Goddamn... this must have been the biggest prank I have had all my life...... (I laughed like an idiot.. alone!!! so much for going to court, stupid injunction, prejudism, discrimination?).

It turned out... Still is a good story to blog........ You did got me good VINOD KUMAR & SHOBHA BALA......... you just wait...!! :-p

Hmm... anybody else got FOOL-ed???




1 April 2010. Sarge Simran is on Medical Leave.. maybe Annual Leave.... or maybe Emergency Leave.... maybe FFK on today's second session. Along with Sarge, there were 18 others who went AWOL..... and many more absent perhaps with notification. Amongst the many... I am pleased to crown the new FFK-Queen for the year... as Shobha Bala!! Absent for the whole month in March for some unacceptable reason and the whole of April OBC thusfar.. okay ok.. although only 2 sessions but trust me this FFK Queen will be absent in more sessions to come. Along with Shobha, there are 18 other AWOLS.. from my calculation but Corporal Faizal Ariff Abdullah punished us (with pleasure) a punishment for 10 AWOLS.

With Corporal Faizal in the house as the chief... it is expected!! A long warm-up session.. almost 10 minutes! then 5 set of 30 second squat pulses and 50 Grunts.. for the AWOL and NO DISCOUNT!! Corporal Faizal Ariff was assisted by Corporal Elin Klemetsen Fossum and Lans Corporal Hafiz Omar. Lans Corporal Sarah Stone and Lans Corporal Anthony close rank to be in grey T'shirt and trained with us... and ended up doing 50 Grunts!! kikikiiii

After the long winded warm-up, and the heart-breaking 50 Grunts, we were divided into our last month rank Delta, Seal and ranger. The new ranking base on Monday's benchmark assessment is still unknown.. probably with Sarge Simran whom was MIA today.

It was raining the whole night but the rain stopped as we were about to start out session. The field was flooded and muddy... almost ankle deep at certain point. We took position in three row separated by different cones. the first row was the Delta, second row the Seal and the last row was for the ranger. I chased Nawal Aini Zulkifli, Kenix Lim and Vivien Luyen Ow back to Delta when they happily downgraded themselves to Seal. Me... happily at Seal with Farhanah Bamadhaj, Leesa Tan, Lisa and Sarah Stone......... I dont know how a red T shirt can be at Seal.

Today was all about TABATA. There are optional workout for those with medical restrictions (such as knee or back problem) but TIREDNESS IS NOT A MEDICAL RESTRICTIONS and the alternative is not an option!!" said Corporal Faizal. We performed Eight sets of the following exercises:

1) Deep Squat. Being at seal standing behind Nawal Aini and all the Deltas, I had the privileged of looking at the Delta's rear and the best deep squat movement was by Kenix Lim. Perfect Squat.

2) KingKong Push-up. Push-up was quite easy but the King Kong Push up was abit scary. I looked back at the Ranger and saw Dinesh Nagalingam giving his best effort without giving up. I was so motivated, I went and did the push-up with him. He did not give-up and we had a hell of a scream. While doing the KK Push Up, I heard a loud scream.. SARAH PUSH UP ON THE TOE..... followed by a whisper from Sarah.. I injured my shoulder you moron.

3) Jack Knife abs exercise. My 6-pack abs peep through the layers of fat to say hi after the 8 sets of jack knife... then it went into hiding again!!

4) Frogs... performed with both hands glued stationary on the ground, and both leg on push-up position....... jumped both legs forward until both the hands that were stationary on the ground were between those legs.

It is good to see the old members whom went FFK in March back at the Bootcamp. Welcome back Dr Malek Aziz, Kenix Lim, Leesa Tan, Suloshini Jahanath, Wai-Yee Chan.. etc etc.......

During the recent Energizer run, Bootcamp Weirdo Chun Chia Kai SSJ made a bet with Sarah Stone witness by me that if this Chiakie failed to run 21km in less than 2 hours, he has to do 40 Grunts but if he can run 21km in less than 2 hours, Sarah Stone will do the 40 grunts!!!

It turned out.. Chun missed the time by a mere 4 minutes and as a result, after the Wednesday's session........

With the 50 Grunts from the AWOL, 40 Grunts for losing the bet and 20 grunts for helping the weaker members.... Chiakie SSJ did more than 100 Grunts on Wednesday. Congratulation Chun.. You are definitely NOT HUMAN!!! but a gentlemen who kept to his word!!


See you on Friday, Until then......... Stay Tune..

Other OBC References:
MARCH OBC 2010: MAC 1/12 (WIP), MAC 2/12, MAC 3/12, MAC 4/12, MAC 5/12, MAC 6/12, MAC 7/12, MAC 8/12, MAC 9/12, MAC 10/12, MAC 11/12, MAC 12/12.


There are various talk on Sex Education to be introduced at schools. There are an equivalent number of those that objected as well as those in favour of sex education. This reminded me of a 'forward' email that was sent to me a year ago on Sex Education and how to approach sex when confronted by the underage. So I browsed through the 8,386 emails in my inbox and found it. Some of you may have received the same email but I thought it was hilarious.

Approached sex education from the best!!! learn from PHUA CHU KANG aka PCK... Click here if you dont know or never heard of him. I hope after this, everybody are clear what SEX is about...

Chu Kang ( PCK ) explaining sex to Chu Beng's son, Aloysius .........

Aloy : Why is making love so enjoyable ? 

PCK : Aiyah, ah boy, enjolable becaws, same like when you dig your nose with your finger mah !

Aloy : Do you think women enjoy sex more than men ? 

PCK : Of course woman lah ! When you dig dig your nose, your nose feel better than your finger, right ?

Aloy : Why do women hate it when they get raped ?

PCK : Ai-yah ! Say, you walk along the load (road), den someone come over and dig your nose, you like or not ? Ehhh ? Don't pray pray ah ! 

Aloy : Why is it a woman cannot have sex when she is having her menses? 

PCK : Oy !! If your nose bleeding, you still go and dig meh?? Siow ah ! Use your blain (brain), use your blainnn ..........
Aloy : Why is it most men don't like wearing condoms when they are making love ?

PCK : Ehhhh, when you dig your nose ah, you like to dig with a glove on your finger or not ? Not the same shiok feeling mah. Corlight (correct) or not?

Aloy : Why is making love carried out in private ?

PCK : Ah boyyyyy, use your blain, use your blainnnnn.... you go and dig your nose in flont of your whole class izit ?? Stupid lah!!

Aloy : Wah ...... Uncle Chu Kang, you are very good. 

PCK : Aiyah ...... ," Best in Singapore , JB, some say Batam, and now, the whole world!"  
also ah!!! 



29 APRIL 2010. The first Monday is always the BENCHMARK ASSESSMENT at the OBC and today was my SIXTH ASSESSMENT having missed the first assessment in October when I joined the OBC half way through.

For details on what we do during the Benchmark Assessment (BA) see: (BA1BA2, BA2, BA3).

After a few good & dry field during the last few benchmark assessment, the field yesterday was all flooded and muddy that probably had affected our timing but it is worth noting the drastic improvement by one of our super duper Delta SANDY ROBERT.

When Sandy first joined the OBC in February 2010, her circuit timing was 9:37 and her 1 mile run was 8:52. Sandy's timing improved on the second month and she clocked 8:52 on the first circuit and 8:31 for the 1 mile run. Yesterday, even with a flooded and muddy field, Sandy broke her own record and clocked 8:26 on the first circuit and 7:30 for the 1 mile run.

Sandy Robert, aged 52 from Wales, United Kingdom had participated twice in Detroit marathons, USA, twice in London marathon and once at the Snowdonia Marathon... in total 5 full 42km marathons and her best marathon timing was 4:08:20 in Detroit, USA in 2006.

To be strong and maintain a continuous improvement, we have to be a little bit mad and crazy... like Sandy. The OBC three times a week training is only 1/3 of Sandy's full training. Sandy will swim for 20 minutes and run for another 45 minutes after OBC's Monday session. On Tuesday, Sandy's fix routine was a 45 minutes run and a 20 minutes swim. Every Wednesday after the OBC, Sandy goes to the gym in the morning for 1 hour and aquafit for another 1 hour in the evening. Thursdays are Sandy's running day. Sandy will run from Bangsar to Pudu for a total of 90 minutes and on Friday, after the OBC, Sandy continues with Aquafit for another 1 hour. Saturdays are Sandy's long distance run in preparation for the Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon.

When I grow old........ I want to be just like Sandy.

During this Benchmark Assessment too, Chun Chia Kai SSJ broke KL Alpha's best record for the circuit assessment timing that was initially held by Kenny Smith. Kenny Smith's best time was 7:59 for the circuit assessment. Chun SSJ manage to complete the circuit assessment in 7:45. Chun SSJ also hold the best record for the 1 mile run timing in January 2010 having completed in 6:51 for 1 mile run (1.6km). Chun cycle, run and swim on non-OBC days in preparation for the Athen marathon in October 2010 and the Ironman triathlon next year.

When I am younger... which I will be on every birthday, I want to be just like Chun.

Dr Malek Aziz age 58, is the most senior recruit at the OBC. Although the most senior, Dr Malek Aziz's benchmark timing also put me and others to shame. Dr Malek recorded 8:28 for his circuit timing and 9:50 for the 1 mile run. Over and above the OBC training, Dr Malek Aziz engaged a personal trainer and worked out at the gym on non-OBC days three times a week.

These three personalities have one common similarities........... they are passionate and they did not just ACE all the TRAINING at the OBC.......... but they workout on non-OBC days too.

My best timing for the circuit was in February 2010 with 8:55 but my latest timing for the circuit was 9:27. My best time for the 1 mile run was 9:03 but I did not run the 1 mile assessment during the latest assessment... Shame on me!!!! ...but I was saving my knee for the next race in April.

For more details on the timing, click here or simply click on the OBC logo at the left collumn of this blog for future reference.

Until next assessment........... Stay tune
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